The following are 12 distinctions between the 'Evadamic' and the 'Draconian' species. The two categories are divided into HUMANS AND HUBRIDS (H), and REPTILIANS AND REBRIDS (R). According to some accounts, the neo-saurian entities often appear in somewhat humanoid configuration. As a rule, the distinction might be confirmed depending on which 'category' the entity belongs to as evidenced by a MAJORITY of characteristics which would determine whether the entity falls into the Evadamic (soul-matrixed, personal consciousness) or Draconian (non soul-matrixed, collective consciousness) category. The 12 distinctions are as follows: H - Possess hair follicles. R - As a rule, no hair follicles. H - Epidermal skin. R - Rough or scaly 'skin'. H - Humanoid ear protuberances. R - No or non-humanoid ear protuberances. H - White eyes with round colored pupils. R - Black or yellow-orange eyes with slit pupils. H - Humanoid nose and lips. R - No nose/lips OR 'muzzled' nose/jaw. H - Four 'nailed' fingers and one opposable thumb. Four small and one large toe. R - Three or four 'clawed' fingers or three fingers with a partially-opposable 'thumb'. Two - four clawed 'toes'. H - Exterior male or female reproductive organs. R - No exterior reproductive organs. H - Body temperature below 100 degrees. R - Body temperature, in many or most cases, above 100degrees. H - Crimson liquified 'blood'. R - Greenish viscous, in some cases chlorophyll-based photo-reactive, 'fluid'. H - Mammalian, no tail. R - Reptilian with tail or tail stub. H - 'Human' internal organ makeup. R - 'Non-human' internal organ make up; due to high rate of mutability internal organ makeup may differ widely among various'Reptilian' species, such as two 'brains', posterior-positioned'heart', etc. H - Excretes waste via posterior. R - Excretes waste via 'skin', causing foul odorous, amonia or urine-like smell.