In his book 'THE UNDERPEOPLE' (1969. Award Books., N.Y.), author Eric Norman relates an interesting account of the possible fate of the Inca Indians. In chapter 2 - 'Strange Caverns and Terrifying Tunnels', he relates: "Conquest in South America was natives hacked to death by Spanish swords, arrogant priests absolving Conquistadors for their murderous atrocities, sharp Toledo steel lances running through children and, pervading it all, a dark lust for native gold. "In the autumn of 1582, Francisco Pizarro hid his 168 Spanish horse soldiers behind the doorways and walls of the Incan town of Cajamarca. Atahualpa, the absolute emperor of the sun- worshipping Inca's empire, had agreed to meet Pizarro in the village plaza. Atahualpa's procession entered the village with a flair of pageantry. Incan warriors and the emperor's litter bearers were dressed in the finest cloth. The Royal Guard were armed with spiked helmets, feathered war clubs, poison-tipped lances and dazzling gold-inlaid swords. Thick gold bracelets encircled their bronze wrists and rich silver discs dangled from their pierced ear lobes. "Pizarro and his Conquistadors remained hidden behind their guns and cannons as Atahualpa and his entourage entered the main plaza. 'It is like leading hogs to the killing pen,' Pizarro sneered. The bandy-legged Spaniard knew hogs; prior to his service for Spain's king, Pizarro had been a swineherd in the province of Estremadura. He lived by a harsh personal code that equated kindness with weakness; deceit was the trick of a clever man and lying, duplicity and thievery were proper. "Atahualpa's group stirred nervously when they found no sign of the visitors to their land. Spanish fingers twitched on gun triggers and a hawk-faced soldier stood ready to torch the cannon. Suddenly, a solitary figure left a building and walked into the plaza. He was dressed in the faded robe of a Dominican friar. His bald head glistened contemptuously toward the Incan emperor. "Friar Vincente Valverde announced that all of South America now belonged to the king of Spain. He stared coldly at the emperor and snapped, 'The Papal Bull of 1493 provides this right...' "Proud and regal, Atahualpa glared at the haughty friar before him. 'Your Pope must be crazy to give away land that does not belong to him,' he said... "The friar was stunned momentarily, then he turned and ran toward the safety of a building, shouting: 'Pizarro, attack, attack! Kill all of them! I will absolve you!' "With hoarse cries of 'Santiago!', the Spaniards slaughtered the unsuspecting Inca warriors. In a few minutes the battle was over; the emperor's royal guard was dead, or dying, in the bloodstained dust of the plaza and Atahualpa was a prisoner of Pizarro. Greedy Spanish hands ripped the emerald necklace from his body. A wild gleam entered Pizarro's eyes when the emperor handed over his exquisitely carved bracelets of thick gold. "'I want my freedom,' Atahualpa informed Pizarro. 'I will fill this room with gold for ransom.' The room was 17 feet wide and 22 feet long! The emperor's subjects delivered $8,443,456 in gold to Pizarro and, afterward, Pizarro and Friar Vincente Valverde condemned Atahualpa to be burned alive at the stake. "While the Spaniards were burning the emperor, a pack train of 11,000 llamas was headed toward the Spanish encampment. Each beast was burdened by a heavy load of gold. Native messengers brought news of the Inca king's death--and the fantastic caravan disappeared! During the past centuries, thousands of gold-greedy adventurers have searched for the 'loot of the 11,000 llamas.' None has discovered a single clue to the treasure's site. "Believers in the Under-People theory are firm in their contention that the Incan llamas disappeared into a gigantic tunnel that led to the inner earth kingdoms. 'Even the population figures show that these conquered people outwitted their bestial conquerors,' according to one South American researcher. 'Incan census figures reveal that there was 10,000,000 subjects when the Spaniards arrived. Forty years later, in 1571, the Spaniards took a census. There was approximately 1,000,000 Indians. I admit that the Spanish method of slave labor took a tremendous toll. But could 9,000,000 Incas have died in Spanish mines?'" Eric Norman relates the words of one correspondent who described the ancient subterranean tunnels believed by many to exist beneath the Andes: "' first I scoffed at such stories about mysterious tunnels and an alien civilization beneath the surface... I joined an inner earth group for the simple enjoyment of discussing outlandish ideas in a humorless, serious manner. Gradually, I became interested by the considerable volume of circumstantial evidence. I now believe the earth is absolutely honeycombed by a web of tunnels that run beneath the continents, under the oceans, and these passageways link the subterranean cities of the inner world. "'...There are many reports concerning a vast tunnel called the 'Roadway of the Incas' which has an entrance somewhere in Peru. It runs south more than a thousand miles. There is another entrance to this fabulous tunnel in the Desert of Atacamba in Chile. The 'Highway of the Incas' passes under Cuzco, the legendary city of Peru. There is another, smaller, but very well hidden entrance to the tunnel in the mountains near Machu Picchu, which is the capital city of the first and last Inca emperor. It is called 'The Lost City of the Incas' and was not discovered until 1911 by an American, Hiram Bringham. It is considered the 'Eighth Wonder of the World.' "'...Everything at Machu Picchu is an excellent preservation...there are more than two hundred buildings constructed from white granite...fountains...shrines...and gigantic stairways carved from a single massive boulder. "'...This was a thriving city. It is intact except for the thatched roofs of the houses having deteriorated over the centuries...and, the doors are is as if the inhabitants selected a single day and mysteriously vanished. Did they enter the 'Highway of the Incas' and migrate to the inner earth?' "Was this correspondent brainwashed by his colleagues to believe in the subterranean world? Or, was he a skeptical man who changed his mind in the face of a tremendous amount of information? His mention of the 'Highway of the Incas' strikes a familiar note... A physician in Argentina has devoted his spare time to an investigation of this legendary inter-continental tunnel of the Under-People. He commented: "'...I have always been intrigued by the unknown and please convey my thanks to Dr. H--- for providing the opportunity to publish my views... I started to investigate the 'Highway of the Incas' when I was a young, curious youth and I have hundreds of witnessed, notarized statements. These documents and tape recordings fill one room of my home. The Incas knew of the tunnel and, although gold was of little value to them, they hid their treasures in these caverns to keep it from the greedy Spanish conquerors. No one had provided a satisfactory explanation for their mysterious disappearance. There was an empire of several million people that vanished from the surface of the earth. They entered the tunnel and left the Quechua Indians behind. As few Incas have been seen since then, they possibly took up residence in a cavern city or followed the tunnel to the interior of the earth. "'...The 'Highway' is the largest of the tunnels and it connects all continents. In addition to the openings in South America, there are entrances in Canada, in British Columbia; in America, you should investigate Mt. Shasta in California and Mt. St. Helena in Oregon. The tunnel is connected with Tibet and another opening in Central Asia. I believe the African entrance is in the Atlas mountains in the north of that continent. "'...I also suggest that you explore the 'highways' which have been found in the oceans. These ancient underworld civilizations may be mining our seas!'" In previous files we referred to the alleged inhabitants of a subterranean city below Mt. Shasta in California, which is believed to be one of the largest, if not THE largest, subterranean community in North America, and which allegedly has ties with the Asian empire of "Agharti" and the South American subterranean colonies. The following are some excerpts from an article written by William F. Hamilton (whose other publications can be obtained via 7327 Bothwell Rd., Reseda, CA 91335), who we have mentioned in earlier writings. Bill Hamilton has been in Data Processing for 22 years and is now a Sr. Programmer-Analyst. He is a writer, investigator and researcher. He has been involved in UFO research and investigations since 1953. Bill is a past member of The Foundation for Research in Parapsychology, The Spacecraft Research Foundation, The World Federation of Science and Engineering, and MENSA, the high IQ society. He has been a member of Understanding, Inc., and served on it's Board. He founded Nexus and Nexus News, an info center for alternative energy and alternative life-styles. He founded The UFORUM, a monthly forum on the UFO phenomena. He is a UFO investigator with MUFON, an Associate Director of UFOCCI, and founder of UFORCES. Bill is the author of the following books: Space, Time and Gravity; Center of the Cortex; Telos, The Cosmic Computer; Geometry of the Grid; Close Encounter Report; Alien Magic; and Cosmic Top Secret. He has written numerous articles for publications such as 'Search,' 'Energy Unlimited,' 'New Age Science,' 'The New Atlantean Journal,' 'California UFO,' and 'UFO Universe'. The following article originally appeared in the 'New Atlantean Journal': "...I run across some fascinating people in the course of my investigations who tell me many unusual stories. While on the trail of reports of UFO base locations, I met a young, very pretty blonde girl with almond-shaped eyes and small perfect teeth, whose name is Bonnie. Bonnie has told me an incredible story and has related a volume of interesting information... Bonnie is sincere, cheerful, and rational and says she (was born) in 1951 in a city called TELOS that was built inside an artificial dome-shaped cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath Mt. Shasta, California. "Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father Ra(Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. Bonnie relates that her people use boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring machines heat the rock to incandescence, then vitrify it, thus eliminating the need for beams and supports. A tube transit tunnel is used to connect the... cities that exist in various subterranean regions in our hemisphere. The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to speeds of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one of their cities in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. (They) have developed space travel and some flying saucers come from their subterranean bases... "They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lights with their gardens attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to the million-and- a-half population that thrives on a no-money economy. Bonnie talks about history, of the Uighers, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals, of which she is a descendant (Note: Many people have mistakenly identified the inhabitants of 'Telos' as being directly descended from the 'Lemurians', however Bonnie here seems to refute this by indicating that her ancestrage was other than this, possibly Meso-American and/or East-Indian? As in the case of the ancient 'antediluvian' cities of the eastern seaboard which were re- established after being abandoned by the lost 'Atlanteans', the 'Lemurians', if they existed, also seem to have been devastated in a world-wide cataclysm and their cities re-established by the Uighers, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals and probably scattered members of other societies. As we've said earlier, the name 'Telos' is a Grecian word meaning 'uttermost', suggesting a 'possible' connection with the grecian-like Hav-musuvs of the Panamint mountains of California - Branton). "I met Bonnie's cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict vegetarian and holds the same attitudes concerning the motives of government. They constantly guard against discovery or intrusion. Their advanced awareness and technology helps them remain vigilant... "Science Fiction? Bonnie is a real person. Many have met her. Is she perpetrating a hoax? For what motive? She does not seek publicity and I have a devil of a time getting her to meetings to talk with others, but she has done so. There has been little variation in her story and her answers in the past three years. She has given me excellent technical insight on the construction of a crystal-powered generator that extracts ambient energy... Bonnie's father, the Ramu, is 300 years old and a member of the ruling council of Telos. "Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit tunnels are protected and are designed to eject uninvited guests. Does Bonnie have the answers that we are looking for? I don't know... Bonnie says she would like to satisfy our need for proof and will work with me on a satisfactory answer to that problem, but she is unconcerned with whether people accept her or not. Bonnie is humorous and easy-going and well-poised, yet sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious. She says her people are busy planning survival centers for refugees. One of these is to be near Prescott, Arizona..." (Note: or rather below the Groom Creek area just south of Prescott, to be exact. Another 'survival center' for refugees of the world-wide cataclysms which the Telosians believe will eventually devastate the surface of the earth, is said to be below the general area of Jenny Lake, Wyoming, near the Tetons. The Tetons themselves have been the alleged home of a mysterious race, according to different sources, and extremely ancient stone 'buildings' have reportedly been found high atop these peaks - Branton). When Bill Hamilton asked "Bonnie" to elaborate about the power-sources which her people utilize to propel the so-called "flying saucer" craft, she replied: "...A lot of it is crystals (i.e. crystal-induced electromagnetism? - Branton), particularly the atmospheric vehicles. The planet-to-planet vehicles are driven by an Ion- Mercury engine. Spaceships can reach speeds way beyond light-- they can enter hyperspace--you generate into the fourth dimension--this is controlled by an on-board computer that takes you into and out of hyperspace. I know this is a simplification. When your on a ship going into hyperspace, you will hear this vibration, and a loud screaming sound when you enter, then you will hear nothing..." Bill concludes: "I have had many correlations on this data and am researching it further toward a comprehensive theory of space travel..." The account given below appeared in 'INNER LIGHT' Magazine, Summer, 1991. Written by 'Antara', the article, entitled: 'INTRODUCING THE WOMAN FROM TELOS, THE CITY BENEATH MOUNT SHASTA', is an alleged interview with this same resident of a subterranean city now living and working on the surface, under the name of 'Bonnie' or 'Sharula', along with her husband 'Shield'. We quote portions of the interview as follows: "The following interview with Sharula took place on July 23, 1990, and is reprinted from 'INSIGHTS FOR POSITIVE LIVING.' She shares with us some wonderful information about the 'Atlantean' and 'Lemurian' cities (i.e. cities originally 'built' by antediluvian 'Atlanteans' and 'Lemurians'? - Branton) that exist beneath the earth's surface. "She speaks of her home, Telos, a city built a mile or so beneath Mt. Shasta, California. During a recent trip to Mt. Shasta, I encountered several local townspeople who have personally seen mysterious fires and lights on the slopes of Mt. Shasta, and have heard other worldly chants and music late at night, emanating from the mountain. And of course, there have been sightings of mysterious robed people walking into the side of the mountain. Even the local visitor's guide mentions the 'Lemurian' connection to Mt. Shasta. "This interview may really stretch your perceptions of reality. I hope it does. It's meant to... "INSIGHTS: Let's start off with some basic questions of who you are and where you come from." "SHARULA: My name is Sharula and I come from a city underneath Mt. Shasta, called Telos. This city was constructed... at the termination of the Lemurian continent. When the scientists and priests of Lemuria realized the continent was about to sink, they petitioned a group called the Agharta Network, which controlled all the subterranean cities, to build our own city underneath Mt. Shasta. There was an original set of caves there. We chose to enlarge these caverns to make them bigger and more livable..." (Note: Although most accounts seem to suggest that 'Atlantis' was destroyed in a cataclysm equivalent to a universal flood or deluge such as is described in the traditions of several races as well as in the writings of the Greek Plato, 'Lemuria' may be a different story. 'Lemuria' seems to be the name that surface humans have attributed to this alleged lost continent of the Pacific, but whether it was actually named that by the ancient inhabitants is uncertain. The major area of confusion seems to be whether 'Lemuria' or 'Mu' was an antediluvian OR post-deluvian society like 'Agharti'. James Churchward seems to place 'Mu' somewhere in the Indian ocean, whereas others place it in the Pacific. Some of the old Indian tribes of the northeast and the California area have ancient legends of an island-continent called 'Elam-Mu' which was said to be connected to ancient California or separate from it, out in the Pacific Ocean. Could the Hawaiian islands be remnants of such an island-continent? The native American legends of California seem to place 'MU' shortly AFTER the deluge, which was believed to have occurred a few thousand years B.C. or 5000 years previous to the close of the 20th Century. The exact history of the 'Telosians' still needs to be investigated, even with the present information available, as it seems to be a complex history possibly involving several races - the Uighers, Naga- Mayas, Quetzal's, 'Lemurians' or 'Muvians', Aghartians, and possibly Greeks, East Indians, and others!? - Branton). "INSIGHTS: How many people live in Telos?" "SHARULA: A million and a half." "INSIGHTS: Tell us about your ecosystem; your water, food, air, environment--what is it like to live in Telos?" "SHARULA: We have perpetual light through a process of energizing stones to create full spectrum lighting. We process them with the forces that make them small suns. The five levels are garden levels where we produce all the food we need with hydroponic gardens. There are plants on all five levels that continue to circulate the air. We work off the same system the earth does - the plants produce oxygen (i.e. a subterranean 'biosphere' - Branton). Plus, we have air shafts that come through the surface that sends air. Since that air is polluted, we use them less and less." (Note: Several years ago a man wrote into SEARCH Magazine stating that he was an Incan descendant who was "searching for" his own people, as he was convinced that they had escaped en masse into underground cities via ancient tunnels which they knew of, when the conquistadors invaded their land. He claimed that one day while by a river in a certain region near Matto Grosso, Brazil, he thought he heard a voice shouting from the top of a mountain. He began to climb the peak and a few hours later found himself beside a mountain-top shaft. He later managed to descend the shaft and discovered a tunnel which led horizontally to a point where a type of "door" existed. He heard what sounded like an "elevator" coming up from deep below and a well-built man who claimed to be part "Incan" appeared and introduced himself through a transparent screen. He was told that anyone entering this particular subterranean region had to undergo a physical "purification" process to remove the radioactive poisons from their bodies, which were resident in the atmosphere of the outer world. Could this explain why the life- span of some of the under-people has reportedly increased dramatically? The Old Testament 'Torah' states that previous to the deluge a transparent 'canopy' of water vapor permeated the upper atmosphere, and some suggest that before this canopy fell in the form of the deluge the life-span of the antediluvians was dramatically increased because this "canopy" sealed-out most of the harmful and degenerating radiations of the sun. They suggest that this was why the antediluvians lived to an average of 500 years of age, while some like Methuselah lived upwards of 900 years! It appears as if the 'Telosians' have taken precautions not only from the atmospheric solar radioactive pollution resulting from a decaying atmospheric 'shield', as is evidenced by an increase in skin-cancer world-wide, etc., but also from the man-made radioactive and industrial pollutants - Branton) "INSIGHTS: What form of government do you have?" "SHARULA: We have a system where the government is run by the council of twelve plus one. They are twelve masters, six male and six female. If anyone has a disagreement, they go to an arbitrator, rather than fight it out among themselves. All arbitrators report to the council and they change constantly. They are appointed to that position based on their natural affinity for it." "INSIGHTS: Who appoints them to that position?" "SHARULA: The temple of Melchizedek... All through the cosmos (i.e. human colonizers and explorers sent out from the earth since the deluge? - Branton) there is an order called Melchizedek..." At this point we will, before continuing with the Sharula interview, deal with the history of 'Melchizedek', which began on Earth in ancient times. Melchizedek was the ancient High Priest of Salem (now Jerusalem). We believe that this subject is important enough to deserve a fairly extensive explanation. There are basically two divergent views concerning the Priesthood of Melchizedek. The first is held by the various ancient and neo-masonic religions, which basically state that there are NUMEROUS members of the order who have been 'initiated' into the priesthood through a process of religious devotion, etc., while the other view is held by the various groups of Judeo-Christian believers who claim that there is only one Melchizedek Priest, the God-Man Jesus, and since only one High Priest was allowed to serve before Almighty God at any one time in ancient Israel--to be replaced by another when he had passed on--these claim that since Jesus ascended from the grave and now lives forever without the possibility of every dying, this singular Priesthood will be His alone eternally. Both sides no doubt sincerely believe that they have 'the truth', but, of course, both cannot be correct. Many believe that the ancient Melchizedek was none other than the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, or was in essence a 'thiophene' or an Old Testament appearance of Jesus-Jehovah. They make the following connections and similarities between Melchizedek and Jesus as evidence of their beliefs: CHARACTERISTICS OF MELCHIZEDEK CHARACTERISTICS OF JESUS CHRIST "...Melchizedek King of Salem." "Unto us a child is born... and - Gen. 14:18 (the Hebrew word his name shall be called... The for 'Salem' is 'Shalem' which Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6 literally means: "PEACEFUL; "...When they heard that SHALEM, an early name for Jer- Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.. us.:Salem." - From: STRONG'S (they) cried, Hosanna: Blessed CONCORDANCE) is the King of Israel..." (or, King of Peace, King of Salem) - John 12:12-13 "And Melchizedek... brought "...Jesus took bread, and forth bread and wine." (i.e. blessed, and broke it... and he the fruit of the vine, or the took the cup, and... gave it fruit of the grape) - Genesis unto them." - Mark 14:22-23 14:18 "Melchizedek... was the Priest "...Seeing then that we have a of the most high God." - great high priest, that is pas- Genesis 14:18 sed unto the heavens, Jesus..." "Melchizedek... abideth a - Hebrews 4:14 priest continually." - Hebrews "But into the second went 7:1,3 the high priest alone once "And they truly were many every year... But Christ being priests, because they were not come an high Priest... by his suffered to continue by rea- own blood he entered in once son of death." - Hebrews into the holy place, having 7:23 obtained eternal redemption for us." - Hebrews 9:7,11-12 "But this man (Jesus), be- cause he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood." - Hebrews 7:24 "Melchizedek... to whom also "And all the tithe of the land Abraham gave a tenth part of the Lord's: it is holy all." (i.e. tithes) - Hebrews unto the Lord... the tenth 7:1-2 (also see: Genesis 14: shall be holy unto the Lord." 18-20) - Leviticus 27:30,32 "Jesus Christ is Lord..." - Philippians 2:11 "Melchizedek... King of right- "In those days... I will cause eousness..." - Hebrews 7:1,2 the Branch of Righteousness to grow up unto David, and he shall execute judgement in the land." - Jeremiah 33:15 "Melchizedek... having neither "I am Alpha and Omega, the be- beginning of days, nor end of ginning and the ending.. the life..." - Hebrews 7:1,3 Almighty... the first and the last... I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever more." - Reve- lation 1:8,11,18