Karla Turner, Ph.D., in her book 'INTO THE FRINGE' (BerkleyBooks, N.Y. 1992) describes in detail her work with two 'abduct-ees', a husband and wife, who had allegedly experienced numerous alien encounters. Parts of the experiences which were sub-consciously suppressed by the couple were retrieved through regressive hypnosis. As an example, most of their abduction experiences with the'greys' involved the classic 'medical examinations', however the husband was convinced from his own observations that the 'Grey'aliens were attempting to genetically cross-breed humans and animals, such as cattle. At one point the husband observed an unconscious woman, not his wife, 'cut open' from her chest to her abdomen while the grays apparently performed some operation on her reproductive organs, after which the cut was sealed with a laser-like device and the original incision scar disappeared. Semen was also extracted from the man and, he believes, it was injected into the unconscious woman AND into the 'cow' which was on another table or platform. On one occasion the husband saw a group of 'greyish' beings with 'faces' which he could not clearly distinguish. The grayish beings 'told' him that they were his 'ancestors', along with other confusing discourses about genetic 'pockets' and so on. He felt the creatures were not human and he had the distinct impression that they were manipulating and lying to him, and he TOLD them so. Another strange experience involved a 'dream' wherein the husband saw a fairly attractive blond 'woman' seductively motioning him over. He went towards her and right when they were about to 'kiss' he 'saw' that beneath its disguise the being was actually some king of 'warty' and 'slimy' creature (Could the creature have 'projected' this false image into his mind? Also, was it attempting to excite him so that it could extract semen for genetic experiments? Some male abductees have alleged that they are forced to copulate with 'something', often described as being partially or fully mechanical-like, or part humanoid-mechanical or of non-humanoid configuration... or participate in many other bizarre actions in order to extract semenic fluid, no doubt to be used for further 'breeding' experiments. Some of these men claim that the experience was terrifying, abusive and gave them little if any pleasure. One man stated that after his experience he had much more sympathy for women who were forced to go through the ordeal of being raped). Although MOST encounters with 'Nordics' or 'Blond' humans are clearly recognizable as being ongoing human-to-human encounters, a relative 'few' encounters betray the fact that non-human -- often reptilian -- 'alien' beings are at least in a some instances attempting to pass themselves off as 'Nordics'. When the 'husband' realized that the apparent 'blond girl' was actually something inhuman he became horrified and began to resist, at which point he was 'injected' with something. According to Dr. Turner, when he 'woke up' from the 'dream' (the husband alleged) the (injection) marks were visible and very real. One of the most interesting experiences described by this couple however was a 'dream' that was remembered by both the wife and the husband, with a little help with regressive hypnosis to establish total recall. In connection with this episode, which occurred some time after the abductions by the grays began, the husband and wife had a 'shared' experience wherein they recalled being taken in a white pickup and a helicopter to an unknown destination. The memories of this part of the event were largely surrealistic as if he/they were in a drug-induced state (this was later confirmed). The husband remembered being taken to a marshy or swampy area and then of 'falling' down a great distance through some kind of tube, and finally arriving in some sort of large underground cavern. The air was musty until he/they were taken to one side of the cavern and past large man-made storage tanks, generators, etc., and after traversing this for some time they emerged into an installation where he saw doors, desks and other objects reminiscent of a 'military' base. Eventually he was taken into a 'saloon' like room. The air was 'filtered' and sanitized as opposed to the musty cavern. The 'bar' area seemed to be a 'holding area' where he saw several people standing or sitting around in a 'drugged' or catatonic zombie-like state. The 'dreamlike' sensation began to give way to a lucid, rational mindset and the husband became aware of a military officer there who seemed to be very angry that he was coming out of the state of mind that they wanted him in, since he was beginning to see the area as 'solid' and 'real' instead of 'dreamlike'. He even began asking some of the dazed people there if anyone had a deck of cards. He had the impression that even though they were deep underground someone had gone to a lot of trouble making this 'holding area' look like an 1800's saloon, carefully planning every detail. He was later convinced that such an atmosphere was intended to reinforce the 'dreamlike', drug-induced state of consciousness. He soon found himself being interrogated by what seemed to be a high-ranking Army official, possibly an Army Major. The officer persistently demanded information out of him concerning his knowledge of the grey aliens, what the aliens' plans were, what was done to them during their abductions, how he was personally involved in their 'plans' and so on, apparently aware of the fact that he/they had been abducted in the past. The husband refused to answer any questions, having become 'conscious' to what was going on and where he was, and this just made the Army Major(?), who he described as a very 'emotional' man, more upset. The officer threatened him, saying that the military might take repercussions if he did not cooperate, but the husband sensed that his interrogator was bluffing and that they probably would not follow through with any of the threats. Although they apparently landed near a marshy area beforeentering the underground base, the husband for some reason believed that they were actually deep inside a mountain. He also had the impression that the others in 'the bar' or 'saloon' -- some of whom he seemed to know and who were waiting to be 'interrogated' -- had also been abducted with him on different occasions and the military was desperately trying to find out 'what they knew'. Of course their methods of gaining 'intelligence' may have been rather unconventional, however it may be in keeping with the mind-set of a schizophrenic military -- terrified at the potential threats that the Aliens and their (programmed?) abductees might pose to the United States establishment, yet at the same time being pressured to maintain a 'cover-up' wherein 'intelligence' had to be gained through unconventional methods such as that described above. However, IF the 'aliens' are using human beings as 'implanted' or 'tagged' pawns in an agenda of planned subversion against this human-dominated planet Earth, then one should not lay the blame entirely on the 'abductees' who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Instead they should be viewed more as the victims than the enemies.