One of the "phenomena" which we mentioned earlier has taken place in several different parts of the world, but most prominently along the Continental Divide region of the U.S. Since the late 1960's, bizarre animal (especially cattle) mutilations have been on the increase. Numerous accounts claim that these mutilations were performed with laser-fine surgical precision with cuts so precise (down to the separation of the molecules themselves) that they could not have been accomplished by the conventionally known technology of the time. Eyes, colons, reproductive organs, etc., are very often reported as having been removed in such a manner as if part of a rehearsed process being carried out in widely scattered locations. The blood is almost always described as having been drained with no resulting vascular collapse (also impossible with the conventional technology of our society at the time). In most cases no tracks or markings in the ground have been discovered, which is another mystery that investigators for a large part have been unable to explain; but in the few cases where markings have been reported, the investigators report over and over again the existence of strange "tripod" and "crop-circle" marks in the ground, nothing else. Another strange phenomena surrounding these mutilations is the fact that predatory birds and other animals which have fed off the carcasses of the mutilated animals have often been found lying dead nearby. It is even reported that maggots refuse to touch such carcasses. Again, the reason is unknown. Just who or what is mutilating these animals? In the Vol. 5, No. 4, 1990 issue of "UFO" Magazine (pp. 16-17), Linda Moulton Howe, in her article, "THE HARVEST CONTINUES: ANIMAL MUTILATION UPDATE" made some very remarkable observations concerning the mutilators themselves. She wrote: "In 1989, there were so many cattle mutilations in southern Idaho that Bear Lake County Sheriff Brent Bunn told me: 'We haven't seen anything like this since the 1970's.' Sheriff Bunn sent me 16 neatly-typed 'Investigation Reports' about cattle mutilations that had taken place in his county between May and December. Over half occurred in a remote valley called Nounan. Only eighty people lived there. Ranching is their main income source, and cattle are precious. Disease and predators are old and well-understood enemies. What descended on Nounan, Idaho in the summer and fall of 1989 was not understood--and it scared people. "'Bloodless cuts--that's what bothers people,' officer Greg Athay wrote in his mutilation report, 'There were no visible signs of the cause of death. It appeared that only the soft tissues (nose, lips and tongue) were gone off the head and four nipples off the bag. Again there was no blood on the hair and ground.'" Howe described another incident which took place in this region during the same time-period. This series of mutilations involved mostly cattle, over half of which were young calves: "...One mutilated calf, found December 24 (1989), north of Downey, Idaho, was found lying on its back with the naval, rectum and genitals neatly cut out of the steer's white belly. No blood was found anywhere. The steer was taken for an autopsy to Dr. Chris Oats, D.V.M., at the Hawthorne Animal Hospital. Dr. Oats checked all the vital organs and was unable to determine the cause of death. During the autopsy, a sharp cut was found in the right chest area, and Dr. Oats also discovered that a main artery had been severed under the chest wound. "She was surprised that 'the steer had lost a large amount of blood, but (she) could not understand where it went to.' There was no blood on the steer or on the ground. Dr. Oats also determined that the steer had not been dragged by the neck or tied up around the feet." Linda Howe also confirmed the fact that strange aerial disks have often been reported in connection with the mutilations: "...Throughout the history of the animal mutilations, since 1967, there have been numerous eyewitness accounts of large, glowing disks or 'silent helicopters' over pastures where dead animals were later found. One Waco, Texas rancher said he encountered two four-foot tall, light green-colored 'creatures' with large, black, slanted eyes, carrying a calf which was later found dead and mutilated. In 1983, a Missouri couple watched through binoculars as two small beings in tight-fitting silver suits worked on a cow in a nearby pasture. The alien heads were large and white in color. Nearby, a tall, green-skinned 'lizard man' stood glaring with eyes slit by vertical pupils like a crocodiles..." As we have indicated, the larger saurian 'lizard-like' creatures HAVE been described in rare UFO occurrences, but more often in subterranean or underground encounters. This strongly suggests that the "saurians" in fact DID NOT become "extinct" but instead developed a high level of intelligence (perhaps only the most intelligent of the saurians survived) and then literally went "underground". There are in fact actual accounts which we will deal with later, that speak of ancient cavern or tunnel systems which have been discovered, and within which certain individuals claimed to have encountered "alien" beings such and the saurian-grays and the far more elusive "Lizard-like" hominoids. Such subterranean encounters have allegedly taken place beneath or near Albuquerque, New Mexico; Las Vegas, Nevada and Salt Lake City, Utah; among other areas, suggesting that the American southwest is undermined by large, ancient cavern systems which have been invaded by a race of saurian predators which (as we will see) may have originally come from similar cavern systems beneath central Asia and the Far East; where the existence of a subterranean "serpent race" is actually confirmed and accepted by tens of thousands of people. These include the Hindus and the Buddhists, who both refer to these creatures in their ancient myths and traditions. There are other accounts which seem to confirm the possibility that the smaller, commonly reported saurian "gray" reptiles of short stature are actually the lower level of a larger reptilian hierarchy. As we've indicated, different sources claim that the superiors or overlords of the grays resemble hominoid creatures with skin texture and color similar to that of a crocodiles. These are apparently the most secretive and the most dangerous of all the reptilian predators. Perhaps the reason for this is that once a human being encounters them, they usually never return. For instance, a security worker from Salt Lake City informed some researchers that after the first settlers moved into the valley they eventually began construction work in what is now downtown Salt Lake City. Other sources have stated that construction workers broke into an ancient system of tunnels below S.L.C. which "might" have dated back to antediluvian times, and certainly to pre-Columbian times. These were later found to spread for miles in all directions. The security guard stated that several people over the years had entered the tunnels, including one particular tunnel which was discovered beneath what is now the Crossroads Cinemas in the downtown section of the city, and that many of these had never returned. This security guard asked a fellow worker if he could get permission to explore these tunnels, which incidentally are now sealed off or protected by police alarm systems, probably because of the disappearances. This other worker informed him that this would probably not be a good idea as he might encounter the (his exact words) "lizard people" in which event he would probably not return. In relation to the above, the most frightening thing about the mutilation activity is that not only animals, but HUMANS have been found mutilated in a similar manner as cattle on several occasions. One of the most notable witnesses to such an event is Bill English, the son of an Arizona state legislator and a former Captain of the Green Berets. Several years ago Bill had been assigned to an RAF "listening post" north of London as an information analyst, and claims to have seen a copy - by mistake or by design - of the elusive Above "GRUDGE - BLUEBOOK: REPORT NO. 13", which incidentally described an incident which he himself had investigated some years earlier. This ABOVE TOP SECRET report (classified higher than the H-Bomb) contained several hundred pages of government-investigated accounts of UFO's, UFO crash-recoveries, abductions and mutilations of human beings, autopsy reports on alien cadavers recovered from various crash sites, and highly technical reports on antigravity research, etc. (transcripts of his recollections, etc., can be obtained via PEA Research., 116 Vargas Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035). English claims that he had been constantly harassed ever since releasing publicly the information contained in this Above Top Secret classified document. He was forced to flee England and was not allowed to return to his family. Apparently English, like the South African Intelligence worker mentioned earlier, was of the opinion that "National Security" could best be served by making the public aware of what was going on rather than suppress it out of fear of public reaction or some other reason. Bill English states that several years ago he was a member of a Special Forces investigative team that went in to retrieve an aircraft which went down in thick jungle territory. This took place when Bill was serving as a Green Beret captain in Laos in 1969 - '71, and the plane which his 10-man team was sent to investigate was of the B-52 bomber class. Communications had been received from the B-52 before it went down to the effect that it was "...under attack by a UFO...", a "...large light...". The plane was found intact, sitting in the jungle. There was no swath indicative of a crash landing. Only the bottom of the fuselage showed any damage, there was no damage to the underside of the engine pods. Although the plane was completely intact, the crew was dead. They were found sitting in their safety harnesses, yet were mutilated - anus cored out to the colon, apparently with some corkscrew patches of skin sliced from the neck and jaw; and eyes and genitalia removed by extremely precise surgery, yet no blood was spilled anywhere. English's account was aired over the "Billy Goodman" radio talk show on KVEG 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada, on March 1, 1990, 11:00 P.M. The blood and biological organs taken from animal and human victims are apparently used for various different purposes according to numerous sources, all of which are in keeping with the malevolent nature of these creatures. Police Officer Don Ecker of Idaho revealed to an audience of over 400 top UFO investigators at the 1989 MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) symposium held in Las Vegas, that he had personally investigated such human mutilations in his home state. He even attempted to request access to similar cases which might be filed in the Justice Department Computer, but was told that the files concerning these cases were classified and he was warned to cease all attempts to request such data in the future. Ecker had two other friends of his, also in law enforcement, try to retrieve this information, but they were stone-walled as well. Many of the researchers involved in this effort to educate the public consider themselves to be patriotic Americans and entirely devoted to the CONSTITUTIONAL form of government as it was established by our forefathers; the same constitution which all U.S. Military and Intelligence officials have SWORN BY OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND. If one were to possess a high-level security clearance as do many Intelligence workers, it would be one's patriotic duty to honor that security clearance and keep any secret NECESSARY for our national security AS LONG AS IT WAS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF OUR SECURITY AND IN THE INTERESTS OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. However, there are many UNELECTED powers or "secret government" elements working within the constitutional government, many of whom have come under the influence of the alien forces, who ARE NOT working in the interests of the CONSTITUTIONAL government as we shall see. These are the ones who are being influenced into perverting the National Security laws of this nation in a way which is actually destructive to the American Republic. There are many well-meaning government employees with high-level security clearances who are being told that it is their duty as an American to keep the existence of this alien threat from the American public. Such secrecy IS NOT in the best interests of our NATIONAL SECURITY, and is in fact a violation of the CONSTITUTION which many of these government and military employees have SWORN to uphold and defend. Perhaps Bill English realized this, and did what he felt was his duty as an American Patriot - that is EXPOSE this threat for what it was. Keeping the existence of such a threat from the American Public can IN NO WAY serve the interests of National Security but only of National destruction. Even if the government thought that they alone could defend our nation against such a threat while at the same time keeping it's existence from the American public for fear of panic, etc., they would be in error, as they would not succeed without the assistance and cooperation of the American public, just as in any "war". If a nation's citizens do not fully support the effort, then that nation will ultimately lose any war with an equally powerful and especially more powerful outside enemy no matter how hard the "government" might fight. There are many in high-levels of government who may be unknowingly serving the alien (saurian) plan simply because they are "following orders" from their higher ups, powerful government officials who may be either sell-outs to the conspiratorial or even 'alien' plan in exchange for certain promises, may even be implanted or controlled mentally through some method of alien technology which is a well documented fact among abductees as we shall see, or who may be going along with the "plan" for fear of their jobs, their families, or their very lives if they do not cooperate. Then there are those in the media who are being used by these draconian powers, whether consciously or unconsciously, to desensitize a whole generation of young people and condition them to the idea of hominoid "reptilians", which are presented through various media programs as being harmless and friendly. Just look at the incredible financial gains of those who promote this idea through the different facets of the media. Are they being 'rewarded' for their obedience? PLEASE REMEMBER while reading these reports (Files) that one should not "condemn" any human or group of humans who may be exposed in these writings for their part in becoming caught-up in the "Grand Deception." Although humanity as a whole is to some degree responsible for "opening the door" for this infernal invasion and infiltration of our society, we also acknowledge that many who are caught-up in the alien scenario are involved in it out of ignorance, having been told that the saurians are only here to lead the human race into "enlightenment". This is a farce in that the occult teachings which the serpent races have inspired certain groups with are simply methods of alien "control", or rather alien-inspired methods of releasing one's control over their minds and bodies so that the saurians and their non-physical "allies" (i.e. the fallen angelics or "infernals") might move in and take control of the body, soul and spirits of those people. In ancient times the Creator placed a judgment and a curse upon the serpent race which will eventually be fulfilled (it is now in the PROCESS of being fulfilled). God would not have placed such a judgment upon a creature unless it/they themselves had a free will - in this case a free choice to reject the Creator and turn to the evil one in exchange for power over the human race, the earth and beyond. The serpent race was the only other physical race, other than the human race, which could have rebelled against the Creator as it was originally the most intelligent and advanced by far of all the members of the animal kingdom, and the only other creature other than man with the ability to "reason". Unlike man it/they possessed no eternal soul, but nevertheless were very close to man in it's ability to intellectually discern the various workings and complexities of nature. Of course after the absolute corruption of this "race" such intellectual knowledge was horribly corrupted to serve the serpent's insatiable lust for power and control. Just as the Creator does not wish that any human soul be destroyed by these draconian powers, neither do we. Any exposition which we may present for the purpose of exposing any human or human group involved in the alien "Grand Deception" is not designed to condemn to destruction the humans involved; but instead to warn them and to wake them up out of the trance they are in, which in turn is the result of the continual "raping" of their minds by the "controllers". It is our hope that they would turn from the Serpent and begin trusting in "The Lamb" of God, who came to this planet for the express purpose of crushing the "Beast" or the "Serpent" and its power over the human race. Outside of the grace and mercy of Almighty God we are no better than any other human who might have fallen under the "spell" of the serpent race. Also, if God chose to use certain humans as vessels of truth, it is certainly not because we or they deserve it. In any event any credit for any good which may result from this effort must be given to God alone. As for the cattle mutilations, there are indications that they may have been going on since the late 1800's. In his book "ANATOMY OF PHENOMENA" (Henry Regency Co., Chicago, ILL), researcher Jacques Vallee related the extremely well-documented account of a cattle abduction/mutilation in which a strange aerial craft was involved. The incident was reported by none other than Alexander Hamilton (a well-known historical figure and a prominent member of the House of Representatives during the late 1800's). Hamilton signed an affidavit, notarized by 10 notable members of the community of LeRoy, Kansas, where they lived. The affidavit was dated April 21, 1897. Hamilton staked his "sacred honor" on the truth of the following account: On that night, Hamilton was awakened by a noise among the cattle. No sooner had he and his family gone outside than they saw to their utter amazement an "airship" described as being about 300 feet long and cigar-shaped, slowly descending over their cow lot, about 40 rods from their home. Hamilton described the object (emphasis ours - Branton) as being "...brilliantly lighted within... everything was plainly visible--IT WAS OCCUPIED BY SIX OF THE STRANGEST BEINGS I EVER SAW. THEY WERE JABBERING TOGETHER, BUT WE COULD NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD THEY SAID..." Hamilton and his son Wall, and a tenant by the name of Gid Heslip, then went over to the lot where they saw a 2-year-old heifer bawling and jumping, stuck to a fence. They found a reddish cable fastened around the heifer's neck which led up to the craft. They managed to get the cable loosed from the fence but were unable to get it off the cows neck, and they observed while the ship, heifer and all, rose slowly and disappeared to the northwest. The following evening he found out that "...Link Thomas, about three or four miles west of Le Roy, had found the hide, legs, and head in his field that day. He, thinking someone had butchered a stolen beast, had brought the hide to town for identification, BUT WAS GREATLY MYSTIFIED IN NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND ANY TRACKS IN THE SOFT GROUND. After identifying the hide of my brand, I went home. But every time I would drop off to sleep I would see the cursed thing, with it's big lights and hideous people. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER THEY ARE DEVILS OR ANGELS, OR WHAT; BUT WE ALL SAW THEM, AND MY WHOLE FAMILY SAW THE SHIP, and I don't want any more to do with them."