Alphabetic list of queries

PGetAdditions Gets the number of plug-ins listed on the PageMaker Plug-ins submenu and, for each, lists its filename and menu name.
PGetAdditionsDir Gets the path to the plug-ins folder.
PGetAlignment Gets the Alignment setting that is assigned to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetAutoflow Gets the current setting (on or off) of the Autoflow command.
PGetBasedOn Gets the name of the style on which the current style is based.
PGetBlackAttributes Gets the values that control the trapping and automatic overprinting of black objects (from the Trapping Options dialog box). A color with any black value greater than or equal to the black limit and with no cyan, magenta, or yellow, is considered black for the purposes of trapping and auto-overprinting.
PGetBook Gets the Auto Renumbering setting, the number of publications in the book list, and the name (complete path) of each publication listed.
PGetCase Gets the Case setting (Normal, All Caps, or Small Caps) assigned to the selected text.
PGetChangeParaAttr Gets paragraph attributes (paragraph style, alignment, and leading method) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PGetChangeTypeAttr1 Gets the text attributes (font, point size, type style, position, and case) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PGetChangeTypeAttr2 Gets additional text attributes (set width, tracking, color, and tint) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PGetChangeWindow Gets the display status (open or closed) of the Change dialog box.
PGetCMSOn Determines whether or not the Color Management System is turned on.
PGetColor Gets the name of the color applied to the selected object or text.
PGetColorInfo Gets the color information for the specified color, using the designated color model and library.
PGetColorNames Gets the names of all the colors defined in the publication.
PGetColorPalette Gets the display state (on or off) of the Colors panel. (This query used to be called PGetColorPalette.)
PGetColumnGuides Gets the number of columns on the current page (or pages for facing pages) and the position of the left and right column-guides for each column.
PGetFrameContentPos Returns the Content Position settings for the currently selected frame(s).
PGetControlPalette Gets the display state (on or off) of the Control palette.
PGetConvertStr Converts the specified measurement to twips (the PageMaker internal measurement system).
PGetConvertTwips Converts the specified measurement from twips (the PageMaker internal measurement system) to the specified units.
PGetCropRect Gets the coordinates of the crop rectangle for the selected imported image.
PGetDefaultDir Gets the name and path of the current default directory (or "folder" in Macintosh terminology).
PGetDefPrintColorSpace Returns the default color space print.
PGetDictionary Gets the language for hyphenation and spelling assigned to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetDisplayNonPrinting Gets the current state (on or off) of the Display Non-Printing command.
PGetDisplaySpecial Gets the display status of the Display ¶ option for the story active in the story editor. Display ¶ displays or hides special characters (spaces, tab characters, hard returns, and soft returns).
PGetDisplayStyleNames Gets the display status of the Display Style Names option for the story active in the story editor. (Display Style Names displays or hides paragraph style names in a sidebar in the left margin of a story).
PGetExportFilters Gets the number of installed export filters and the name and version number of each.
PGetFillAndLine Gets the style and color of the fill and line for the selected objects (drawn in PageMaker).
PGetFillStyle Gets the fill style applied to the currently selected object.
PGetFindParaAttr Gets paragraph attributes (paragraph style, alignment, and leading method) to be used for the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PGetFindTypeAttr1 Gets the text attributes (font, point size, type style, position, and case) to be used for the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PGetFindTypeAttr2 Gets additional text attributes (set width, tracking, color, and tint) to be used for the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PGetFindWindow Gets the display status (open or closed) of the Find dialog box.
PGetFont Gets the name of the font applied to the highlighted text.
PGetFontDrawing Gets the TrueType line-spacing or character-shape preference.
PGetFontList Lists the number of fonts displayed in the Font submenu and provides information about each font.
PGetFrameContentType Returns the content type for the selected frame.
PGetFrameInset Returns the inset for the selected text frame.
PGetGroupList Gets the number of objects in the specified group and, for each object, gets its object ID, group ID, drawing number, type, whether the object is linked and has been transformed, and its coordinates.
PGetGuides Gets the current setting (on or off) of the Show Guides command.
PGetHorizGuides Gets the number of horizontal ruler guides and the position of each guide.
PGetHyperlinkPalette Gets the state (on or off) of the Hyperlinks panel.
PGetHyphenation Gets the hyphenation settings assigned to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetImageFrame Returns the coordinates of the image frame of the selected imported image. (Select only one image at a time.)
PGetImportFilters Gets the number of installed import filters and the name and version number for each.
PGetIndents Gets the indent settings assigned to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetInkInfo Gets the print settings for a particular ink. This query only applies to HiFi inks.
PGetInkNames Gets a list of all names of all the high-fidelity inks defined in the publication.
PGetInkND Gets the neutral-density value for a process ink or spot color.
PGetIsFrame Determine whether a selected object is a frame or not.
PGetKernText Gets the amount of kerning for the highlighted text.
PGetLastError Returns the code for the error encountered by PageMaker when trying to execute the last plug-in command or query.
PGetLastErrorStr Returns the error string for the error encountered by PageMaker when trying to execute the last plug-in command or query.
PGetLayAdjOpts Gets the settings from the Layout Adjustment Preferences dialog box.
PGetLayerFromID Given the ID of an object, this query returns the name of the layer that the object is assigned to.
PGetLayerList Get the name and options for each layer in the current publication.
PGetLayerOptions Gets the layer options for a layer specified by name.
PGetLayerPalette Determines whether the palette that contains the layers panel is currently displayed.
PGetLeading Gets the leading value assigned to the selected text.
PGetLetterSpace Gets the letter-spacing attributes assigned to the selected text or the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetLineBreak Gets the number of line breaks in the highlighted text and gets the type (e.g., text wrap, end of line, tab, soft return, or hard return) and character count since the last line break for each.
PGetLineBreakLoc Gets the number of line breaks in the highlighted text and gets the type (e.g., text wrap, end of line, tab, soft return, or hard return), height (line depth), line width, and character count since the last line break for each.
PGetLineStyle Gets the line style assigned to the selected object.
PGetLinkInfo Gets the detailed link information of the selected object or text block.
PGetLinkOptions Gets the link option settings for the selected object or, if nothing is selected (or no publication is open), gets the default link options.
PGetLinks Gets the number of linked files in the publication and the filename, type (text, EPS, TIFF, PICT), and a page on which each linked file appears.
PGetLock Gets the lock status of the selected objects.
PGetLockGuides Gets the current state (on or off) of the Lock Guides option.
PGetMasterItems Gets the current state (on or off) of the Display Master Items command.
PGetMasterPage Gets the names of the master pages associated with the current pages.
PGetMasterPageInfo Gets whether the master page is a single page or spread, its margins, the number of columns, and the space between columns.
PGetMasterPageList Gets the number of master pages in the publication, and for each gets its ID and name. (Multiple master pages are new in PageMaker 6.0)
PGetMasterPageName Gets the current name of the master page associated with the specified page ID.
PGetMasterPagePalette Gets the display status (open or closed) of the Master Page palette.
PGetMeasureUnits Gets the default measurement system for the publication and the units for the vertical ruler.
PGetMultPasteOffset Gets the offsets set in the Multiple Paste dialog box.
PGetNextFrame Gets the object ID of the next (or previous) frame in a chain.
PGetNextStyle Gets the name of the style designated as the Next Style in the current style's definition.
PGetNoBreak Gets the Break/No Break setting of text, which determines whether the selected text can be broken between lines or kept together on same line.
PGetNonPrinting Gets the print state (printing or non-printing) of the selected objects.
PGetObjectIDList Gets the number of objects on the currently displayed page or pages and gets the ID, group ID, drawing order, type, and coordinates for each, and whether the object is linked and transformed.
PGetObjectIDListTop Gets the number of top-level objects (groups and ungrouped objects only) on the currently displayed pages. Gets the object ID, group ID, drawing number, coordinates, and type for each object, and whether the object is linked and transformed.
PGetObjectList Gets the number of objects on the currently displayed pages and gets the drawing order, type, and coordinates for each.
PGetObjectLoc Returns the location of the specified handle of the selected object, taking any transformations applied to the object into account.
PGetPageHistory PageMaker keeps a history of the current page, and the last 16 pages visited in the publication during the current PageMaker session This query gets information about that history.
PGetPageID Gets the PageMaker internal ID for the specified page in the current publication.
PGetPageImage Gets the image of the current page or selected items. Returns a bitmap image in Windows and a PICT image on the Macintosh.
PGetPageMargins Gets the page margins of the Document Master master page.
PGetPageNumber Gets the page number of the currently displayed page or, if a master page is displayed, gets the name of the master page.
PGetPageNumberByID Gets the current number of the page associated with the specified page ID (in the current publication).
PGetPageNumbers Gets some of the settings in the Document Setup dialog box and all of the settings in the Page Numbering dialog box.
PGetPageOptions Gets the settings (on or off) of the Double-Sided and Facing Pages options in the Document Setup dialog box.
PGetPageRect Gets the coordinates of the current page (or of the two-page spread if facing pages are displayed).
PGetPages Gets the number of pages in the publication.
PGetPageSize Gets the width and height of the pages in the publication.
PGetPaperSizes Returns a list of the paper sizes currently available.
PGetPaperSources Returns a list of the paper sources (manual feed and paper trays) currently available.
PGetParaOptions Gets the paragraph options applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetParaSpace Gets the settings of the Space Before and Space After paragraph options for the selected text or for the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetPasteRemembers Returns the setting for the Paste Remembers Layers setting in the Layers menu.
PGetPickers Gets a list of color pickers currently available to PageMaker and their associated libraries.
PGetPMInfo Gets the version of PageMaker and its associated libraries and dictionaries.
PGetPMLanguage Gets the language version (used in menus and dialog boxes) of the current copy of PageMaker.
PGetPMState Gets the current PageMaker state.
PGetPolygonAttribs Gets the polygon attributes of the currently selected polygons, or the default attributes if no polygons are selected.
PGetPolygonMiterLimit Gets the Miter limit for irregular polygons.
PGetPolygonType Gets the type of the selected polygon.
PGetPolygonVertices Gets the list of vertices for the selected polygon.
PGetPPDFontLocation Returns the location of the requested font as listed in the currently selected PPD file.
PGetPreferences Gets miscellaneous preference settings for the publication.
PGetPrintCaps Returns the capabilities for the currently targeted printer and whether the current publication has publications listed in the book list.
PGetPrintColor Returns the settings in the Print Color dialog box.
PGetPrintDoc Returns the settings in the Print dialog box.
PGetPrintEPSPreviews Gets the state for printing EPS previews rather than a gray box when printing to a non-PostScript printer.
PGetPrinter (Windows only) Gets the name of the currently selected printer, driver, and port. If no printer is currently selected, gets the default name.
PGetPrinterList Returns the number of printers listed in the Printer option in the Print Document dialog box, and lists each printer name. (On the Macintosh, only one printer is returned. In Windows, several may be returned.)
PGetPrinterResol Gets the target printer resolution to be used when resizing bitmap images using magic stretch. (Magic stretch resizes a bitmap for optimal resolution, based on the target printer resolution and the resolution of the bitmap. To magic-stretch an image, hold the Macintosh Command key or the Windows Ctrl key while resizing.)
PGetPrinterStyles Gets the number of currently defined printer styles and their names.
PGetPrintFeature Gets the currently selected option from the specified pop-up menu in the Features print dialog box.
PGetPrintFeatureItems Gets the number of options and their names from the specified pop-up menu in the Print Features dialog box.
PGetPrintFeatureTitles Gets the number of pop-up menus and their titles for the currently selected PPD in the Features print dialog box.
PGetPrintInk Returns the number of inks listed in the Print Color dialog box, and the name, whether it is selected for printing, the screen angle, and the screen ruling for each ink listed.
PGetPrintOptions Returns the settings in the Print Options dialog box for a non-PostScript printer.
PGetPrintOptionsPS Returns the settings in the PostScript Print Options dialog box.
PGetPrintPaperPS Returns paper-related print options executed with the Print command (for PostScript printers only).
PGetPrintPPDs Returns the number of PPDs listed in the PPD option in the PostScript Print Document dialog box, and gets the name of each.
PGetPrintPS Returns values that indicate whether the printer is PostScript or non-PostScript.
PGetPrintScreenRGBs Gets the state for printing screen or printer RGB values.
PGetPrintScreens Returns the number of optimal screens currently available for printing and their names.
PGetPrintTo Returns the PostScript printer type and PPD specified in the Print Document dialog box.
PGetPrivateData Gets the handle to the buffer containing private data (not a private string) for the specified graphic, image, page, mas ter page, story, text block, or publication. PageMaker retrieves only the private data associated with the specified developer, plug-in, and private ID.
PGetPrivateList Lists the type and size of private data and private strings for the specified input criteria. Using -2 for parameter values, you can list information about private data (with increasing granularity) by developer; by developer and plug-in; by developer, plug-in, and type of element; and so on.
PGetPrivateString Gets the private string for the specified graphic, image, page, master page, story, text block, or the current publication. PageMaker retrieves only the private string associated with the specified developer, plug-in, and private ID.
PGetPubName Gets the name of the active publication, including its full path.
PGetPubWindowRect Gets the publication-window rectangle, in device coordinates and PageMaker (standard) coordinates, for the active publication.
PGetPubWindows Gets the number of publication and story windows currently open and their names.
PGetRoundedCorners Gets the corner style of the selected box (drawn in PageMaker).
PGetRuleAbove Gets the state (on or off) and attributes of the Rule Above Paragraph settings applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetRuleBelow Gets the state (on or off) and attributes of the Rule Below Paragraph settings applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetRuleOptions Gets the settings in the Paragraph Rule Options dialog box that are applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetRulers Gets the current state (on or off) of the rulers.
PGetSaveStatus Gets the save status of the current publication.
PGetScrollbars Gets the setting (on or off) of the Scrollbars.
PGetSelectIDList Gets the number of objects currently selected and lists each object ID, group ID, drawing number, type, coordinates, and whether the object is linked and transformed. This query does not return information about groups; use PGetSelectIDListTop instead.
PGetSelectIDListTop Gets the number of top-level selected objects (groups and ungrouped objects only) on the currently displayed pages and gets the object ID, group ID, draw ing number, type, and coordinates for each object and whether the object is linked and transformed. This query does not return information about objects within a selected group; use PGetSelectIDList instead.
PGetSelectInfo Gets the coordinates of the bounding box that encompasses the selected objects.
PGetSelectList Gets the number of objects currently selected and lists each object's drawing number, type, and coordinates.
PGetShowErrorAlert Gets the display state of error alerts, which are normally suppressed when a plug-in or script is running.
PGetSize Gets the point size applied to the selected text.
PGetSnapToGuides Gets the current setting (on or off) of the Snap to Guides command.
PGetSnapToRulers Gets the current setting (on or off) for the Snap to Rulers command.
PGetSpaceOptions Gets some of the attributes in the Paragraph Spacing Attributes dialog box applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetSpellResult Gets the misspelled word found by the last PSpell command.
PGetSpellWindow Gets the display status (open or closed) of the Spelling dialog box.
PGetStoryEditPref Gets the story editor display preferences.
PGetStoryID Gets the story ID of the selected text block.
PGetStoryIDList Returns the number of stories in the publication and detailed information about each story.
PGetStoryList Returns the number of stories in the publication and detailed information about each story.
PGetStoryText Gets the highlighted text (or entire story if text block is selected) and returns it in the specified format.
PGetStyle Gets the style applied to the selected text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point. If nothing is selected, gets the default style.
PGetStyleNames Gets the number of styles defined in the publication and their names.
PGetStylePalette Gets the state (on or off) of the Styles panel.
PGetSuppressAutosave Gets the status (suppressed or activated) of the automatic mini-save feature.
PGetSuppressPalDraw Gets the update status of the specified palette.
PGetTabs Gets the number of user-defined tab positions in the selected text and lists the position, kind, and leader string for each tab.
PGetTargetLayer Gets the name of the target layer in a publication.
PGetTextCursor Returns the PageMaker internal ID for the story containing the insertion point, and gets the starting and ending position of the selected text (or the location of the insertion point if no text is selected).
PGetTextLocation Gets the object ID of the text block containing the highlighted text, as well as the coordinates that define the boundaries of the highlighting.
PGetTextRun Returns the location of text changes and the reason for each change (e.g., text or paragraph attribute, line break, tab ruler settings).
PGetTextWrap Gets the settings of the text-wrap options applied to the currently selected object.
PGetTextWrapPoly Gets the number of points in the text-wrap polygon for the selected object and their coordinates.
PGetTint Gets the tint value applied to the highlighted text or selected graphics or, if nothing is selected, gets the default tint value.
PGetTOCIndexID Gets the story ID of both the table of contents and index stories in the current publication.
PGetTool Gets the currently selected tool in the Tool palette.
PGetToolbox Get whether the Tool palette window is open or closed.
PGetTrack Gets the Track setting applied to the selected text.
PGetTransform Returns transformation information on a selected object.
PGetTrapSettings Gets the main settings that determine how PageMaker traps overlapping elements in a publication (from the Trapping Options dialog box).
PGetTypeOptions Gets the settings in the Type Options dialog box for the selected text.
PGetTypePosition Gets the text position (normal, superscript, or subscript) applied to the selected text.
PGetTypeStyle Gets the type style of the highlighted text.
PGetVertGuides Gets the number of vertical ruler guides and their positions.
PGetView Gets the size of the current page display.
PGetWidth Gets the Set Width setting applied to the highlighted text.
PGetWordSpace Gets the Word Space setting applied to the highlighted text or to the paragraph containing the insertion point.
PGetZeroLock Gets the current setting of the Zero Lock toggle setting.
PGetZeroPoint Returns the position of the ruler zero point relative to the center of the paste board.

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