An "Intelligence Report" released by "Leading Edge Research" (Formerly Nevada Aerial Research) referred to an apparent "tug-of-war" over one particular abductee. Some cases seem to suggests that both 'Nordic' and 'Gray' aliens have been known to "fight over" certain abductees; the Grays usually abducting the individual in order to implant them and bring them under the control of the reptilian collective-consciousness, while the Nordics who are in many cases angry over the Grays' manipulations show up to help the abductees. The NAR article stated: "One contactee that has been contacted by the blond/Nordic race was captured and examined (by the greys) after it was discovered by them that the blue beam used to paralyze people failed to have an effect on him. The implant device that the Nordics put in evidently neutralized the paralysis beam. It was said that the Greys came in a football-shaped craft." This is one more confirmation, among others, that actual conflict if not warfare exists between certain segments of the 'Nordic' Federation and the 'Gray' Empire.