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This is the home site of a on-line magazine for teens that features lively graphics and catchy phrases. Click on any button at the top of the new page and a factoid appears for example, "The human skull contains 28 bones." Many surveys ask about the habits, likes and dislikes of young people. Articles are current, and there is plenty of opportunity to offer comments and opinions. To find out about movies, click on "Field and Screen." If you're thinking about buying something, click on "The Mall." There are also links to many newspapers, jokes, and more interesting factoids.

InfiNet Cool Site of the Day, POINTCommunications Top 5% of Web Site, Internet Newsroom's CyberTypewriter, NetGuide 4 Star Site.

Advance Magazine Publications and ParadeNet Inc.

Current Events, English, Journalism, Literature

English and Literature, Social Studies
