
Returns the number of inks listed in the Print Color dialog box, and the name, whether it is selected for printing, the screen angle, and the screen ruling for each ink listed.

Query results

This query returns a list of ink information. For each ink:
const char * sName;
Name of color, exactly as it appears on Colors palette
PMBool bPrintInk;
false for off
true for on (print the specified ink)
const char * sAngle;
Screen angle for specified ink (from 0.0 to 360.0)
const char * sRuling;
Screen ruling (frequency) for specified ink (from 1.0 to 500.0)
Ink names returned. PageMaker returns inks in the order in which they appear in the Print Color dialog box: the four process colors first, then high-fidelity inks (if any), followed by any remaining inks, in alphabetic order. As in the scroll list, PageMaker does not include tints or the colors Black, Paper, and Registration.

See also

The PGetPaperSizes, PGetPaperSources, PGetPrintCaps, PGetPrintColor, PGetPrintDoc, PGetPrintOptions, PGetPrintOptionsPS, PGetPrintPaperPS, PGetPrintPPDs, PGetPrintPS, PGetPrintScreens, and PGetPrintTo queries

The PPrintInk command

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