* * * "During the United States' initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. ON NOVEMBER 20, 1990, LOS ANGELES TV CHANNEL 2 ANNOUNCED THAT A SEPARATE, RED, GLOWING, ROUND-SHAPED OBJECT ACCOMPANIED THE SPACE SHUTTLE ATLANTIS ON IT'S LATEST CLASSIFIED MILITARY MISSION. THAT WAS THE FIRST PUBLIC ADMISSION. "The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE SPACE PROGRAM IS A FARCE AND AN UNBELIEVABLE WASTE OF MONEY. ALTERNATIVE 3 IS A REALITY. IT IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION. "The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an 'EXPEDIENCY.' One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' It was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named 'SCIENCE REPORT,' confirming many of the allegations. "In the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' the pseudonym 'Bob Grodin' was used in place of the astronaut's identity. (The real Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins and is a part of the Kennedy assassination cover-up.) It was also stated that the astronaut 'committed suicide' in 1978. This cannot be validated by any source, and I believe that several so-called facts in the book are really disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' "THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY IS IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. THE RULING BODY IS MADE UP OF THREE COMMITTEES CONSISTING OF THIRTEEN MEMBERS EACH, AND ALL THREE TOGETHER COMPRISE THE 39 MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BODY KNOWN AS THE BILDERBERG GROUP. The most important and powerful of the three committees is the Policy Committee. (It is more than interesting to note that the United States had thirteen original colonies and that 39 delegates from these colonies signed the Constitution after it was written and adopted in the first Constitutional Convention. Do you believe that is coincidence?) Policy Committee meetings are held on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar icecap. A Soviet sub and an American sub join at an airlock and the meeting is convened. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings could not be bugged (Note: or in simple terms, the "Illuminati" operating in the highest levels of the American and Russian governments have for years been cooperating together, all the while keeping up the "illusion" of two opposing superpowers for the sake of keeping the world's population "divided" and all the more easily controlled, and probably as a method for justifying huge expenditures for military and space development. Dr. John Coleman has documented that the former "Communist Movement" in Russia and the "Eastern Establishment" of America were from their beginnings both tied-in to the highest levels of Freemasonry - Branton). "I can say that the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and the knowledge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the British TV expose with information that could be false, just as the 'Eisenhower Briefing Document,' which was released here in the United States under the contingency plan Majestic Twelve, can also be proven false. "Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. We currently have, and fly, atomic-powered antigravity-type craft in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and the REAL state of technology that we possess today, at this very moment. "There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the Earth or the Sun. The Moon has several man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface, and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravity field -- and man can walk upon its surface WITHOUT A SPACE SUIT, breathing from an oxygen bottle and undergoing decompression, the same way as any deep-sea diver! "I have the official NASA photographs. Some of them were published in the books 'WE DISCOVERED ALIEN BASES ON THE MOON' by Fred Steckling and 'SOMEONE ELSE IS ON THE MOON'. In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and personnel hostage (Note: There is evidence that the Luna Base on the Moon, the Dreamland Base in Nevada-California, and the Dulce-Archuleta Base near the four- corners are all tied-together. Other sources such as former Dulce security officer "Thomas C." stated that another "altercation" DID in fact break out in the Dulce Base while he was there, and possibly in the Nevada Base as well about the same time, although such an altercation in the tunnels beneath the Nevada Military Complex has not been 'confirmed' to us. Either these two accounts--Luna and Dulce--are based on the same incident, or more than one "altercation" took place, one between Americans and Russians in Luna, and one between Humans and Saurians in the Dulce Base. From various sources we can conclude that the trilaterally-connected Luna-Archuleta-Dreamland bases are jointly occupied by Americans-Russians-and saurian grays of different types, as well as possibly "defectors" or "sell outs" from the "Nordic-Blond-or-Aryan" societies. Although Cooper claims to have seen no documentation on the alleged 'Dulce Wars', he did claim to have read documents telling of the altercation in the joint CIA-Alien-Russian base 'Luna' - Branton). "The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact. "...When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon was confident that he could not be impeached. Majesty Twelve had a different agenda. Nixon was ordered to resign, the intelligence community rightfully concluding that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the secrets to the public eye. He refused (Note: The reader may remember in the movie "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN", the encounter with the mysterious informant who told the reporters in essence that the Watergate breakin was just the tip of the iceberg, and that the immense "conspiracy" ran through the entire power-structure of the government, including the judicial system, et al. This seems to indicate that the Watergate conspiracy did nevertheless have an adverse affect on the overall "secret government" structure - Branton). The first military coup ever to take place in the United States was carried out (Note: the Kennedy assassination could have been considered a coup in a sense, if not for the fact that it had been directed against a single man rather than an entire government cabinet - Branton). The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a Top Secret message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, 'Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt.' This message was sent a full five days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly he would resign. "I saw the message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do, AS OBVIOUSLY THE ORDER VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION, I was told: 'I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House, and then I will decide.' I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent. I have confirmation from three additional sources, all ex-military, who wrote or called to state that they saw the exact same order. These people are Randall Terpstra, ex- Navy; David Race, ex-Air Force; and Donald Campbell, ex-Navy... "During all the years that this has been happening the Congress and the American people have seemed to know instinctively that something was not right. When the Watergate scandal surfaced they jumped on the bandwagon and everyone thought that the agencies would be cleaned out. President Ford organized the Rockefeller Commission to do the job. His real purpose was to head off Congress and keep the cover-up going. Nelson Rockefeller, who headed the commission investigating the intelligence community (kind-of like giving the job of cleaning up America's drug problem to a drug dealer - Branton), was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the one who helped Eisenhower build the Majesty Twelve power structure. Rockefeller uncovered only enough to keep the hounds at bay. He threw the Congress a few bones and the cover-up rolled merrily along as always. "Later Senator Church would conduct the famous Church hearings. He also was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and he merely repeated the Rockefeller act. Again the cover-up prevailed. When the Iran-Contra affair emerged, we thought this time it had to come gushing out. Wrong again. DESPITE MOUNTAINS OF DOCUMENTS POINTING TO DRUG SMUGGLING AND OTHER HIDDEN MONSTERS, the cover-up sailed on. The Congress even seemed to go out of its way to duck the real issues. As mentioned earlier, one of the most serious facts uncovered is that North was involved in preparing a plan TO SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas attempted to probe the issue HE WAS SILENCED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. Could it be that Congress knows the whole thing and won't touch it? Are they among the select who have been picked for the Mars colony when the Earth begins to destruct, if the Earth IS going to destruct? "I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and the Council on Foreign Relations, WHICH IN TURN CONTROL AND LAUNDER THE MONEY FROM DRUGS AND OTHER INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY PROPRIETARY VENTURES; but I can give you a beginning. THE AMOUNT OF MONEY IS BEYOND ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE AND IS HIDDEN IS A VAST NETWORK OF BANKS AND HOLDING COMPANIES. You should first begin to look at the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, the Schroder Trust Company, Schroders Ltd. (London), Helbert Wagg Holdings Ltd., J. Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co. Ltd., Schroder Gerbruder and Company (Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Gengst and Company, Castle Bank and its holding companies, the Asian Development Bank, and the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding companies. "A contingency plan was formulated by Majesty Twelve to throw every one off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. IT WAS IMPLEMENTED WITH THE RELEASE BY MOORE, SHANDERA, AND FRIEDMAN OF THE PURPORTED EISENHOWER BRIEFING DOCUMENT. THE DOCUMENT IS A FRAUD, BECAUSE IT IS NUMBERED 092447, A NUMBER WHICH DOES NOT EXIST AND WILL NOT EXIST FOR QUITE A LONG TIME AT THE PRESENT RATE. Truman wrote Executive orders in the 9000 range; Eisenhower's were in the 10,000; Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket; and Reagan reached only into the 12,000s. Executive orders are numbered consecutively, no matter who occupies the White House, for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. THIS RED HERRING HAS THROWN THE ENTIRE RESEARCH COMMUNITY OFF THE TRAIL FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND HAS RESULTED IN THE WASTED EXPENDITURE OF MONEY LOOKING FOR INFORMATION WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. "...Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. IT COULD ALSO INTEND TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN AN ALIEN RACE THAT DOES NOT EXIST. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the "purported" true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and bad. Look around and pay attention. SOMEONE IS PLANNING TO MAKE THEIR PRESENCE KNOWN AND THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING YOU FOR IT. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official acknowledgements. "For many years the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, nonworking element in our society. The government then began to remove these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the '50s and '60s. "The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms (in a "dis-armed" society, the law-abiding citizens would give up their gun rights, while the "criminals" who are conditioned to not following the laws anyways would still retain their firearms. They will be "illegal" of course, but breaking the law would be nothing new to them - Branton). Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby (Note: This aspect of "hypnosis" has been used in other murders-assassinations. Contrary to popular belief, a person CAN be forced to commit an act under hypnosis that they would not normally commit in waking consciousness. For instance they could be told that so-and-so was a threat to civilization, and they would, while in the trance state, 'see' that person as the monster the hypnotists made them out to be. There is much evidence, as contained in Sirhan Sirhan's diary and elsewhere, that this alleged murderer of Robert Kennedy was being psychologically manipulated by a certain group through hypnosis, that Sirhan Sirhan was an incredibly vulnerable hypnosis victim, and that he had no memory after the event of firing on Robert Kennedy. Witnesses claimed that a "security guard" pulled a gun on Kennedy, and that at least 10 bullets were fired, two of which were later found embedded in a "pantry" doorframe and which could not have been fired by Sirhan Sirhan as his gun only held a maximum of eight bullets. This has been confirmed by Geraldo Rivera and several other TV "news magazines" that re-covered the Robert Kennedy assassination shortly following the interest generated after the release of the movie "J.F.K." - Branton). This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment. "AUTHOR'S NOTE: I HAVE FOUND THAT THESE EVENTS HAVE INDEED HAPPENED OVER THE COUNTRY. IN EVERY INSTANCE THAT I HAVE INVESTIGATED--THE INCIDENT AT THE WOMAN'S SCHOOL IN CANADA, THE SHOPPING CENTER INCIDENT IN CANADA, THE STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, MASSACRE, AND THE MURDER OF RABBI MEIR KAHANE--THE SHOOTERS WERE ALL EX-MENTAL PATIENTS OR WERE CURRENT MENTAL PATIENTS WHO WERE ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! THIS DRUG, WHEN TAKEN IN CERTAIN DOSES, INCREASES THE SEROTONIN LEVEL IN THE PATIENT, CAUSING EXTREME VIOLENCE. COUPLE THAT WITH A POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTION OR CONTROL THROUGH AN ELECTRONIC BRAIN IMPLANT OR MICROWAVE OR E.L.F. INTRUSION AND YOU GET A MASS MURDER, ENDING IN EVERY CASE WITH THE SUICIDE OF THE PERPETRATOR. EXHUME THE BODIES OF THE MURDERERS AND CHECK FOR A BRAIN IMPLANT. I THINK YOU ARE GOING TO BE SURPRISED. IN EVERY CASE THE NAME OF THE MURDERER'S DOCTOR OR MENTAL TREATMENT FACILITY HAS BEEN WITHHELD. I BELIEVE WE WILL BE ABLE TO ESTABLISH INTELLIGENCE-COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS AND/OR CONNECTIONS TO KNOWN CIA EXPERIMENTAL MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMS WHEN WE FINALLY DISCOVER WHO THESE DOCTORS OF DEATH REALLY ARE. "Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation, the media will convince the American people that a state of anarchy exists within the major cities. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in the newspapers. WHEN PUBLIC OPINION HAS BEEN WON TO THIS IDEA, THEY INTEND TO STATE THAT A TERRORIST GROUP ARMED WITH A NUCLEAR WEAPON HAS ENTERED THE UNITED STATES AND THAT THEY PLAN TO DETONATE THIS DEVICE IN ONE OF OUR CITIES. (THIS IS NOW BEING SET UP BY THE CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.) THE GOVERNMENT WILL THEN SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION AND DECLARE MARTIAL LAW. THE SECRET ALIEN ARMY OF IMPLANTED HUMANS AND ALL DISSIDENTS, WHICH TRANSLATES INTO ANYONE THEY CHOOSE, WILL BE ROUNDED UP AND PLACED IN THE ONE-MILE-SQUARE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WHICH ALREADY EXIST. Are the people whom they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make up the reported 'batch consignments' of slave labor needed by the space colonies? "The media--radio, TV, newspapers, AND COMPUTER NETWORKS-- will be nationalized and seized. ANYONE WHO RESISTS WILL BE TAKEN OR KILLED. THIS ENTIRE OPERATION WAS REHEARSED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY IN 1984 UNDER THE CODE NAME REX-84A AND IT WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH. When these events have transpired, the SECRET GOVERNMENT and/or ALIEN takeover will be complete. YOUR FREEDOM WILL NEVER BE RETURNED AND YOU WILL LIVE IN SLAVERY THE REMAINDER OF YOUR LIFE. You had better wake up and you had better do it now! "PHILIP KLASS IS AN AGENT OF THE CIA. THIS WAS STATED IN THE DOCUMENTS I SAW BETWEEN 1970 AND 1973. ONE OF HIS JOBS AS AN AVIATION EXPERT WAS TO DEBUNK EVERYTHING TO DO WITH UFOS. All military commanders were instructed to call him to gain information on how to debunk and/or explain UFO contacts and/or sightings to the public and/or the press if and when the need arose. Some people seem to love Klass. They encourage him and heap large doses of attention upon him. He is invited to speak at UFO events and is quoted in papers, books, and newspapers as being the expert on 'what really happened.' "Philip Klass is not operating in our best interest. His debunking and explanations of UFO sightings are so full of holes that a six-year-old child should be able to discern his true purpose. I have seen poor misled people actually ask Klass for his autograph, an act similar in magnitude to Elliot Ness asking Al Capone for His autograph. I have found that in many instances the secret elect are absolutely right when they state that 'people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.' (Quote from: "Silent Weapons of Quite Wars", which is according to Cooper the Illuminati's declaration of War upon the people of America, as it was formulated by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. The document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. Copies of this manual, designated 'TM-SW7905.1' by it's writers, can be obtained from the William Cooper Foundation., P.O. Box 3299., Camp Verde, CA 86322 - Branton). We get exactly what we deserve in most instances. "William Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are witting (with full knowledge, understanding, and consent) agents of the Secret Government. William Moore's reported use of a Defense Investigative Service ID card and his reported self- confession to Lee Graham that he is an agent of the government confirmed it. (Lee Graham phoned me at my home, and when asked, confirmed that MOORE HAD INDEED SHOWN HIM A DEFENSE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE ID.) Moore's later confession proved it without any doubt. "AUTHOR'S NOTE: ON JULY 1, 1989, THE NIGHT BEFORE I PRESENTED THIS PAPER TO THE 'MUFON' SYMPOSIUM IN LAS VEGAS, WILLIAM MOORE ADMITTED THAT HE WAS A GOVERNMENT AGENT, THAT HE HAD RELEASED DISINFORMATION TO RESEARCHERS, THAT HE HAD FALSIFIED DOCUMENTS, THAT HE HAD SPIED UPON RESEARCHERS AND REPORTED INFORMATION CONCERNING THOSE RESEARCHERS TO THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, THAT HE HAD HELPED IN A COUNTERINTLLIGENCE OPERATION AGAINST PAUL BENNEWITZ THAT RESULTED IN MR. BENNEWITZ'S COMMITMENT TO A MENTAL INSTITUTION, AND THAT HE HAD DONE ALL THIS WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT HE WAS DOING. HE IS EITHER A TRAITOR OR A STONE-HEARTED MANIPULATOR AT BEST. "Some of the self-appointed 'ufologists' still look up to Moore, and still cite his research in their correspondence, papers, and books. This reflects a degree of ignorance and stupidity in the UFO community. Bruce Maccabee wrote a letter to CAVEAT EMPTOR citing articles from William Moore's publication, FOCUS, as proof that I am discredited. Dream on. It is no mystery to me why mainstream America calls ufologists whackos, loonies, and nuts. In some cases they are. "Jaime Shandera is the man responsible for my loss of employment as the Executive Director of National Technical College. Shortly after going public, Shandera showed up at the college wearing a brown suit and carrying a briefcase. He ignored the receptionist's attempts to help him. She informed me that a man had walked into the college and appeared to be inspecting the building and classrooms. I found Mr. Shandera peering into the word-processing classroom. I asked him if I could be of any help. He said no and ignored me. I explained that I was the Executive Director and again asked if I could be of any help. Again he said no but gave me some very hard stares and appeared to have been taken off guard. He seemed to be extremely nervous and immediately left the building. I followed him out the door, AND A MAN ACROSS THE STREET SNAPPED MY PICTURE WITH A 35MM CAMERA. I watched as Jaime Shandera walked to his car, took one last look at me and then drove away. A few days later he repeated the act, only this time he told me that he had seen an ad that the college was for sale and he was looking over the property. I saw him again, coming out of the corporate offices. When he saw me he again became extremely nervous and hurried to his car, took off his jacket before getting in and then drove off. A few minutes late I WAS CALLED TO THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE AND TOLD THAT THE COLLEGE COULD NOT USE ANYONE WHO COULD JEOPARDIZE THE STATUS OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE BY GETTING INVOLVED IN FLYING SAUCERS. I knew what had happened and tendered my resignation effective April 15, 1989. I had no intention of stopping my activities and I did not wish to hurt the college or the students WHO DEPENDED SO MUCH ON GOVERNMENT AID PROGRAMS. All this time Shandera thought he had pulled it off anonymously, but I and several others have always known that it was he. Now YOU know. "Jaime Shandera was positively identified by me, the Security Department Head, and the receptionist. Later I obtained another positive identification from the Vice President in charge of Admissions. John Lear was at that time the only person who knew the name and address of my place of employment. I later found out by body-proportion comparison analysis and voice-print analysis that John Lear is the agent dubbed 'Condor' on the CIA- backed TV production of 'UFO Cover-up Live.' As Condor, he is in reality a government agent who has been working with Moore, Shandera, Friedman, John Grace, Bob Lazar, and others all along. They are CIA all the way (Note: John Lear did state that he had "friends" in the CIA, but whether he is fully following CIA policy or not is uncertain. In his initial "Public Statement" he attacked the CIA in one sense by accusing them of being involved with the joint government-alien underground base projects. This could, from our perspective, mean one or more of the following: 1) He initially "spilled the beans" on the underground bases only to have the CIA later place enormous pressure on him to "back out" of the UFO scene - which might be substantiated by his actual statement to the effect that he would separate himself from UFO research a couple years after his "revelations" began; 2) He was working with the CIA all along to "some extent" and was attempting to divert people's attention from the Military- Industrial "antigravity" technologies with which his father was involved, and turn their attention and focus to the "alien" technology and activity; or 3) There is to some degree a division or conflict of interest within the CIA itself, with one segment seeking further interaction with the alien-grays for self-seeking motives; while the other segment is attempting to avoid the "grays", having become aware of and fearful of the horrifying effect the alien-government interactions have had on those of their fellow "spooks" who have been "chosen" to interface with the grays - horrifying side effects which would include implantation of fellow CIA members and a "programming" of their minds towards agendas that have nothing to do with American, nor even CIA policy! Perhaps a combination of these are at work, and perhaps this would explain some of the "schizophrenic" and self- destructive activities of various segments of the CIA and other branches of the Intelligence Community. Perhaps some of Lear's contacts are using their friendship with Lear to their advantage? As for Robert or "Bob" Lazar, if he is an "agent" then this would seem inconsistent with his revelations concerning S-4, unless he was also being used to present a "cover story" for the technology existing in the southern Nevada bases. Or rather, helping to develop a belief in an "alien" race which instead of the government-Industrial complex would be cited as the source of the technology, and which might be used as an excuse to establish a one-world dictatorship. The problem with this interpretation however is that there IS MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THAT THE SAURIAN GRAYS IN ACTUAL REALITY DO EXIST, as evidenced by the UFO sightings which date back CENTURIES before the present time. Due to this possibility of conflicting interests and beliefs within the Intelligence Community itself, one can understand why some would claim that things are "way out of control". Another possibility is that Mr. Cooper is JUSTIFIABLY paranoid of several members of the UFO research community, and therefore trusts few if any of them - Branton). "Stanton Friedman has told me and others that years ago he 'helped develop a nuclear reactor to power an aircraft that was the size of a basketball, was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream' (his words, not mine). SEVERAL OTHERS HAVE WRITTEN ME TO SAY THAT THEY ALSO WERE TOLD THE SAME THING BY FRIEDMAN (Note: This could only mean one of two things. That Friedman was going around telling people this so that the recovered alien craft such as those being held at S-4 could be explained away as craft of U.S. Government construction, or that the vehicles and power units were actually of U.S. Government construction and Friedman actually did help build such a unit with or without the help of "aliens". Apparently some within the "agency" are convinced that the technology originated exclusively from the "government", or exclusively from the "aliens," while others accept that both are true - that is, the U.S. has developed sophisticated technologies WITH THE AID of interaction with an alien race. One thing is certain however: even if the U.S. government is trying to pass-off some of their own technological developments, aerospace craft, or even bio- genetically developed "beings" as being products of an alien society; based on what we've covered in these files the weight of evidence nevertheless points to a strong possibility, as confirmed by Cooper himself, that a sauroid-reptilian alien society does exist. - Branton).