Subject: The Philadelphia Experiment (3/3) From: Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 20:44:27 UTC Message-ID: <> "An anonymous letter writer told of witnessing phenomena which he believed to be related to the alleged secret Navy experiment. During the Second World War, his landlady's son went into the Navy, and it was believed that he had died while in service. Some years later, however, our correspondent met a young man of the son's description in the hallway of the rooming house. The young man said 'hello,' then 'vanished like a ghost.' "The boarder often saw the young man appear, then vanish. On one occasion the strange man appeared , began to weep, and begged the landlady for some bread. The matter became even more confused in the boarder's mind when the young sailor's widow, who continued to reside with her mother-in-law for many years after her husband's presumed death, moved out after obtaining a DIVORCE. "Had the landlady's son been one of those unfortunate seamen aboard the experimental naval vessel? "Such things are 'incredible,' pronounce the representatives of various earthly establishments, 'contrary to the laws of science.' And so they may be, but we may soon learn that there are many undreamt-of facts that are 'contrary to the laws' of our science. "The mystery of the true reality of the Philadelphia Experiment has taunted UFO researchers for over thirty years. Now Al Bielek claims to have the key to unlock the rusted door of secrecy. "...Just when those of us who research such incredible reports and attempt to define them as mysteries or myths had decided that it was time to put the Philadelphia Experiment to rest, in September of 1989, Alfred Bielek stepped before the audience gathered in Phoenix for the UFO-NEW AGE CONFERENCE and startled everyone by announcing that he had been a part of the astonishing experiment and that he had survived time-warping, invisibility, and electromagnetic zapping to emerge from a period of brainwashing to tell his story. "Alfred Bielek: Actually, the Philadelphia Experiment, at least in its preliminary stages, probably began about 1932-'33 in the Chicago area. The popular scientific press of the day was very hot on the subject of invisibility. "It was at that time that a small team of scientists got together and started to investigate the subject and its possibilities. The team included John Hutchinson, Dean of the University of Chicago; the brilliant Nicola Tesla; and a third man who has been very hard to identify. I finally tracked him down as Dr. Emil Kurtenauer, an Austrian, who had a Ph.D. in physics. "THEN ARE YOU SAYING THAT THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT BEGAN AS A CIVILIAN PROJECT? "Bielek: Although it was a private research operation, it was apparently funded by the Navy from the very beginning. It was soon moved to the east coast and wound up at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University, which had been formed in 1933. Einstein and a number of very interesting people became associated with the Institute, but one of the first, and perhaps one of the youngest members that they had join them in 1933, was Dr. John Eric Von Neumann. "WAS TESLA ALSO A PART OF THE WORK AT THE INSTITUTE? "Bielek: He rejoined them in perhaps the late '30s. Because of his close connection with Franklin D. Roosevelt, who became President in 1933, Tesla had been called to Washington to do work for the government. He was assigned to several projects, the principal one of which later resulted in the Philadelphia Experiment. "One of Tesla's projects was the so-called 'Death Ray.' Most people don't know this, but the machine was actually built by the U.S. Army in 1938-'39 and was tested in New Mexico. "I heard from a friend, someone who was connected with the government, and from an acquaintance who had worked with Tesla, that the ray truly worked. It was so devastating and its effects so terrible that the government decided that it was too dangerous for anyone to control. They destroyed the working model; they destroyed the records; they destroyed the plans. The officers in charge said that they would rather see the thing destroyed than to be put into possible use by an enemy. "Tesla then proposed a similar system to the British, and he was also turned down by them. Somewhat disgruntled, he turned his talents to a radio-controlled automobile that extracted its power from the air around it. He converted a Pierce-Arrow and drove it around Manhattan to the delight of the press and the people. Tesla's nephew also drove the car in upstate New York. "WHEN DID TESLA GET BACK TO WORK ON THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT? "Bielek: I believe that he was its first director when it got to the point where the project required complete organization. "Perhaps the single greatest contributor to the project, however, was Dr. John Von Neumann. Born in Budapest, Hungary, he demonstrated a genius in mathematics at an early age. He had been at the University of Berlin and the University of Hamburg when he immigrated to the United States in 1930. He went immediately to Princeton where he became a Visiting Professor of Mathematics. In 1933, he was invited to join the Institute. "AND WHAT ABOUT EINSTEIN'S PARTICIPATION IN THE PROJECT? "Bielek: Einstein did not take part in any physical way in the project, which, by the way, was called 'Project Rainbow.' "Einstein was strictly a theoretical physicist. He was not at all a nuts and bolts man. The experiment, in part, was being run as an application of his Unified Field Theory, but Einstein, though aware of Project Rainbow, was involved in many other projects at the Institute. "There was another participant who is rather well-known to UFOlogists because of his work with electrostatically controlled UFOs. I refer to T. Townsend Brown, who was excellent at the nuts and bolts application of physics. "AL, PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR OWN INVOLVEMENT IN THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT. "Bielek: I began investigating the mystery back in the 1960's, strictly as a research project. I had no idea then that I would discover that I had such a personal involvement in the whole incredible business. "AND NOW YOU HAVE SOMEHOW REMEMBERED THAT YOU HAVE BEEN LEADING A DOUBLE LIFE. YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED ONE LIFE AS ALFRED BIELEK AND ANOTHER AS EDWARD A. CAMERON. "Bielek: That is correct. And I have learned that I have a half-brother, Duncan. We were the sons of Alexander Duncan Cameron, a wealthy ex-Navy man who had five wives in succession and numerous mistresses. "My brother got his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. I received my Ph.D. in physics at Harvard. "AS EDWARD A. CAMERON, NOT AS ALFRED BIELEK. "Bielek: Yes. I haven't been able to document all of this yet, but I have memory flashes of the classes and the professors. "Duncan and I had followed the advice of our father and had entered a naval officers' training program. In September of 1939, we were assigned to Provincetown, Rhode Island, Officers Training School. After a brief tour of duty, we were assigned to the Institute at Princeton. "Tesla was in charge of Project Rainbow at the time, and Von Neumann, a superior mathematician, seemed to be next in command. "In September of 1940, we applied coils and generators to a mine sweeper and accomplished a successful transition into invisibility. "WAIT A MINUTE! ARE YOU SAYING THAT THERE WAS A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT IN INVISIBILITY IN 1940 BEFORE THE ILL-FATED BOGGLE IN 1943? "Bielek: Yes, but we used no personnel on board the mine sweeper. We used only the ship. "The experiment was heavily classified, of course. Almost immediately the maritime service became interested. "Remember, the United States was not yet at war, but the handwriting was on the wall. Everyone knew that it probably wouldn't be too long before the Nazi submarines were sniping at out ships. "What Project Rainbow sought to do was to accomplish radar and visual invisibility. And at this time, the Navy seemed to have unlimited resources. Roosevelt was an old Navy man, and he lavished big budgets on his favorite branch of the service. "After the successful demonstration with the mine sweeper, my brother and I were sent on a tour of duty aboard the Pennsylvania. We were in San Francisco when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and early in 1942, we were summoned back to the Institute. It was now imperative that Project Rainbow produce more successful results as soon as possible. "Tesla had designed special coils for the generators and transformers. Everything was built to endure powerful jolts of electricity. "WEREN'T YOU CONCERNED TO BE WORKING AROUND SO MUCH HIGH VOLTAGE APPARATUS? "Bielek: Tesla was. He became very concerned when he learned that the experiment would now include a live crew. He protested that the scientists had no true idea of what would happen to the personnel on board the ship. "Everyone always talks about the genius of Tesla. Without taking any of his genius away from him, it must be admitted that he was a very unusual person. I am convinced that he had a definite extraterrestrial connection. An acquaintance who used to work with Tesla has said that he talked to 'someone' off- planet everyday. "HOW FAR DID TESLA CARRY HIS PROTEST THAT THE EXPERIMENT WOULD BE TOO DANGEROUS FOR THE PERSONNEL? "Bielek: He insisted that the Navy give Project Rainbow more time before the experiments would be conducted. They told him to forget it. There was a war going on. He was told to make the experiment work. "On a cold day in March, 1942, all the levers were pulled to place the test ship - a battleship - into invisibility - and nothing happened. "I remain convinced that Tesla deliberately sabotaged the experiment. The apparent failure of the experiment permitted him to say, 'Well, it is obvious the experiment was unsuccessful. Now, I have to get back to work on other projects. Good-bye.' "There was no way that he would risk that many human lives. "He left the project, and ten months later, on January 7, 1943, he was found dead in his hotel room in New York. "WEREN'T YOU CONCERNED WHEN TESLA LEFT THE PROJECT? "Bielek: Absolutely. My brother and I also had picked up on a personal problem - for others and ourselves. Understand that we would be in the hold of the test ship. We would not be watching the experiment from the safety of the dock. "Van Neumann was now in charge, and he switched to a pulse modulation of energy. He lopped off a forward turret from the Eldridge so that he could place two large generators in the hold. Four transmitters were on deck. T. Townsend Brown placed a special transmitter in the hold and an antenna on the 'tower'. Yet another massive generator to power the system was brought on board. "Early in June, a seaman who was helping us in the hold was struck down by a huge arc of energy. "In late June, they decided the Eldridge should be tested for seaworthiness, and the vessel left with a temporary captain. "On July 20th, we were all ready and assembled for the experiment. "At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, someone flipped the main switch, and for twenty minutes the Eldridge was invisible to radar and to visual contact. "We returned twenty minutes later with most of the crew demented. My brother and I must have been spared because we were in the hold, and most of the equipment was on deck. "In spite of the heavy loss of personnel to hysteria and near insanity, we were given twenty-one days to try it again. "This time, they told us, we would try only for radar invisibility, not optical invisibility. After all, the important thing was to confuse enemy radar. It was not really necessary to be invisible. Besides, what if invisible ships started ramming each other with their radar ineffective? "On August 12, with a new crew, the experiment began afresh. For sixty to seventy seconds, the Eldridge was invisible to radar. "Then there was a blue flash - and the ship disappeared. There was not even a waterline to mark its visible presence. It was gone. "For four hours it was gone. "YOU CLAIM THAT YOU AND YOUR NEWLY DISCOVERED HALF-BROTHER WERE ON BOARD. WHERE DID YOU GO FOR FOUR HOURS? "Bielek: We saw crewmen all around us going crazy, so we jumped off the ship. But instead of landing in the water of the Philadelphia harbor, we landed on the grass at the Montauk Army Base on Long Island, New York. Dr. Von Neumann was waiting for us. It is said that he died in 1957. No way! He was there in Montauk in '83. (Note: If Bielek is telling the truth, then Von Neumann most likely became aware of the missing men after the initial experiment, calculated that they had been caught in a parallel though extremely swift 'time current', and to put it simply 'pulled them from the river' by establishing some type of electromagnetic 'window' through which he was able to pull them out from the 'side-stream' back into the 'main-current' of our time-space existence - Branton) "We had somehow been sucked into hyperspace and been pulled into the future. "And guess what had been pulled along with us? Between August 4 and August 12, we had sighted UFOs hovering over the Eldridge. Well, a (remote controlled? - Branton) UFO was sucked along with us to Montauk - and it was dismantled there! "WHAT OF THE OTHER PERSONNEL? "Bielek: Once again, it seems that Duncan and I survived because we had been in the hold. But the terrible irony is that not even one single member of the crew would have had to suffer if the experiment had been one day earlier or later. "WHAT DID THE DATE HAVE TO DO WITH IT? "Bielek: Although no one knew it then, the most important piece of equipment on the Eldridge was Tesla's Zero Time Generator. "This incredible device was created to lock into the basic Zero Time of our galaxy. It provides a physical-cosmological lockup that must be in place before one can attempt all of these exotic experiments in teleportation and invisibility. "The UFOs had been trying to warn us that we must not attempt our experiment on August 12. It appears that the Earth has its own biorhythm, just as we humans and all living things do. There is a twenty year peak that occurred that year on August 12, 1943. We were pulled into hyperspace and emerged forty years later on 1982. (Apparently two 20-year 'cycles' later. Note that this was FORWARD 'travel' rather than backwards as the time 'stream' cannot flow back on itself - Branton) "As Von Neumann explained, what he needed in 1943 to ensure the experiment's success was a computer. Each individual had his own Time Lock Reference. When this reference is disrupted by extreme power, people can literally be torn away from their moments in Time and drift away into another point of reference. "Although Von Neumann believed that he had correctly calculated the Zero Time Reference, only a computer could have done so for each crewman. Therefore, some of the men did not come back to the precise moment in the Past/Present of 1943 in which they had left. And they only needed to be off (i.e. out of frequency or phase - Branton) by a mini-second to find themselves embedded in a steel bulkhead. "Von Neumann did collaborate on Maniac One, an early model of a very successful computer, which in spite of its massive bulk and size, was very effective. Unfortunately, it was much too late to help the crewmen of the Eldridge. "When the warship returned to visibility in the Navy yard, four men were embedded into various parts of the Eldridge. Some had burst into flame. Others were glowing. Most of the rest were insane. Only those shielded by steel walls or decking survived. "WHY WASN'T THERE A GREAT PUBLIC OUTCRY OVER SUCH A TERRIBLE MILITARY DISASTER? "Bielek: Remember, this experiment was as classified as the research on the atomic bomb. The whole incident was swept under the Navy's rug. Cover stories were created. Men were placed in asylums. "You must also place this incident in time perspective with the enormous war effort that was taking place. London was being bombed. We were taking our lumps in the Pacific. The wounded were coming back from everywhere. "AS AN ASIDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WARSHIP THAT WAS USED IN THE EXPERIMENT? "Bielek: Strangely enough, they tried another experiment with her somewhere around October 27th - this time without personnel. Once again, the Eldridge disappeared. WHEN SHE RETURNED, IT WAS DAMAGED AND HALF OF ITS EQUIPMENT WAS MISSING. I didn't say the EQUIPMENT was 'damaged.' I said, 'missing!' "After this incident the Powers That Be pronounced that they had had enough of such experiments. The Eldridge was on active duty until 1946. After she was removed from duty, she was 'mothballed' for a time. Then, later, in 1951, she was transferred to the Greek Navy. "WE'RE A BIT UNCLEAR AS TO HOW YOU AND YOUR BROTHER CAME TO BE GIVEN TWO IDENTITIES. "Bielek: Let me explain this way: In 1947 or '48, Dr. Von Neumann, armed with a rudimentary, but effective, airborne system caused a F-80 jet fighter to disappear from radar. Both pilot and plane seemed just fine, but the scientist decided to ground the pilot and keep him under wraps for a year, just to make sure. "A year later, the pilot was taking an observer along on a repeat test flight when the pilot simply disappeared from the cockpit. Unfortunately, the observer was not an aviator, so the jet crashed. Only the body of the observer has ever been found. The pilot had totally disappeared. "Perhaps our Zero Time Reference pulled us back again to 1983. MY BROTHER DIED IN THREE DAYS OF OLD AGE. HE HAD AGED ABOUT A YEAR AN HOUR. I guess a similar thing must have happened to me. "You may not believe this, but secret government agencies have the ability to arrange new bodies FOR SOULS whose previous physical bodies have died. My brother's soul was introduced to a body that was born in 1951. "EVEN IF SUCH MIND-BOGGLING TECHNOLOGY MIGHT EXIST, WHY WOULD ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY WISH TO DO SUCH A THING? "Bielek: For reasons that I cannot explain at this time, they cannot allow my brother or myself to die. It was arranged that I should have the body and background of Alfred Bielek, born in 1927. "The C.I.A. and N.S.A. have all kinds of incredible technology than can work with the individual's genetic blueprint and external matrix that flows around it. They can do physical age regression - and progression. (Note: According to certain sources, some of the para- scientific research taking place in the Dulce and other underground labs include research into the possibility of removing a soul-matrix from a human body [i.e. killing them] and inserting another soul matrix into that same body. In order for this experiment to work, it appears that someone must die in the process. No wonder the Dulce labs and other similar bio-genetic laboratories must keep their activities absolutely secret, as the Federal medical regulation agencies would literally eat them alive, and convict them on countless infringements of the Constituted laws of the United States. Some even claim that the 'organization' operating in such laboratories have little in common with the elected Constitutional Government of the U.S. As for the Dulce Facility, there is also an allegation that a human soul-matrix can be removed from a human body and replaced by an 'alien' energy matrix--possibly even malevolent 'alien' forms? In essence, the person 'dies' and his/her body is taken over by a supernatural non-human intelligence in what might be considered a more complex version of the old 'zombie' traditions - Branton) "WHEN DID YOU BEGIN TO 'REMEMBER' THIS WHOLE INCREDIBLE STORY? "Bielek: They had brainwashed me good, obviously intending to bury me forever. As I mentioned, I first began researching the Philadelphia Experiment in the 1960s, and I knew there was something about that film as I saw it that really jogged my memories. "One day I walked into the home of the man I know now as my half-brother, and I said to him and some other friends gathered there, 'I was part of the Philadelphia Experiment. And so were you!' "'We know it,' they said, 'We have just been waiting for YOU to remember.' "AND WHAT IS NEXT FOR YOU, NOW THAT SO MANY MEMORIES APPEAR TO BE RETURNING TO YOU? "Bielek: More research. More investigation. I want to be able to document all of this in a way that will satisfy the most skeptical. "I am beginning to find other crew members or personnel who were associated with the experiment. They remember me and recall my involvement. "I am gaining more proof for my story all the time..." 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