The following are several questions that were directed to former Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death. They are followed by his responses: "QUESTION - When exactly was the (upper human-occupied level of the) Archuleta installation constructed? "ANSWER - I heard Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was completed 1965-66 to connect tunnels to Page, Az. (Note: This is referring here to the upper levels, not the extreme lower levels which include vast natural caverns and, some believe, very ancient tunnels as well. This would include the tunnels illuminated by phosphorus pentoxide which the alien grays avoid, and the origin of which none of the humans involved with the upper base seem to be aware of - Branton) "Q -- By what means was the (upper) installations constructed? Are you familiar with the alleged developments made by the Rand Corporation of a highly-efficient bore-mole machine capable of melting rock using wolfram-graphite 'drill-cones'? "A -- Part of it was blasted by nuclear device, part of it by a machine that melts rock and leaves the surface smooth. "Q -- By WHOM was the Dulce installation (upper levels) originally constructed? "A -- Through RAND corp. "Q -- What exactly are the cattle (and human) organs such as blood, colons, eyes, reproductive organs, tongues, etc. used for -- i.e. the organs obtained via cattle and human mutilations? "A -- Read the so-called Dulce papers. "Q -- Are the various electromagnetically-controlled air or spacecraft [that have been seen] leaving from and arriving at Mt. Archuleta manned by humans, the 'alien entities', or both? "A -- Archuleta Mesa is a minor area... the craft leave (and is stored) in five areas. One is SE of Dulce, one near Durango Co., one at Taos, N. M., and the main fleet is stored at Los Alamos (under). (Note: We suppose Thomas Castello is referring to the 'joint' fleet. From combined sources however is appears as if Dulce is absolutely SURROUNDED on all sides by 'alien' bases inhabited by reptilian-sauroid and 'controlled' humans, and that Archuleta peak -- although possibly the most notorious sector of this alien facility -- is itself just one part of the overall base that some claim is nearly the size of Manhattan! One source claims that there are chambers a few hundred feet below the very town of Dulce itself. This close proximity may explain why it has usually been described as the 'Dulce Base'. Apparently even with his high-security clearance Thomas Castello was only familiar with one partof the overall mega-complex which underlies the area. Whatever amount of activity is taking place there, all sources seem to indicate that the town of Dulce is nevertheless a major crossroads, convergence or 'intersection' area and even though other bases exist beneath Los Alamos, etc., Dulce seems to be a major 'through' point of exterran and subterran saurian activity, as well as a central 'infiltration' zone for 'chameleoid' mercenaries, and a major convergence of sub-shuttle terminals, UFO ports, and so on - Branton) "Q -- Some have suggested that the entities (or so-called EBE's) are not 'extraterrestrial' in (original) ORIGIN, but use their off-planet bases as a smokescreen designed to hide their true nature and origin, that their actual origin-place is a subterranean nether region beneath the surface of this planet, and that they are actually descended from a hominoid reptilian creature or 'serpent race' which is hinted at in the third chapter of the book of Genesis, and which is [also] referred to as the 'Nagas' by both Hindus of India and Buddhists of Tibet. [They are] creatures which allegedly control the spiritual and physical leaders of this and other nations through supernatural manipulation. Does such a possibility/scenario fit in with your own observations at the Dulce facility? "A -- (Although this may have been a somewhat 'leading'question, his answer was) Yes. "Q -- Some have suggested that the so-called underground 'E.T.' bases and tunnels may for a large part be thousands of years old, and constructed by a antediluvian race which reached a considerable level of scientific complexity, and who were destroyed by a Divinely-initiated cataclysm which took place after they attempted to merge their science with occult forces. Do your observations tend to confirm or refute such a possibility? "A -- I'm not sure about the Divine part, but these 'aliens' consider themselves 'NATIVE TERRANS.' "Q -- Are there other sites tied into the 'shuttle network' other than those which you mentioned, and if so, where? "A -- WHERE!?! EVERYWHERE! THEY CRISS CROSS THE WORLD AS AN ENDLESS SUBTERRANEAN HIGHWAY. LIKE A FREEWAY, EXCEPT THIS ONE IS UNDERGROUND. "Q -- Are there any 'bases' in the state of Utah? (Note: Thomas mentioned in earlier writings several sites in the four-corners states of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado where there are 'connections',but little on Utah) Have you heard anything about an alleged underground installation within the Wasatch Mountains [on the western flank of the Rocky Mountain range]...? "A -- Salt Lake, Lake Powell Area, Dark Canyon, Dougway Grounds, Modena, Vernal. All have exits there. Others too. "Q -- Does the Mt. Archuleta 'shuttle system' connect with a shuttle system which allegedly radiates from Mt. Shasta in northern California? "A -- Yes. "Q -- Did you notice any involvement of high-level Free masons or Rosicrucians or Jesuits with the underground installation and/or underground creatures? (This based on the assumption made by some researchers that many of the Masonic lodges are ultimately controlled by 'illuminized' 33rd degree Scottish Rite Masonry, a 'Rite' which can allegedly be traced back to the JESUIT college at Clermont in Paris, a 'lodge' which is also tied-in with the Knights of Malta and possibly subterranean beings): "A - Yes. (Note: Salvador Freixedo, author of 'VISIONARIES, MYSTICS & CONTACTEES' -- Arcturus Book Service -- "was a Jesuit for 30 years until, that is, he began to discover that the [Roman] Church not only knew A LOT about unexplained phenomena, but that it USED phenomena as a basis for exercising its strangle hold on the minds and spirits of 700,000,000 'faithful'". Pope Leo XIII stated in 'THE GREAT ENCYCLICAL LETTERS', p. 304: "We hold upon this earth THE PLACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY." Theologian David Hunt believes that regardless of the possible sincere intentions of most Roman church goers, the original Popes were actually members of a continuous succession known as the secret 'Pontifous Maximus' order, or a succession of 'Grand Pontiffs' of the ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion which sought to wrest power out of the hands of God and rule over humanity themselves. Hunt alleges that Constantine, the LAST recognized 'Emperor' of the Roman Empire and FIRST recognized 'Pontiff' of the so-called 'Holy' Roman Empire, only feigned conversion to Christianity when it was evident that the Empire was crumbling politically. He replaced the empirical robes for 'religious' ones when he realized the 'Empire' could benefit from manipulating the spiritual-religious feeling of the masses. Former 33rd degree Mason Jim Shaw in his 'tract' A PONTIFF FREEMASON -- Box 884., Silver Springs, FL 32688 -- named over a dozen high-ranking Vatican officials who were also high-ranking Masons, including at least one Pope! This in the face of the Vatican's OUTWARD past condemnation of Masonry. Also Burke McCarty in his book 'THE SUPPRESSED TRUTH ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN' states that John Wilkes Booth was a member of the neo-masonic 'Knights of the Golden Circle', which was a branch of the Jesuit lodge as was the 'Carbonari' which incited the French revolution. Lincoln it seemed, as was confirmed by Charles Chiniquy in his 'THIRTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME', had resisted the so-called 'divine right' claims of Rome over the earth, including America. He paid for this with his life. McCarty also alleged that the Civil War was inflamed by Golden Circle agents on both sides to weaken the nation so that the 'Roman' empire could more easily take control. He also indicated how presidents William Harrison, Zachary Taylor and James Buchanan, who publicly stated their opposition to the imperial Jesuits, were also targets of assassination through poisoning by arsenic. Harrison's whole family died soon after he himself was assassinated by poison, and when James Buchanan was poisonedin 1857 he -- realizing what had happened -- was able to instruct his physicians on how to save his life. Unfortunately, 38 of the northern cabinet, members, etc. who dined with him on Washington's birthday died from the poisoning. This is HISTORY, although not the "kind" of history one is likely to find in the establishment history books. McCarty and others accused the Golden Circle 'Masons' and the Jesuits. Apparently, as is suggested in Revelation 13 & 17, there is a secret element working in Rome that is tied-in with the serpent race as is indicated by the reference to the 'dragon' in those passages. But we should remember that those 'in the know' are a relatively small minority compared to the rest of the controlled masses who cannot be blamed for being victims of mental and spiritual manipulation. The British economist Dr. John Coleman -- Box 507., Chalmette, LA 70044 -- also speaks of the extreme threat that America and other freedom-loving countries face from the 'virulent' influence of 'Jesuit-Freemasonry' orthe Scottish Rite-Illuminati. Although Coleman has been influencedsomewhat by anti-semitic 'white supremist' elements of the 'conspiracy research' community, much of his information on Jesuit-Masonry is nevertheless very useful and well documented - Branton) "Q -- [continuing with the questions to Thomas Castello] Is there any truth to the allegations that the CIA/'Aliens' have established 'bases' on the moon and/or mars? "A -- I heard that too, but I haven't seen proof with my own eyes. "Q -- Have you heard any hints or rumors suggesting that there may be lower levels beneath ULTRA-7, and also, where these might lead to and what they might consist of? "A -- YES. Your guess is as good as mine. "Q -- There is evidence that the U.S. government has developed it's own disk-craft based largely upon secret experiments carried out by the Nazi-German scientists during World War II. Have you heard anything referring to this? "A -- When I was working in Photo-security, heard a lot of talk, never saw the proof, but once in the Air Force I developed a roll of film that showed a craft LIKE ADAMSKI'S WITH A SWASTIKA ON THE SIDE. (Note: A letter from 'R.J.M.' of Pennsylvania dated 1-31-91 stated: "...I have a lot of UFO videos. I also have 'THE SECRET LAND' [1947]. It shows Bunger's Oasis and says they discovered warm land at the South Pole. One German author claims the Nazi's had a photo-finish FIGHT with Byrd. At the end of the movie, it says: 'Byrd's Intrepid 4,000 met and defeated ANTARCTICA'S TOUGHEST BATTALIONS.' I don't think they were talking about the weather..." Another source stated that there were loses on BOTH sides. Question: Why would Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide and have their bodies cremated after Hitler had spent so much energy executing over 5000 Nazi leaders whom he suspected were behind his assassination attempt at the 'Wolf' bunker, especially if he had a way out via a south Polar disk base? The March 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland, Ohio] carried an AP story titled "DOCTORS FIND BURNT BODY COULD NOT BE HITLER'S". Excerpts include: "...French forensic experts say the charred corpse said to be Hitler's is not his body... experts FALSIFIED verification reports ordered by Josef Stalin to appease the Soviet dictator.... the body is actually that of an unknown German male. [The forensic experts] spent more than two years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by Soviet coroners in the days following...the surrender of the Third Reich in 1945... the body [said to be Hitler's] had an extratooth and only one testicle... no German doctor who had examined Hitler before his death ever mentioned either anomoly." - Branton) "Q -- (Any other comments which you might want to submit): "A -- (regarding the question about Mt. Shasta) Mt. Shasta is a major site of Alien - Elder Race - Reptilian Race - Human meetings. "Beginning Cleveland, Grover every president in U.S. history have visited Telos City. "Truman was supposed to have visited the Lower Realms as a High Archon on Earth. He was supposed to have met the King of The World there, and gave him the 'Keys to the U.S.A.' "Truman received assurance to new high tech knowledge, and victory over all enemies on Earth. He then was introduced to Samaza and Khoach, aliens from Bootes and Tiphon (Draco), both reptilian 'kings' or Embassadors. "Truman updated the '100 Treaty' (that began IN 1933, Roosevelt) and requested magnetic advance, space knowledge and experiments. Khoach agreed, Samaza partially agreed. He exchanged hostages for genetic experiments and magnetic advance, but vetoed space and beam weaponry."