Subject: The Philadelphia Experiment (1/3) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 20:42:24 UTC (INPUT 001) Certain individuals who have allegedly encountered the occupants of UFO's have stated that some of the 'occupants' claim that they are not 'trapped in time' like we on earth are. Is 'time' a substance that can be altered? Even though most physicists agree that reverse-time flow is quite impossible due to the 'paradox' factor--as well as the fact that two separate 'realities' cannot exist within the same space--and that time like a river must flow ever forward, is it possible that the RATE of that forward flow might change depending on the observers position in the Universe or in the Electromagnetic Spectrum? These entities who have been encountered by certain individuals claim that they have the ability to alter the forward flow of time by speeding it up, slowing it down or even stopping it altogether. For instance, a civilization capable of near-light-speed travel could also theoretically distort time using such a method, according to Einsteinean theory. There have already been experiments that have taken place on earth however, which if true tend to support the idea that a powerful electromagnetic energy field might distort the forward flow of 'time', as well as the lateral flow of 'space'. In his book, 'WITHOUT A TRACE', Charles Berlitz makes some interesting comparisons between the time/space phenomena observed in the Bermuda Triangle region (as well as other 'triangles' such as the 'Devil's Triangle' off the coast of Japan, the Great Lakes 'triangle' zone, etc.) and the so-called 'Philadelphia Experiment.' Berlitz stated that: "...In mid-October 1943, the United States Navy allegedly conducted a series of tests at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, at Norfolk-Newport News, Virginia, and at sea. Although a certain amount has been written about the 'Philadelphia Experiment' in books, magazines, and both domestic and foreign newspapers, basic sources of information remain clouded. Witnesses have died, other witnesses or informed personnel refuse to be quoted, and at least one researcher has (supposedly - Branton) committed suicide. Even its Navy code name is apparently unknown; if it were established, researchers would be able to consult the basic documents, if they still exist or are not too highly classified. Nevertheless, persistent reports and comment about the Philadelphia Experiment follow the same pattern: an attempt to make a Navy ship 'disappear' in a 1943 experiment was eminently successful, except for the deleterious effect on the crew. "The connection between the Philadelphia Experiment and the Bermuda Triangle stems from the reported use of an artificially induced magnetic field to cause the temporary disappearance of a destroyer and crew. Its advantage to naval warfare lies, of course, in the camouflage possibilities implied in rendering warships invisible. But its importance to scientific theory is more profound: men and material were temporarily projected into another dimension. "Dr. Manson Valentine, a friend and colleague of Dr,. Morris Jessup, the prominent astronomer and selenographer who became involved with the Office of Naval Research after the experiment reportedly occurred, has outlined some of the more striking incidents of the Philadelphia Experiment as he remembers them through his conversations and correspondence with Dr. Jessup: "'According to Jessup the purpose (of the Philadelphia Experiment) was to test out the effect of a strong magnetic field on a manned surface craft. This was to be accomplished by means of magnetic generators (degaussers). Both pulsating and non- pulsating generators were operated to create a tremendous magnetic field on and around the docked vessel. The results were as astonishing as they were important, although with unfortunate after effects on the crew. When the experiment first began to take effect, a hazy green light became evident, something like reports we have from survivors of incidents in the Triangle who tell of a luminous greenish mist. Soon the whole ship was full of this green haze and the craft, together with its personnel, began disappearing from sight of those on the dock until only its water outline was visible. The destroyer was subsequently reported to have appeared and disappeared at Norfolk, Virginia, which may have been the result of a trial invisibility run, involving a related time-warp phenomena. "'It was reported...that the experiment was successful at sea with an effective invisibility of spheroid shape extending 100 yards from each beam, which showed the impression made by the ship in the water, but not the ship itself [One source claimed that such 'displacements' of water have also been seen in the Bermuda Triangle. Possibly derelict ships lost in a similar EM field? - Branton]. As the force field intensified some crew members began disappearing and had to be recovered by tactual (physical) contact and restored to visibility by a sort of laying on of hands technique...full recovery could be a serious problem. It was rumored that many were hospitalized, some died, others were adversely affected mentally. "'Psychic ability (i.e. sensitivity to paraphysial realities, whether for good or evil - Branton) seemed to have been generally sharpened, while many retained the effects of transmutation from the experiment, temporarily disappearing and reappearing either at home, walking on the street, or sitting in bars or restaurants, to the consternation of onlookers and witnesses. Twice the ship's binnacle suddenly burst into flames while being taken ashore, with disastrous results to the carrier.' "The connection between Jessup and the Philadelphia Experiment." Berlitz continues, "was fortuitous or destined, according to one's interpretation. Dr. Jessup, who through his career as an astronomer had consistently inclined toward the study of UFOs, published an early book on the subject entitled THE CASE FOR THE UFO--Citadel Press, New York, 1955. Sometime subsequent to publication he read, among what he first thought to be letters in the normal run of fan mail, a two-part hand written communication from a person who signed himself Carl M. Allen (but Carlos Miguel Allende on the return address), containing references to a Navy experiment, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and at sea, with names, dates, and rather unusual details. Consideration of some sections of this correspondence suggests why Jessup, as a scientist, found it so interesting that he replied with a request for more information. In the first letter, starting with a discussion of Einstein's 'unified field' theory, the writer stated: "'...The "result" was complete invisibility of a ship, Destroyer type, AND ALL of its crew, while at sea (Oct. 1943). The field was effective in an oblate spheroidal shape, extending one hundred yards (more or less, due to the lunar positions and latitude) OUT from each beam of the ship. Any person within that sphere became vague in form BUT he too observed those persons aboard THAT ship as though they too were of the same state, yet were walking upon nothing. Any person without the sphere could see nothing save the CLEARLY DEFINED SHAPE OF THE SHIP'S HULL IN THE WATER, providing, of course, that the person was close enough to see, yet just barely outside of that field. Why tell you now? Very simple. If you choose to go mad, then you would reveal the information. Half of the officers and crew of that ship are at present mad as hatters. A few are even confined to certain areas where they may receive trained scientific aid when they either "Go Blank" or "Go Blank and Get Stuck". Going Blank i.e., an after effect of the men having been within the field too much, is not at all an unpleasant experience to healthily curious sailors. However it is when also, they "Get Stuck" that they call it "HELL INCORPORATED". The man thusly stricken cannot move of his own violation unless two or more of those who are within the field go and touch him, quickly, else he "Freezes". "'If a man freezes his position must be marked out carefully and then the field is cut off. Everyone but the "frozen" man is able to move; to appreciate APPARENT solidarity again. Then, the newest member of the crew must approach the spot, where he will find the "frozen" man's face or bare skin, that is not covered by usual uniform clothing. Sometimes, it takes only an hour or so, sometimes all night and all day long, and worse, it once took 6 months, to get a man "unfrozen". "'...DEEP "FROZEN MEN" ARE NOT AWARE OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT. They are like semi-comatose persons, who live, breathe, look and feel but still are unaware of so utterly many things as to constitute a "Nether World" to them. A man in an ordinary common freeze is aware of time, sometimes ACUTELY so. Yet they are never aware of time precisely as you or I are aware of it. The first "Deep Freeze" as I said took 6 months to rectify. It also took over 5 million dollars worth of electronic equipment and a special ship berth. If, around or near the Philadelphia Navy Yard you see a group of sailors in the act of putting their hands upon a fellow OR upon "thin air", observe the digits and appendages of the stricken man. If they seem to waver, as though within a heat mirage, go QUICKLY and put your hands upon him, FOR THAT MAN IS THE VERY MOST DESPERATE OF MEN IN THE WORLD. NOT ONE OF THOSE MEN EVER WANT AT ALL TO BECOME AGAIN INVISIBLE. I DO NOT THINK THAT MUCH MORE NEED BE SAID AS TO WHY MAN IS NOT READY FOR FORCE-FIELD WORK. "'You will hear phrases from these men such as "caught in the Flow" (or the "push") or "Stuck in the Green" or "Stuck in Molasses" or "I was going fast", these refer to some of the DECADE-LATER after effects of force field work. "Caught in the Flow" describes exactly the "Stuck in Molasses" sensation of a man going into "deep freeze" or "plain freeze", either of the two. "Caught in the Push" can either refer to that which a man feels briefly when he is either about to inadvertently "Go Blank" i.e., become invisible OR about to "Get Stuck" in a "deep freeze" or "plain freeze". "'There are only a very few of the original Experimental D- E's crew left by now... Most went insane, one just walked "through" his quarters wall in the sight of his wife and child and two other crew members (was never seen again), two "went into the flame" i.e., they "froze" and caught fire while carrying common small-boat compasses (Note: Is it possible that the magnetic properties of the compasses somehow re-triggered the electromagnetic process, which in turn brought them in contact with underlying extremely powerful electrical currents which literally fried them to death? Admittedly, this is just supposition and may not be the whole explanation, however the possibility that this somehow ties in with the unexplained phenomena known as 'spontaneous human combustion' should not be ignored - Branton), one man carried the compass and caught fire, the other came for the "laying on of hands" as he was nearest but he too, took fire...(as in the case of the masts or beams of the ship itself when it was being brought ashore, as was previously mentioned - Branton). The faith in "hand laying" died when this happened and mens minds went by the score... "'...The experiment was a complete success. THE MEN WERE COMPLETE FAILURES....' "The balance of the original letter was concerned with suggestions to Jessup of how the report could be checked and other witnesses found. Jessup, his interest aroused, replied to the letter and asked for further proof of Allende's allegations. Within several months 'Allen' wrote again, this time offering to take sodium pentothal and subject himself to a hypnotist so that he could recall names and facts involved in the incident, which he, as an apparent witness, considered so important. Allen thought, however, that the Office of Naval Research would never 'let it be known that any such thing was ever allowed to be done.' In the second letter he added a theory of his own: "'I feel that if handled properly, i.e., presented to people and science in proper psychologically effective manner, I feel sure that man will go where he now dreams of the stars through the form of transport that the Navy accidently stumbled upon (to their embarrassment) WHEN THEIR EXPERIMENTAL SHIP TOOK OFF AND POPPED UP A MINUTE OR SO LATER SEVERAL HUNDRED SEA-TRAVEL-MILES AWAY AT ANOTHER OF ITS BERTHS IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY AREA...' "While Jessup was still considering the contents of the second letter, he received an invitation FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY TO COME TO THE OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH (ONR) for an interview. When he presented himself at the ONR Headquarters in Washington, D.C., HE WAS, TO HIS CONSIDERABLE SURPRISE, GIVEN A COPY OF HIS OWN BOOK FOR EXAMINATION. It was explained to him that the book had been sent by mail to THE CHIEF OF ONR, ADMIRAL F. N. FURTH, IN THE SUMMER OF 1955 AND HAD BEEN EXAMINED BY OFFICERS IN THE ONR SPECIAL PROJECTS OFFICE AS WELL AS THE AERONAUTICS PROJECTS OFFICE. The book was filled with handwritten comments about Jessup's texts, apparently written by three people who had passed or sent the book one to the other and made their annotations in different colored inks. When Jessup started to examine the book, he found that the handwriting and style of one of the commentators was evidently that of Allen, his mysterious correspondent. The comments themselves were unusual for several reasons; THE COMMENTATORS OR CRITICAL REVIEWERS OF THE TEXT SEEMED TO ASSUME THE ROLES OF REPRESENTATIVES OF A SECRET AND ANCIENT CULTURE, HAVING KNOWLEDGE OF PREVIOUS SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT ON EARTH... "The comments were replete with references to force fields, dematerialization (and) great and small space ships. "...However, along with these 'apparent' science fictional fancies, these comments made specific reference to secret naval experiments, especially the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943. Thus Jessup found himself again involved, through his book, in this curious affair, and, according to what he told several of his colleagues, he began to investigate the subject through his now established contact with the Navy. HOWEVER, HIS UNEXPECTED AND UNEXPLAINED DEATH IN 1959 ENDED HIS RESEARCH. "Meanwhile, a limited number of copies of Dr. Jessup's book, mimeographed along with the complete series of puzzling annotations by the unidentified commentators, HAD BEEN REPRODUCED APPARENTLY AT THE REQUEST OF THE U.S. NAVY OR OF INDIVIDUAL NAVAL OFFICERS, BY A TEXAS ELECTRONICS FIRM, THE VARO CORPORATION OF DALLAS. COINCIDENTALLY THIS COMPANY WAS PERFORMING SPECIAL (OR SECRET) WORK FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. "The reproduction of the annotated edition and subsequent dissemination within naval and military circles contains the germ of yet another mystery, for, if the information handwritten on the original copy of the book were incorrect or imaginary, why should a limited edition be circulated within the Pentagon? The original Jessup book, without annotations, had cause no special stir, and apparently only the annotations with their 'informed' references to naval experiments had provoked official interest... "Despite the scarcity of the reproduced annotated edition, most of the copies having disappeared either by chance or by design, (the late) Gray Barker (a former writer and UFO researcher) was able to preserve a copy and has since reproduced a small edition for sale to interested researchers--THE CASE FOR THE UFO: ANNOTATED EDITION, Gray Barker Books., Clarksburg, West Virginia. "The 'apparent' suicide of Dr. Jessup deserves an additional comment. During the time between his first call from the Navy and his death he devoted a good deal of research to the Philadelphia Experiment and, while carefully observing the lines of security regulations, shared with Dr. Valentine some of his general findings and theories. "Jessup told Valentine that the Navy had tried to find Allende (or Allen) from the return address on his correspondence with Jessup but had been unable to do so and, of course, had no leads on the identity of the other two commentators. Jessup was convinced that the experiment had actually taken place and that the attendant incidents had occurred as described. He considered that the unfortunate results as far as personnel were concerned were probably due to insufficient preparation or screening. Several experiments had already taken place, some at pierside and a rather dramatic and perhaps inadvertent one at sea, when the destroyer disappeared from convoy duty and reappeared at its berth at Norfolk and then shifted back to its dock at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. "Jessup was worried about the experiments and told Valentine that the Navy had requested him to be a consultant on yet another experiment but that he had refused. He was convinced that the Navy, in seeking to create a magnetic cloud for camouflage purposes in October 1943, had uncovered a potential that could temporarily, and if strong enough perhaps permanently, rearrange the molecular structure of people and materials so that they would pass into another dimension with further implications of predictable and as yet uncontrolled teleportation. When Valentine, a student of the Bermuda Triangle Mystery since 1945, suggested that what was happening within the Triangle was a result of the same phenomena on a larger scale, Jessup tentatively agreed. "Toward the middle of April 1959, Jessup told Valentine that HE HAD REACHED WHAT HE CONSIDERED TO BE SOME DEFINITE CONCLUSIONS ABOUT THE SERIES OF REACTIONS IMPLIED BY THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT AND HAD PREPARED A ROUGH DRAFT THAT HE WISHED TO DISCUSS. Dr. Valentine suggested that he come to dinner. The invitation was for the evening of April 20. "He never came to dinner. At some time before 6:30 P.M., Jessup, according to police records, drove his car into Matheson's Hammock, a Dade County park in the Miami area, and apparently committed suicide by carbon monoxide inhalation, after attaching a hose to the exhaust and running the hose inside his car. NO NOTES OR MANUSCRIPTS were mentioned in the police report, nor, according to a statement by a witness later given to Dr. Valentine, WERE ANY FOUND INSIDE THE CAR. "Dr. Valentine has mentioned an aspect of the incident ALSO NOT COVERED in the official report--that DR. JESSUP WAS STILL ALIVE WHEN FIRST FOUND, adding: '...PERHAPS HE WAS ALLOWED TO DIE. His theories were very advanced and PERHAPS THERE WERE...INFLUENCES THAT WISHED TO PREVENT THEIR SPREADING...' "The more one digs into this alleged experiment the more curious it becomes. Certain elements of information can be verified but none referring directly to the experiment. A number of persons in and out of the Navy profess to remember the incident and are even willing to furnish more information about it, except that they are unwilling to be quoted by name. The circumstances are often considerably embellished; Navy Yard personnel seem to remember stories and even short newspaper articles about a sailors' brawl in a Philadelphia bar where some of the participants vanished and reappeared out of a haze during the fight, to the surprise and discomfort of their opponents. The approximate date of the main incident is generally agreed on and the consensus among people employed at the docks at the time was that something very unusual was going on at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. "Whatever the truth of the incident, the destroyer mentioned as taking part in the experiment, the U.S.S. ELDRIDGE, D-173, DID exist. it was commissioned August 27, 1943, and was engaged in escort and patrol missions around Bermuda, Chesapeake Bay, and the seas between until early 1944, when it was sent across the Atlantic and could therefore fit within the time frame indicated. The ship was decommissioned in June 1946 and eventually transferred, under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, to Greece, where, one might hope, it ceased to display its attributed propensity for disappearing. The Liberty ship S.S. ANDREW FURNSETH, from the decks of which the disappearance of the D-173 was allegedly seen, was also actually in the area at the time indicated, as was the S.S. MALAY, another cargo ship that reportedly witnessed the same subsequent incidents. "Efforts to contact or interrogate some of the presumed participants or observers of the incident have generally proved unsuccessful, as many have disappeared, others have proved uncommunicative, and others reply that they do not wish to get involved or are protected by family members who relay the message that they do not wish to talk about it. "If a confidential or secret freeze has really been established over the Navy or merchant ships and personnel involved directly or indirectly in the experiment at the time, then the verification of the incident would be extremely difficult to follow through, especially since it occurred so long ago. It should be observed in passing, however, that the full import of an experiment is often not realized or apparent until years after the initial tests. "It may also be possible that personnel who were involved with other camouflage incidents during World War II may have given rise to a series of rumors that contributed to the Philadelphia Experiment legend... Several other unusual concepts, INCLUDING THE MILITARY USE OF ANTIGRAVITY, were also a subject of experimentation. "An investigator working with the Navy and possessed of a knowledge of Navy filing practices as well as a strong desire for anonymity confided to the author that he had tried for months at the Pentagon and elsewhere to locate ONR reports dealing with the original experiment but he had been unsuccessful. 'However,' he added, 'I DID FIND ONE UNUSUAL THING. THE FRAMEWORK IS SET UP AND THE EXPERIMENT IS STILL CONTINUING.' "Although Jessup's final conclusions may never be known, some of the ideas exchanged by Drs. Jessup and Valentine during their discussions of the Philadelphia Experiment and its relation to the Bermuda Triangle are echoed in the following answers by Dr. Valentine to some questions put to him by the author: "QUESTION: You have previously said that Dr. Jessup thought that the U.S. Navy had inadvertently discovered the natural or induced combination of circumstances that caused the disappearances in the Triangle. Could you comment on this more fully? "'ANSWER: I DO NOT BELIEVE Dr. Jessup considered this an 'inadvertent' discovery. For many years, so I have been told, experiments involving high intensity magnetism have been officially discouraged, JUST AS ION MOTORS, known for as far back at least as 1918, have been denied public disclosure and their inventors somehow silenced. I therefore am convinced that top ranking physicists must have some knowledge--AND UNDERSTANDABLE DREAD--of phenomena that might be expected to emerge from the generation of a high intensity magnetic field, especially a pulsating or vortexual one.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to