Date: 29 Nov 91 17:00:00 GMTSender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)Organization: FidoNet node 9:1012/3.0 -

Robert Sutton said: > Well Larry said something to the effect"I'd like to do more on this" I hope that indeed their's more on this in particular than photos claiming to show an ETOI spaceship taken by a Phobos craft 1 of which Don Ecker held up. He said he had got it at a Tucson UFO conference & the object in question was estimatedto be 25km long. > Bob, what I said was I "met" Marina Popovich there, I did not see the photo until she recieved a copy covertly from Cosmonaut Leonov later when she returned to the USSR. It is an infrared image their Phobos II craft sent back to earth just before the craft disappeared. Questions that came immediately to mind include.

> 1/Who exactly is Dr Popovich. She is retired Col. Marina Popovich, of the Red Air Force. Often touted as the Russian Chuck Yeager, who set over 100 world aviation records, wife of General Paval Popovich, the first Russian and human to rendezvous with another space craft in space. Oh, btw, those 100 world records? 90 are still standing. She brought the photo back in June on another visit here. When I broke the story back in May ( coming out in Omni ) I contacted a producer at NBC I know and the story made it to Hard Copy on about May 27th. > 2/Why was she at the Tucson conference.Speaking about UFOs in the USSR. > 3/Why hadn't these photos been widely publicised before. The Russians never released them, although they did release a photo of the objects shadow reflected off Mars. > 4/How did Popovich get hold of them. See my first answer. > 5/What she plans to do with them. See above. > 6/Who did she get them from. Center for Unmanned Space Flight > 7/Why they were available at all. They weren't. > 8/What will Don Ecker do with them. Attempt to get an impartial review of it. > 9/What Don Ecker hopes to do with them. See above. > 10/What Don Ecker hopes others will do with them. Examine them. > 11/What Don Ecker hopes will happen if nothing much else will happen to them. That after some PR the public will want to know what in the world they are or what something like this may represent. > 12/What the bods at NASA think of them. Already talked to some of them and got several horse laughs. > 13/Has anyone tried to make fakes identical to them. Not to my knowledge. > 14/WHAT THOSE ON THIS GROUP WILL DO ABOUT IT ALL......??????????? > And also whats the lowdown on this UFO Video Clearinghouse & the press > releases on the crop circles that received no replies? The UFO Clearinghouse may be reached at 714-795-3361. As to the Press Releases that UFO Magazine sent out ( AP, UPI, City News Desk, CNN, Larry King Live, Reuters, ) explaining that those two gentlemen would have been hard pressed to do approx. 1000 circles last year by themselves, especially the circles that appeared under the nose of researchers "overnight", while the fields were under observation, because for example, if the figure of a low end of 1000 circles is correct, these two old gezzers would have had to make about 11 and one half circles each night, during the growing season, over about a 3 month period. That is 11 1/2 circles EACH night for around 90 days. Does not seem possible. Don EckerDirector ResearchUFO Magazine818-951-1250-- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/