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Sites which contain the word line

1492: An Ongoing Voyage
A-Bomb WWW Museum
An Abridged History of the United States
Access Excellence
Advanced Grammar and Composition
Advice on Academic Writing
The African American Mosaic
AIC Statistics Tutorial
Air & Space Home Page
AJR NewsLink
Algebra Online
American and British History Resources on the Internet
The American Civil War Information Archive
American History Educational Resources on the WWW
American Institute of Physics
American Literature Survey Site
American Slanguages
The Ancient Olympics
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Project: Global, Regional, and Countries Virtual Libraries
Ask Miss Grammar
Astronomy Now On-Line
Atlantic Unbound The Atlantic Monthly
Atlapedia Online
Atlas to the World Wide Web
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Blue Web'N Applications: English References
Cela: A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
The Centaurian: John Updike Home Page
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Chantilly On-line
Chaos at Maryland
Charles Dickens
The Charters of Freedom
Chemistry and Industry Magazine
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Cinescape on Line
Club Girl Tech
Computer History
The Concord Review
Country Studies
CyberSchool Magazine
CyberU Internet Basics
D-Day 1944
The Daily News
Deciphering Old Handwriting
The Democratic Party Online
Digital Education Network Home Page
Digital: An On-line Digital Circuitry Web Course
Dinosauria On-Line
Discover Magazine
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
Douglass: Archives of American Public Address
Earth and Sky Online
Edith Wharton
Electric Library
Empires Beyond the Great Wall
The Empiricist
The Encyclopedia Mythica
English Language Resources
The English Server
EPA's Global Warming Site
Erasmus Text Project
The ESG Biology Hypertextbook
Everton's Genealogical Helper
Exploratorium Exploranet
Exploring Nunavut Handbook
Exploring Planets in the Classroom
eZines: Ultimate Magazine Database
Favorite Teenage Angst Books
FedWorld Information Network
Fourth World Documentation Project
French-English On-line Dictionary
The Gallup Poll
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
The Gettysburg Address
Go Math
Good News Bears: The Internet Stock Market Game
Gramática y Ortografìa Española
Grand Ecran Le magazine des salles Gaumont
The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Headbone Zone
The Hill: The Capitol Newspaper
Hong Kong Links
Horticulture and Home Pest News
How the Other Half Lives
Human Anatomy On-line
i am smitten
Immigration History Research Center
Indispensable Writing Resources
Introduction to Geometry
IPL: The Internet Public Library
JINN The Online Magazine of the Pacific News Service
Journey North
Kabuki for Everyone
Kimball's Biology Pages
Kinetic City Super Crew
Landform Atlas of the United States
Lengua Española
Leonardo da Vinci Museum
Lewis Carroll Home Page
Liberty and Limits
Life Sciences
The Literature and Poetry Page
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
MacBeth Plugged
MagNet Le Premier Quotidien Français d'Informations Générales On-line
Math 007I News, Wreckreational Math
Maya Angelou Home Page
Mercator's World
Merriam-Webster OnLine
The Mighty Pen Online Magazine Home Page
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
Monterey Bay Aquarium On Line
Mothers Who Think: Word by Word Annie Lamott's On-line Diary
MSSM Math Talk Archives
NASA Space Mathematics The Space Educator's Handbook
National Academy Press Reading Room
National Archives and Records Administration
National Audubon Society
National Immigration Forum
National Library of Canada
National Science Foundation
Native American Authors
Negro League Baseball On-line Archives
NetScience Physics, Calculus, Chemistry
Neuroscience for Kids
The New Yorker
Nick Evans' Survey of American Literature
NK Wired
The Noam Chomsky Archive
Nouvelliste On-Line
The Objectivism Resource Guide
On-line Books Page
On-line Highbeam
On-Line Literary Resources
On-line Mathematics Dictionary
The Online Meteorology Guide
Online Outline Maps
The Papers of James Madison
Passport to Africa
Percy Bysshe Shelley Home Page
PHRASEOLOGY: A Catalogue of Multilingual Resources on the Internet
Physics of Everyday Life
Plants, People, and the Environment
Playbill On-Line
Polymers and Liquid Crystals
Polymers DotCom
Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art of World War II
Prevline: Prevention Online
Project ICONS
Project Sky Math
Proyecto Sherezade
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Quantum Magazine Home Page
Readers' and Writers' Resource Page
Reference Shelf
Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie
Right Side of the Web
Rivers of Life: Mississippi Adventure
Roane State Community College On-line Writing Lab
Rodale Institute
Ron's On-line ESOL Classroom
Salman Rushdie
Satellite Oceanography Laboratory
Science for the Millennium
Science Learning Network
Science Museum On-line Exhibitions London, England
Science News Online
Selected Poetry of George Gordon, Lord Byron
Sky & Telescope
Sky on Line
Smithsonian Web Site
Solar Utilities Network
Spark Magazine
St. Petersburg Times
TAP Junior
Telegraph and Scientific Instrument On-Line Cyber-Museum
Texts and Contexts
Treasure Island
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Ultimate Collections of News Links
Uruguay, Paîs de Encuentro
USA Today
Useful Resources for Composition
Useful Resources for Teaching and Learning Spanish
Virtual Museum of Computing
Virtual Presentation Assistant
virtually react
The Warren Report
Watergate 25
WebCrawler Guide:Arts:Literature
Webdo Swiss News On Line
WebEducation Center
The Whirlwind War
Young Adult Librarian's Help/Homepage