In her massive book 'ALIEN HARVEST' (1989. Linda Moulton Howe Productions., P.O. Box 3130., Littleton, CO 80161), Linda Moulton Howe presents a transcript of a 'regression' session conducted by Dr. Leo Sprinkle on March 13, 1980. The subject was Judy Doraty, who was abducted with other family members from her home in Texas and to an underground installation below the state of New Mexico (and at one point to an installation below southern New Mexico, yet one which that was apparently connected subterraneously with the 'Dulce' facility further north)... in May of 1973. The following is a portion of that transcript: "...Sprinkle: OK, Judy, your doing fine. Now just focus once more on the features of the small beings, the small men. Describe once more the facial feature. "Doraty: They have large eyes. They're very hypnotic. Like they're so big that... and they don't blink. The eyes do not blink. It's almost like, I guess... a snake? "Sprinkle: Do they verbalize? Do they talk? "Doraty: No. They talk, but not with their mouth. You can hear them. And they talk with an accent. They talk like someone talking through their nose, holding their nose, holding their nose and talking in a very high pitch but it has a funny sound to it."