John Lear
                                                1414 Hollywood Blvd.,
                                                Las Vegas, Nevada 89110
                                                December 13, 1987

Dear Steven;

It was nice talking to you last night.  I have enclosed the Dulce papers 
for your information.  Also enclosed is a transcript of the McCampbell 
conversation with Paul Bennewitz and Project Beta.  Also the Gary 
Stollman statement.  What follows is my current hypothesis formed after 
my 2 week trip through Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona talking to 
various individuals, some Air Force, some Sandia and some others.  
MJ-12 representing the U.S. Government made a deal with the EBE's 
(Extra-terrestrial biological entities) or "Greys" around the period of 
1969-1970-1971.  The "deal" was in exchange for technology that they 
would provide to us if we would ignore the abductions that were going on.

The EBE's assured us that these abductions were merely ongoing 
monitoring of developed civilizations:  (in fact these abductions have 
been for at least 3 purposes:

(1)  insertion of a tiny probe about 3 millimeters in size into the 
     brain for monitoring and programming purposes;

(2)  post hypnotic suggestion concerning an important event that will 
     occur in the next 2 to 5 years and giving the subject someplace to 
     go and something to perform at that time; under our best hypnotic 
     techniques we were unable to find out when or where or what this 
     event is, and

(3)  genetic crossbreeding between the EBE's and humans.  In many of 
     the abductee hypnotioc regressions of women with unusual terminated 
     pregnancies they have been shown these "cross-breeds", usually 
     frail tiny beings with comparatively large heads, thin skin, very 
     thin arms and legs.  Since we weren't aware of these facts we went 
     along with the agreement but insisted on a list of the abductees 
     to be submitted periodically to the National Security Council and 

The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system is 
atrophied and not functional.  Some speculate that they were involved 
in some type of nuclear war or possibly on the back of a genetic curve.  
In order to sustain themselves they use an enzyme or hormonal secretion 
obtained from the tongues and throats of cows or humans.  (Note:  Cows 
and humans are genetically similar.  In event of a national disaster 
cow blood can be used by humans).  This secretion is mixed with H202 
(hydrogen peroxide) and another substance and is either spread on the 
skin, or the hands are dipped in the solution.  The body then absorbs 
the mixture and excretes the waste back through the skin.

The cattle mutilations that were prevalent throughout the period from 
1973 to 1983 and publicly noted through newspaper and magazine stories 
and included a documentary produced by Linda Howe for the Denver CBS 
affiliate were for the collection of these secretions and other items.  
The mutilations included genitals taken, rectums cored out to the colon, 
eye missing and the tongue and throat cut with extreme surgical 
precision.  The incisions were made by cutting between the cells, 
actually seperating molecular structure.  This is why no blood was 
found at all, yet there was no vascular collapse.  This has also been 
true in human mutilations, one of the first was Sgt. Jonathan P. 
Louette at the White Sands Missle Test Range in 1956, who was found 
three days after an Air Force Major hade witnessed the abduction of 
Sgt. Louette by a "disk shaped" object about 0200 one morning.  His 
genitals had been removed, rectum cored out in a surgically precise 
"plug" up to the colon, eyes removed and no blood remaining, with no 
vascular collapse.  From some of the evidence it is apparent that this 
surgery is accomplished in most cases while the victim, animal or human, 
is still alive.  The various parts are, taken to various underground 
laboratories, one of which is known to be 2-1/2 miles northwest of the 
small New Mexico town of Dulce, 1 Km deep inside the Archuletta Mesa.  
This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility has been described as 
enormous, with huge tiled halls that "go on forever."  Several ink 
drawings of photos taken inside the facility were recently released as 
the "Dulce Papers."  The photos show large vats with pale meat being 
agitated in solution.  An abductee in regression recalled "large test 
tubes with humans in them.  I saw a baby in another."

After the initial agreement between MJ-12 and the aliens, Groom Lake, 
one of the nation's most secret test centers in Nevada was closed for a 
period of two years (1972-1973) and a huge underground facility was 
constructed for and with the help of the EBE's.  The bargained-for 
technology was set in place but could only be operated by the EBE's 
themselves.  Needless to say, the advanced technology could not be used 
against the EBE's in case of need.

During the period of 1979 through 1983 it became increasingly obvious 
to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned.  It became known that 
many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed 
on the official abduction list being supplied to the National Security 
Council and MJ-12 and that the abductions included much more than the 
"simple monitoring of an advancing civilization."  In addition, it 
became obvious that some, not all, but some of the nation's missing 
children hade been used for secretions and other parts required by the 

In 1979, there was an altercation of sorts at the Archuletta laboratory. 
Delta Force was called in to try and free a number of people trapped in 
the facility who had become aware of what was really going on.  66 of 
the soldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.  
By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror of the mistake they had 
made in dealing with the EBE's.  They had subtly promoted "Close 
Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T." to get the public use to 
"odd-looking" aliens that were compassionate, benevolent, and very much 
our "space-brothers."  They "sold" the EBE's to the public and were now 
faced with the fact that quite the opposite was true.  In addition, a 
plan started in 1968-1969 to make the public aware of the existance of 
aliens on earth over the next 20 years, to be culmanated with several 
documentaries would explain the history and intentions of the EBE's.  
The discover of the "Grand Deception" put the entire plans, hopes, 
wishes, and dreams of MJ-12 into complete confusion and panic.

Meeting at the "Country Club," a remote lodge with private golf course 
and lavish sleeping and working quarters built by and exclusively for 
the members of MJ-12, it was a factional fight of what to do now.  Part 
of MJ-12 wanted to confess the whole scheme and shambles it had become 
to the public, beg their forgiveness, and ask for their support.  The 
other half of MJ-12 argued there was no way they could do that, that 
the situation was untenable and there was no use in exciting the public 
with the "horrible truth" and the best plan was to continue the 
development of a weapon that could be used against the EBE's under the 
guise of "SDI," the Strategic Defense Initiative, which had nothing 
whatever to do with a defense from Russian nuclear missiles.  As these 
words are being written, Dr. Treller "father of the H-bomb," is in the 
test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site driving his workers and associates 
in the words of one, "like a man possessed."  And well he should for Dr. 
Treller was a member of MJ-12, along with Dr. Kissinger, Bobby Inman and 
possibly Admiral Poindexter, to name a few of the current MJ-12.

Before the "Grand Deception" was discovereed and according to the 
meticulous plan of metered release of information to the public, 
several documentaries and videotapes were made.  William Moore, a 
Burbank, California-based UFO researcher came into possession of a 
videotape through his contacts with MJ-12 who had taken a great 
interest in Mr. Moore's book, "The Roswell Incident," published in 1980.
The book detailed the crash, recovery, and subsequent coverup of a UFO 
with 4 alien bodies.  They decided to use Moore as one of several 
conduits to help in the gradual release of the existance of aliens to 
the public.  The video Mr. Moore had was an interview by 2 well known 
newsmen of a military officer associated with MJ-12.  In the interview 
the military officer answers questions relating to the history of MJ-12 
and the coverup. the recovery of a number of flying saucers, the 
existance of a live alien (one of three living aliens, designated or 
named EBE1, EBE2, and EBE3) being held in a facility designated as 
YY-II at Los Alamos, New Mexico.  The only other facility of this type 
is at Edwards Air Force Base in Mojave, California.  The officer named 
names as previously mentioned plus a few others: Harold Brown, Richard 
Helms, Gen Vernon Walters, and Von Karmon.  Thye officer also relates 
the fact that the EBE's claim to have created Christ.  The EBE's have 
some sort of recording device that has recordede all of the Earth's 
history and can display it in the form of a hologram.  This hologram 
can be filmed but because of the way holograms work, it does not come 
out clearly.  The crucifixion of Christ on the Mount of Olives has 
allegedly been put on film to show to the public.  The EBE's claim to 
have created Christ in view of the "Grand Deception" could be an effort 
to disrupt traditional values for undetermined reasons.

Another video tape alleged to be in existence is an interview with an 
EBE.  Since EBE's communicate telepathically, an Air Force Colonel 
serves as an interpreter.  Just before the recent stock market crash, 
several newsmen including Bill Moore had been invited to Los Alamos to 
personally film and distribute to the public a similar type interview.  
Apparently, because of the market crash, it was felt that the timing 
was not propitious.

Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents, the first few 
pages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed a supersecret 
NASA project which has been denied by them until just recently.  The 
Aquarius Project was the communication with aliens, specifically the 
EBE's.  Within the Aquarius Project was Project Snowbird, a project to 
test fly a recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada.

Moore feels that MJ-12 has been stringing him along, promising to go 
public with some of the information on the extraterrestrials for too 
long a time.  He has made the decision that if MJ-12 does not come 
forward with the information and release it publicly by the end of 1987 
then he, Moore, will go with "what he's got," i.e. the videotapes, 
remainder of the Aquarius documents, and additional matter.

Certain of Moore's statements leads one to believe that Moore himself 
is a Government agent working for MJ-12, not being strung along, but 
stringing along ever hopeful ufologists that the truth is just around 
the corner.  Consider:

(1.)  Moore states emphatically that he is not a government agent,      
      although when Les Graham (a Southern California-based ufologist)   
      was investigated by the DIS for documents in his possession       
      recieved by Moore, Moore himself was not.

(2.)  Moore states emphatically that the cattle mutations were a hoax 
      by Linda Howe to create publicity for herself.  He cites the       
      unobtainable book "Mute Evidence" as the bottom line on the Hoax.

(3.)  Moore states that the U.S.A.F. Academy physics book "Introductory 
      Space Science" Vol. II, Chapter13 titled "Unidentified Flying  
      Objects" and describes four of the most commonly seen aliens (one  
      of which was an EBE) was written by a Lt. Col. and Major who did  
      not know what they were talking about and were merely citing 
      "crackpots."  He says the book was withdrawn to exise the chapter.

If the government felt they were being forced to acknowledge the 
existence of aliens on Earth because of overwhelming mounting evidence 
and taking into consideration the "Grand Deception" and obvious hostile 
intentions of the EBE's it might be expedient for MJ-12 to admit to 
EBE's but conceal information of the mutilations and abductions.  If 
MJ-12 and Moore were in some kind of agreement then it would be 
benificial to toe the party line.  For example " are some more 
genuine documents but remember...don't discuss the mutilations or 
abductions."  If Moore was indeed working as an agent for MJ-12 he 
would follow the party line anyway....pooh poohing the mutilations and 

Time will tell.  It is possible that Moore will go ahead and release 
the video interview with the military officer around the first of the 
new year.  From MJ-12's point of view the public would be exposed to 
the information without really having to believe it because Moore is 
not as credible a source as, say, the President of the United States.  
After a few months of digestion and discussion a more credible source 
could emerge with a statement that yes, in fact, the interview was 
essentially fact.  This would cushion somewhat the blow to the public.

If, however, Moore does not release the tape by, say, February 1, but 
comes instead with a story similiar to: "MJ-12 has informed me they are 
definitly planning a total release of all information by October 1988.  
I have seen the plan and have seen the guarantees that this will happen. 
So I have decided to withhold the issuance of my videotape at this time 
as it may cause problems," this would, in effect, buy more time for 
MJ-12, and time is what they desperately need.

The rest of us have to wonder what the big picture is anyway.  Are the 
EBE's having done a hundred thousand or more abductions and built an 
untold number of underground bases (Groom Lake, Sunspot, Datil, Pietown, 
Northern Nevada, Roswell, just to name a few alien underground bases) 
getting ready to go back to where they came from?  Or from the obvious 
preperation are we to assume they are getting ready for some big move?  
Or, the most sinister and most probable situation is that the invasion 
is essentially complete and everything is over but the screaming.  A 
well-planned invasion of Earth for its' resources and benefits would 
not start with mass landings and a lot of rayguns.  A properly planned 
and executed invasion by a civilization thousands and probably hundreds 
of thousand of years in advance of us would be complete before only a 
handful, 12 for instance, would even know.  No muss, no fuss.

Here is a list of some of the probable visitors to Earth from outer 
space.  The only known home of these visitors is that of the EBE's and 
which is Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the 
Southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a spectral 
class of G2, identical to our sun.

Three types of EBE's (Greys)

   Grey-1:  3-1/2 ft. tall, large head, large slanted eyes.  Worship
            technology.  Don't give a damn about mankind.

   Grey-2:  Same type, different finger arrangement, slightly different
            face.  More sophistocated than Grey-1, use common sense,
            passive.  May not need secretions.

   Grey-3   Same basic type.  Lips thinner, more subservient to other 
            two greys.

Blonds, Swedes, Nordics
Known by any of these monikers.  Similar to humans.  Blond hair, blue 
eyes.  Will not break universal law of "non-interference" to help us.  
They could only intervene if any Grey activity would not have adverse 
effect in another part of universe.

Entity that can assume various shapes.  Peaceful nature.

Hairy Dwarfs
4 ft. tall, 35lbs.  Extremely strong.  Hairy, neutral.  Don't try to 
hurt intelligent life.

Very Tall Race
Look like humans but 7 or 8 ft. tall.  Unite with blonds.

Humans Appearing Similar to Blonds (seen with Grey's)
Drones created by Grey's.  Child-like mentality.

Men In Black. Wear all blackj\.  Sunglasses.  Very pale skin.  Do not 
conform to normally accepted patterns.  Extremely sensitive to light.  
May be a holographic image.

That's all I have for you now except to tell you that Moore has shown 
the videotape to 5 well known persons to judge reactions.  One of those 
persons was Paul Harvey, well known news commentator and personal 
friend.  Paul says he has seen the evidence but rejects the content.  I 
talked with him briefly over the telephone the other day to tell him 
that the video was essentially true but there was some very important 
information he should be aware of known as the Grand Deception.  I told 
him that one thing, the story that the EBE's invented Christ, was 
probably not true.  He said he didn't believe that part anyway.  I told 
him it was important that he know "the rest of the story" and that I 
would be in Chicago in a few weeks to brief him.  He said that I was 
certainly welcome.

A word about channeling and channelors.  Pure, unadulterated crap.  The 
Greys have created this "Space Brother" nonsense to appeal to a certain 
segment of the population who might otherwise dig for real information.

Steve, I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy 
New Year and hope this letter finds everybody in good health.

                                             Best Regards,

                                             (Signed John Lear)

Note: John Lear is William Lear's son (Lear Jets) and works with the
Department of Defense and flys for the CIA from time to time.