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Hong Kong Links

A page of links to interesting organizations, government bodies, travel associations, and universities in Hong Kong. In the organizations area, one can visit the Hong Kong Home Page, get an undergrad's view of the city, and check the weather. Under Government/Politics are links to the Hong Kong Government Information Center, the Legislature On Line, the Education Department, and the Hong Kong Organizational Chart. In Travel, the Hong Kong Travel Guide, Hotel Guide, and Tourist Association are among the links offered. The Universities include links to the Hong Kong Education Web, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic, and the University of Science and Technology. This site was reviewed prior to the 1 July 1997 takeover of Hong Kong by the People's Republic of China. It will be interesting to see if there are any changes at this page.

Not available.

Swarthmore College Computer Society

Current Events, Economics, Geography, Indexes and Resource Lists, Political Science, World History

Social Studies
