
Gets the display state of error alerts, which are normally suppressed when a plug-in or script is running.

Query results

This query returns a boolean value representing:
false if error alerts are suppressed when a plug-in or script is running (the PageMaker default state)
true if error alerts are set to display when a plug-in or script is running
Caution: Always turn off error alerts. If you enable the display of error alerts, always turn them off before your plug-in or script finishes. Otherwise, PageMaker could display them while another plug-in or script is running. The PShowErrorAlert command has no menu equivalent; you must turn off the error alerts using this command.

Example. Turn off error alerts so they don't display when a plug-in or script is running.

PGetShowErrorAlert isShowing;
if (isShowing) PShowErrorAlert(false);
// turn off

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