Peter A. Bostrom, in his article 'A DEADLY CLOSE ENCOUNTER IN CAMBODIA' (which appeared in the No. 1, 1993 issue of'UNSOLVED UFO SIGHTINGS' magazine., Charlotte Magazine Corp., 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019), refers to the officer of a Special Forces team who was 'interrogated' by a representative of "MJ - Majestic 12" after stumbling upon a landed UFO in a clear-ing in the jungles of Cambodia. From what this officer and others'recalled', there were a couple dozen grayish non-human like alien beings near the craft, and in the excitement of the moment there was a short exchange of fire in which (supposedly) no one was killed. This is according to the 'recollection' of this particular officer. The beings then left the scene, and that was presumably the end of the incident. This Special Forces officer, known only as 'Joe', described one method of information extraction (and memory suppression?) that was used. This officer ('Joe') headed up a special forces team based in Thailand near the border of Cambodia, and was at the time of the incident -- September of 1971 -- on a top secret search and destroy mission against the Communist dictator Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge forces south of Angkor Wat, who were in the process of committing mass-genocide against the largely non-Communist indigenous population (several hundred thousand, if not over a million, Cambodians have been slaughtered by this Hitler-like dictator since the Khmer Rouge came to power). There were, however, certain indications suggesting that there was much more to the incident than the surviving soldiers were allowed to remember. If not for the fact that the incident in one form or another was reported to have actually occured, the following account might be mistaken for a scene right out of the movie PREDATOR. If what 'Joe' and others are saying is true, then there is a possibility that the actual incident may have been much more intense than the events portrayed in the motion picture. 'Joe' tells Bostrom what happened when they returned from their 'mission': "...We hadn't been back more than an hour. We usually took a shower, got cleaned up and got a little rest before we were debriefed because that could sometimes take many hours. It was very interesting. They even sequestered us in our quarters. We were told not to have any outside activities at all and meals would be brought to us. We were not to talk to any unauthorized personnel which meant them or someone directly with authorization from the provost marshals office. Then we spent the next 3 to 3 1/2 weeks talking to various people, some of which I don't know who in the heck they were. Several were psychologists. It was very obvious by the kind of questions we were being asked and they started dragging out the ink blots. If your familiar with the military when they generally bring in the ink blots and try to make it sound like something of a sexual nature they leave you alone. They figure this guys healthy, this guys fine and get out of my office -- you are alright. We went on with this for two or 2 1/2 weeks then they started using NARCO-HYPNOSIS... "Essentially they sit you in a chair. Make sure your nice and comfy. Hook up the sphygmomanometer, blood pressure tape, and get you highly relaxed using soothing music sometimes, and give you an injection of a basically, what is called a hypnotic drug. There were drugs like Seconal, Scopolamine -- the type that have a tendency to reducing what they call psychic resistance. You get your body relaxed as possible and you loose your will. They actually hypnotize you at that point. It's a combination of drugs and hypnosis. It's my understanding we were trained in our training to go through tortures and things like that. There wasn't one of us that couldn't pass a polygraph test and lie about his age, the color of his mother and the color of the sky (polygraphs are slowly becoming obsolete, by the way, as voice stress analyzer machines which have approximately 98% accuracy -- far more than polygraph machines themselves -- are becoming more popular. Since it is alleged that these new machines can pick up subconscious lies, for instance a programmed 'lie' implanted by aliens that an abduction did not take place, etc., then it would be interesting to see how these might be used in uncovering hidden memories of alien encounters and other repressed recollections - Branton). "They had us as well covered as they could in case we were captured we knew how to respond. The only thing I can say that occurred during that time was that IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER THEY ALTERED OUR MEMORIES. Now, I do not know whether they... we saw SOMETHING ELSE... or they gave us a different memory and that's what we ended up with or what we saw was MUCH WORSE than occurred and I toned it down. I DO KNOW THAT EVERY ONE OF US STILL HAVE OCCASIONAL NIGHTMARES ABOUT IT AND WE GET FLASHES OF THINGS THAT ARE JUST AN INCREDIBLE BLOODBATH (Note: One separate source, a researcher, confided to one of the 'tabloids' that he had anonymously interviewed some military men who were involved in a'confrontation' -- or in actuality an all-out firefight -- between U.S. forces and wiry-built 'Grays' in the jungles of Southeast Asia. According to what he was told, SEVERAL HUNDRED American soldiers were killed in that bloodbath -- the same one mentioned above? -- along with a little under a dozen of the aliens themselves. All of the dead were reportedly buried in a mass grave and the lid was shut tight over the whole situation - Branton). "George was reassigned from our unit after we had all cleared through medical and psychological. I was called into the captain'soffice, approximately what would have been 6 or 8 weeks after the incident to identify a body they told me was George. Now I'd seenthe man on the base a few days before. The body they showed was far, far decomposed. Even in the jungle where you have rapid decomposition... I couldn't positively identify it as George. THE FLESH WAS ALL LIQUIFIED... The only thing I can say is his tissue had seemed to suffer from some kind of extreme disruption -- like every cell wall had been broken (STAR TREK fans will be familiar with the theoretical physics depicted in the series. Much of the technical advice for the series actually originates from NASA consultants, including depictions of a MOLECULAR DISRUPTOR BEAM - Branton). Like you see with a cold sore. It's called lisodumine when the cells rupture and the virus comes out or some kind of bacteriological agent in it that effected it. I don't think it was the latter... "The people we were dealing with (he actually mentioned the organization they worked for as being "MJ-12" - Branton) were very, very careful about COVERING all avenues. They never left a thread hanging -- and I don't know -- I lost track of it at that point. As far as I knew he was dead. Why, I was called in to identify the body and sign the papers. The only way I could identify him was his dog tags. The usual thing was that during combat, because of the nature of our unit, dog tags were retrieved by a ranking officer and returned to you when you returned to base. We carried what was called a get-out-of-jail-free card. It was a cardboard card with two sides and department logo on one side to say the individual was allowed to be carrying strange and unusual weapons, may or may not be in uniform and not to be detained for any reason whatsoever. If this card is found on a body it is to be burned with the body and reported to a telephone number state side and a group to contact..." When Bostrom asked if that was all 'Joe' could remember of the incident, the Special Forces officer said: "Well that's the problem... If we really sit down and try to pressure us through it, you get confused. I talked to a couple of fellows that were involved in it and they have the same kind of problem. Slowly but surely, things emerge and over the years more and more has come up. It was years before I ever had a desire at all to talk about it. Not because the 'FIRM' told us not to or that they were going to place it under the National Security end, but because I absolutely had no desire whatsoever to talk about it." In reference to his recollections of the 'Grays', 'Joe' states: "...Their gait was very smooth, almost unerring and they covered a lot of ground in a little bit of time. But the main problem is like I said, if we sit down and try to really go through the details and think hard about it I end up almost with an anxiety attack. Whatever it was that they did to bury those things is pretty permanent. Over the years, I still occasionally have NIGHTMARES about it, I wake up in a cold sweat and I'd remember for awhile. It's frustrating. I find myself angry because I don't know what the heck they did to us." When Bostrom asked: "Do you know one or two of the people and can you get a hold of them today?" Joe responded: "Yes, there's five or six I could get a hold of. Most of them just refuse to talk about it at all. Two of them I know still work for the 'firm'. They are active so they're not going to talk about it. Bill suffers from delayed stress syndrome and when he came home he was never the same... I still have some friends with the 'firm'. I did some work for them after I was discharged from the service. One of them called me on a very friendly basis just as a friend." When Bostrom asked: "What is the 'firm'?" 'Joe' replied: "When you hear people involved in security; I'll let you in on a little secret here. They never call a certain agency of the government the company. They like to call it -- it's referred to as the 'firm'. Again, what we were with was literally a front for that agencies' military part which we were not supposed to have one of. It had one (possibly referring to the CIA, which has been referred to as' the Company' by some - Branton). Recently there have been little leaks about that. I did find out that a few weeks after we had our incident THERE WERE AT LEAST TWO MORE... Other than that, one of the most interesting things about this -- our memories were NEVER exactly the same. Whatever they did, it altered our memories -- affected it with great performance, but there is no such thing as a total block." (Note: This could indicate that hypnotic 'suggestions' concerning what happened were fed into the minds of the survivors, and that each man 'interpreted' the suggestions according to his own visual imagery, and therefore these images produced by their subconscious minds may not have lined-up perfectly with each other in that each had their own 'visualized' cover-story interpretation of the event - Branton) Peter Bostrom adds the following: "I...use the name Joe in place of this gentleman's real name. I spoke with Joe off and on for several weeks. When he spoke about this encounter he never changed his story and I believe he wants to give the true account as he himself believed it happened. As my conversations continued with Joe he said he had been contacted by an officer friend still on active duty to relay a message that he could freely speak about the subject of his encounter with the extraterrestrials in Cambodia and anything else concerning the subject 'SINCE THIS INFORMATION WILL BE MADE PUBLIC IN THE NEAR FUTURE ANYWAY,' but he was not to specifically indicate the true reason why he was in Cambodia." This 'other officer' also talked about the UFO subject in general, making statements to the effect that the Roswell crash really happened and also described precise methods of how people are taken to see the alien vehicles and bodies using high security procedures (in regards to transporting these people who need to go there for various reasons). "He also talked about two different alien beings. One name he used was the 'GRAYS' and the other was the 'NORDICS'." In early 1995 one source has confirmed to us the reality of the so-called "Predator Incident" in Southeast Asia. This source is an active CIA agent (there ARE still patriots in the CIA who favor the U.S. Constitution over a fascist "New World Order"), who has had confused memories of this event as well as memories of being involved in the Montauk space-time window "missions". However the Mind Control performed on him has prevented "total recall" of these incidents. He did state that over 200 elite special forces were killed during one of the three "Predator" incidents, and it ended with the withdrawl of the alien forces...