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IPL: The Internet Public Library

Tired of jumping from one site to another on the Internet to find what you want? Try the Internet Public Library. This virtual library is organized much like a real library, with links to the full-text, on-line versions of magazines, newspapers, reference sources, and more than two thousand books, which are organized by title, author, and, of course, Dewey decimal number. This site has links to just about every subject, but is especially strong in its social studies content. It's also easy to navigate. Real librarians even staff a virtual reference desk. IPL is one of the most complete and useful research sites on the Web.

IPL has won a score of awards and honors: PC Magazine Top 100 Web Sites, MacUser 101 Must-See Sites, POINTCommunications Top 5% of All Web Sites, Magellan 4 Star Site, Kaplan Student Choice Award, and WebCrawler Select Site.

School of Information, University of Michigan

Reference (General)

