There is a disturbing although very real possibility that many have lost their lives because they knew too much about the"draconian" activities taking place beneath the surface of thisplanet (and beyond). One contact of ours has informed us that a good friend of hers in Las Vegas, Nevada, had uncovered some very disturbing facts and testimonies concerning construction workers and others who had been involved in the installation of certain equipment within the tunnels beneath the Nevada Military Complex, etc., many of whom later died under bizarre circumstances. This informant, Stacy Borland, was later found dead -- along with a brother of hers -- in Las Vegas. Someone had apparently entered her place and murdered them in cold blood. We smell a rat in this case (or, should we say A SNAKE?), and in fact our contact is convinced that it was the work of an assassin, and that she was killed because she knew too much. Since these reptilian or reptilian-controlled powers of evil thrive in the darkness, then the method needed to defeat them, to destroy them and to eventually conquer them (the saurians or theserpent races, that is) would be to shine the 'light' of truth against these lairs of evil, focus that 'light' like a laser beam, and tear apart the very 'darkness' within which -- like filthy sewers -- these ancient powers thrive. And, possibly most important of all, by God's grace we must make an effort to set out to ally ourselves with those human societies hidden beyond or below the surface of this world, for they are our ancient human cousins, many of whom have fought and battled this infernal race since ancient times. As the old saying goes: "Together we stand, divided we fall..."