The following are excerpts from an article from the LOS ANGELES TIMES, Sept. 9, 1994 issue - Section E, front page (title:"APOCALYPSE NOW", by Roy Rivenberg, Times Staff Writer): "...Folklore scholar Ted Daniels founded MILLENNIAL PROPHECY REPORT, a newsletter that tracks predictions of the apocalypse. He says most prophecies include divine or cosmic power that wipes out evil and ushers in an era of peace. "It's Millennium Time, and Doomsday man (a.k.a.) Ted Daniels is busy sifting through predictions about the end of the world." "...'the Hollow Earth People'... believe left over NAZIS from World War II are hiding in SECRET, SUBTERRANEAN CITIES, accessible only through a passageway allegedly discovered by Antarctic explorer ADM. RICHARD BYRD. The Nazis are said to be procreating like mad in preparation for a doomsday offensive that will BE JOINED BY UFO ALLIES..." (Grays? If by any chance such claims are true, then the massive program of mind control and implantation by "aliens" may be a preparation for the coming "Holocaust II". Of course any American in his right mind would not sit back and allow their country to be invaded by a joint Nazi-Reptilian attack force such as the one described in this article, with a fascist CIA acting as a "fifth column" ready and willing to turn over the nation to the invaders. If worse comes to worse, one should be careful not to promote any OFFENSIVE plans of genocide or extermination against a human "alien" force, and thus descend to their own level. Absolute surrender of such an attacker must first be offered -- and they HAVE been attacking us in the irrelentless "Mind War" which they have waged against the nations of the earth -- and if all else fails WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO "DEFEND" THE SOVEREIGN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will be justified [at least under the Geneva Convention]. As for the serpent race itself, being that all indications point to the fact thatthey are an irretrievably reprobate race, an unnatural "cancer" which infests the "body" of the universe like parasites -- save for the "hybrids" or "hubrids" whom they use as slaves -- it should NOT be considered a moral indiscretion to wage a war of extermination or genocide against their corrupted and soulless 'race'. Since the Grays have abducted and mutilated countless humans throughout the universe, this type of destruction -- especially against a superior race or species such as the human race -- requires a capital form of punishment. And since the serpent race operates as one vast collective mind with countless "cells", it would be evident that the entire "race" must be "judged" as one entity, A SINGLE ENTITY which is in fact the worst mass-murderer in the entire universe - Branton)