Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder,D. lst Dist. Colorado, 2208 RHOB Faxed to: Veronica Levino 303-123-4567 Washington DC 20515, and: 202-123-4567 Dear Congresswoman Schroeder, I am writing to you, woman to woman, hoping you will hear my plea. For over four years now, my letters and telephone calls to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the CIA and various Congressman and Senators have all been answered with abusive vitriolic diatribes, or worse yet, my pleas have been completely ignored, like I didn't exist. The message that I have gotten is that "women", especially "wives" have no business interfering in the "Intelligence Community". In 1984, Barbara Honegger (author of October Suprise) and I began investigating the illegal activities of the CIA and other government scandals and coverups. We formed the Citizen Alert Committee and put out information worldwide on the extremely dangerous Armegeddonist beliefs held by our President Ronald Reagan. It was our belief at that time, that the president was manipulating Biblical prophecy to bring about a nuclear war in the Middle East. In 1986, when he was threatening to bomb Syria, we saw the fulfillment of our predictions. We felt if he was not stopped he would force a nuclear confrontation between the United States (with Israel as an ally) and the USSR, Libya and Syria... this is the scenario which had been taught to him by his religious rightwing advisors. We delivered our information to a childhood friend of Pope John Paul II and the Pope called President Reagan. I give you this background of my activities so that you will understand that I was not beloved by the Reagan/Bush administration or the CIA. [As a result], the last four years of my life have been a nightmare unlike any you have seen in any horror films. I am tired, I am sick and I have no one else to turn to. Please help me, I am tired of being abused and impugned by the United States Navy. I am just a woman, I should be used to being ignored by the Navy, but I can't sit back and take it any longer. My husband's Iife is at great risk, and the Navy MUST step in and do something or he will be dead very soon. Congresswoman Schroeder, I feel as if I know you. Over the years our paths have brushed each other several times. Your brother Mike Scott defended a friend of mine, Richard Brenneke. On May 12th, 1989, a series of seemingly separate events converged and changed my life forever. Barbara Honegger and I were celebrating my birthday and the debut of her book (October Suprise), when we found out that our friend Richard Brenneke -- THE major source of information for her book -- had been indicted for "knowingly making a false material declaration before the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado in the case, U. S. v. Heinrich Rupp". We also learned that Donald Gregg, George Bush's nominee for Ambassador to Korea began to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which was and is Chaired by my friend, Senator Claiborne Pell. But Donald Gregg was the career CIA operative that Richard Brenneke had implicated in the "October Surprise" scandal claiming Gregg was aboard the BAC 1-11 that Richard flew to Paris so George Bush could seal the secret deal with Iran to delay the release of the American hostages. Barbara and Richard knew that I had planned a trip to Washington D.C. in July of 1989. They also knew that whenever I was in Washington, I had dinner with Claiborne Pell. They asked me to carry a packet of information to Senator Pell which proved that Donald Gregg had committed treason by helping the Reagan campaign sabotage Jimmy Carter's reelection campaign. I never opened the packet I was given. I delivered it to Senator Pell. What he did with it afterwards, you will have to find out from him. However, Donald Gregg was passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senators Pell and Robb were the two Democrats who voted for him. On August 30 of 1989, barely six weeks after I had handcarried the Donald Gregg packet to Senator Pell, I married a man I had known since the late seventies, Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher. I had met him on numerous occasions at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey. At that time I was married to Dr. John N. Dyer, physics professor, Chairman of the Physics Department, and later Dean of Science and Engineering at NPS. It was my late husband, John, who introduced me to the Naval officer that I married in 1989. His Navy superiors had denied him permission to marry me, but we had defied orders and fled to Reno to marry. His superior, an Office of Navy Intelligence (ONI) Admiral and Director of Covert Operations for the CIA, feared that he would disclose too much to me and I would in turn tell it to Barbara Honegger and the group of investigators and reporters with whom we worked. At the time we married, Donald Gregg--the very man whose nomination as Ambassador to South Korea I had tried to derail--was the Chairman of the CIA discipline committee. I found out very quickly that you do not disobey CIA orders and go unpunished. I am certain that our punishment has been so harsh not just because of who my husband is, but because of WHO he married. Not only was I hated by the CIA and George Bush, but I had interfered in the career of the CIA discipline officer, Donald Gregg. Two days after our wedding, my new husband was arrested by the FBI at a family dinner where we were celebrating our wedding. The arresting FBI agent told me that my husband was a conman who was on a crime spree from Missouri to California, marrying and defrauding wealthy widows. I told him that I had known my husband for years and that he was a Naval officer. I was told by the FBI that he is a pathological liar with a photographic memory who can con anyone. By the time my husband was arrested, I had already learned that he was more than a Naval officer. The small Learjet in which we flew to Reno to marry was equipped with more than just a full bar. Fifteen minutes out of Reno, on our way back to Seattle, the pilot turned around to my husband and said, "Chief, our airspace has been violated, we've been ordered to arm." My husband started forward to the cabin. I held on to him and went fovard also. I could not believe my ears when I heard the co-pilot say, "Nose cannon fully armed. Missiles locked in." I saw my husband look out a window. I looked also and saw that the fuel pods on the ends of the wings had opened up and black missiles were extended out of them. The question that kept going through my head was ... "Who have I married? What Naval officer flies around in a Learjet with missiles on the wings?" "What kind of a plane is this?" I struggled to ask. I saw the pained look on my husband's face. He was faced with a choice. He could lie to me about what kind of a plane we were in and begin our marriage on a lie, or he could tell me the truth about who he was. He chose the latter. He explained that the plane in which we were flying was the "Blackbird". It had been [CIA Director] William Casey's private jet. He continued by saying that up until 1986 he had been the number three man in the CIA. I objected and told him that I had never heard of a Gunther Russbacher. I told him that I was familiar with the hierarchy of the CIA and that I'd never seen his name. He went on to explain that 80% of the CIA is covert and that the real power lies within the covert arm of the CIA.. He said that these men are never named publicly, but that I had met many of them at the Naval Postgraduate School and I thought they were Naval officers. He told me that in 1986 one of his planes had crashed in Nicaragua and he was blamed for it. I was very familiar with the crash of the C-130 SAT cargo plane in which Eugene Hasenfaus was the only survivor. It was the beginning of the Iran/Contra scandal. My husband told me that after the crash he had been thrown out of Langley [CIA headquarters] and attached to a Restricted Interagency Group (RIG) ... [because] ... Langley wanted nothing to do with him and was trying to distance themselves from him. He made it very clear that he was on the "outs" BIGTIME with the CIA. (Please see the enclosed Government Memo on the failed May 25th, 1986 trip to Teheran to rescue the hostages in Beirut. In it you will see the connection between the breaking open of the Iran/Contra scandal and the 1986 indictment of Gunther Russbacher.) He was indicted in 1986 to distance him from the CIA and destroy his credibility just in case he decided tell the truth at the hearings. The charges were never pressed. He was freed on a personal recognizance bond but the charges were left hanging over his head, just in case he got out of line. I knew all of this at the time the FBI told me that that I had married a conman. I had seen the missiles on the Learjet. I had listened to my husband's explanation of the crash in Nicaragua. Only a CIA operative or a reporter with high level access could have known the details of the Contra supply network that he ticked off without a pause or a hesitation. But even knowing these things, the FBI was so convincing in their lie that I believed them at first. I felt that I had been the victim of a conman, and I almost agreed to sign the annulment form that the kindly agent brought out to my home. He told me that he would take it up to the jail and make my husband sign it. When it was complete, he would go with me to court and testify that I had been the innocent victim of a conman. Fortunately, I knew Richard Brenneke was a CIA contract agent. After I had recovered my wits enough to think clearly, I called Richard. At first he was very hesitant to give me any information. But when Gunther told me to tell him that I had married "Karlie", I heard Richard choke back tears. He struggled with his words..."Karlie, oh my GOD... you've married Karlie." Richard was silent for a while and then spoke. "Yes, I know him." Then Richard paused a little longer. When he spoke again he began retracting the statements he had made in an emotional outburst. "MAYBE I know him. I'll make some calls and get back to you." Richard got back to me and confirmed who I had married. (I have several taped conversations of Richard and my husband talking and laughing and passing coded messages back and forth. I will enclose a letter from Richard to my husband "RUSS", and me.) On the VERY day we married in 1989, St. Charles County, Missouri, refiled the old 1986 charges and issued a warrant for his arrest. Two days later he was arrested in my small home town in California and with the exceptions of seventeen days, he has been incarcerated the entire time of our marriage. I have asked the CIA to step in and tell the truth about who he is. They ignore me. I have asked the Navy to do something to free one of their men. The legal counsel simply listens politely, but so far has done nothing. With all the publicity that my husband has had in the last four years, NEITHER the CIA or the Navy has denied him ... this should tell you something. (The FBI has denied him publicly and voraciously, but this is another story of interagency rivalry and personal animosity on the part of the FBI agents with whom he was working in the RIG.) On July 16th of 1990, after almost eleven months of incarceration, my husband agreed, to plead the Alford plea in a plea agreement. He was given four seven year sentences and released on probation. We immediately drove from St. Louis to Omaha, Nebraska arriving there at Offutt Air Force Base on July 19th, 1990. If you will check the records for this day, you will find that Offutt was getting ready for a big meeting (July 20 and 21) at which it was decided to close the Looking Glass Command. My husband and I were present at the VIP quarters for that meeting. Our room was next door to that of William Webster, the DCI [Director of Central Intelligence]. My husband introduced me to William Webster at the Officer's Club on Offutt. My husband had to attend meetings at night. I later found out that he was training in a simulator to fly a mission that would take place July 26, 1990, one day after [Ambassador] April Glaspie had her meeting with Saddam Hussein. The mission my husband was to fly was in an SR-71. I saw the plane come in and pick him up. He landed at a Naval refueling station near my home to fuel one of the four SR-71 's that was going on the mission. My mother and my niece met him there. (We have all testified to this under oath, and we weren't charged with perjury!) The destination of the top secret flight was Moscow. A treaty that had already been signed by George Bush was being taken over for Mikael Gorbachev's signature. About a week later Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. But at that time, I hardly noticed what Iraq had done because tragedy had struck me down one more time. My husband and I were told that the Navy had decided to "sanitize" him, promote him to Admiral and give him a command for two years, and then he could retire. We were ordered to Castle Air Force Base, another SAC command, for a debriefing and a promotion to Admiral ceremony. The debriefing took place. But instead of a promotion to Admiral, the same FBI agent who had arrested him a year before arrested him again -- this time for impersonating a Naval officer. The arresting agent assured my husband that they had no intention of pressing these charges. They were only doing it so that Missouri would have cause to revoke his probation and throw him in prison for 28 years. And this is exactly what has happened. In the last four years I have told my story thousands of times. But my husband is still incarcerated. On August 26th of this year the appeals Judge vacated the sentence and ordered him released. Instead, the warden wrote the prosecutor and admitted that he had no legal right to continue holding Russbacher, and if the Prosecutor didn't come get him, he would have to release Russbacher. The County Sheriff picked my husband up on September 15th, 1993. He is currently held in the St. Charles County Jail on $450,000 CASH ONLY bail. The three counts on which he is being held are all Class C and D felonies...just barely above the misdemeanor level. The combined total of the three checks is less than $6,000 ... six thousand dollars, and yet he is being held on this ridiculous bail. I contacted the CIA legal counsel, Elizabeth Rindkopf ... because I fear my husband's life is in danger, and since I know that what is happening to him was started as a CIA disciplinary action, I asked her to intercede and stop it before he died. I faxed a copy of the letter to Rindkopf to the legal Counsel of ONI, LTC Chema. My concern is for my husband's heart condition. Shortly before his sentence was vacated, the Missouri Prison System, under protest, sent him to a cardiologist who told him that he needs quadruple by-pass surgery. The St. Charles County jail had refused to give him his heart medicine until members of our network began bombarding them with phone calls. Then they took him to a hospital for a thallium stress test. The Osteopath who conducted the test scheduled Gunther for an angioplasty October 22nd. This concerned me greatly because the Osteopath did not have Gunther's complete medical file, and I felt the man would be flying by the seat of his pants as he performed a life threatening procedure on my husband's heart. I also knew that if Gunther refused the procedure, the jail could refuse his medicine until he died and then say that it was his own fault because he had declined THEIR prescribed treatment. So I went begging for help from the very monsters who have kept us apart for four years..... Ms. Schroeder, in 1984 I was Gary Hart's central California coordinator. I have been active in the same causes that you have been. I am asking you as a woman and as a friend and supporter, to please ... please look into this and help me free my husband from a cruel and probably fatal CIA disciplinary action. Gunther's real crime is called "intel activation". and I have been told that the punishment is usually death. Haven't we paid a high enough price already? You are my last hope. I am destitute and in failing health. Please examine the extensive records I am sending you and step in before it is too late and my husband is dead. The Navy is destroying another woman and the career of another officer. Please stop this torture while Gunther and I are still alive to enjoy the comfort of each other's arms once again. Thank you for your time and your deep concern. Sincerely, Rayelan Russbacher E. Rindkopf, Legal counsel CIA LTC Chema, Legal Counsel, ONI Missouri Governor Carnahan Rep. Richard Gephardt, D MO Eugene Schwendemann, Presiding Commissioner, St. Charles County Austrian President Thomas Kleistl To support her efforts to free her husband, Mrs. Russbacher sells books and audio tapes on government and CLI practices. She is also available for live seminars around the country. For further information, please contact: Mrs. Rayelan Russbacher POB 3078, Carmel CaL 93921 (408) 123-4567 EDITOR'S FOOTNOTES: I. The rivalry between these two CIA factions may be more than "friendly". Unconfirmed rumors suggest that during the Bush administration over 50 CIA agents were murdered in a secret war between the two CIA factions. 2. Captain Russbacher's fingernails were pulled out while he was a P.O.W. in S.E. Asia. As a result chemicals, detergents extended exposure to water, will cause all of his fingertips to fester with pus and infection. 3. If this chilling assertion is correct, we have a secret "CIA" that FOUR times bigger than the "known" CIA, funded by sources outside conventional government (drugs?), representing unknown special interests, and pursuing goals which may be unconstitutional. We're talking about a secret government that, except for size and sophistication, is indistinguishable from organized crime. 4. In other documents, Mrs. Russbacher claims President Harry Truman located the headquarters of the secret, covert arm of the CIA in his home state of Missouri. If so, portions of Missouri's state government may be secretly "influenced" or controlled by the CIA. If so, since St. Charles county filed the charges on Captain Russbacher, St. Charles County, Missouri, may play a very special role in the operations of the CIA. "Intel activation" refers to releasing information on a secret CIA operation that is in progress. This letter was uploaded with the express permission of the editor of the "AntiShyster", a legal reform newsletter POB 540786, Dallas, Texas, 75354-0786, in which it orginally appeared. Permission was given to A. Lerma in a phone conversation at 4:40 PM 12 Feb 1994