
Gets the publication-window rectangle, in device coordinates and PageMaker (standard) coordinates, for the active publication.

Query results

long xLeftDC;
x coordinate (in device coordinates) of left edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long yTopDC;
y coordinate (in device coordinates) of top edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long xRightDC;
x coordinate (in device coordinates) of right edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long yBottomDC;
y coordinate (device coordinates) of bottom edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long xLeft;
x coordinate (in PageMaker coordinates relative to zero point) of left edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long yTop;
y coordinate (in PageMaker coordinates relative to zero point) of top edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long xRight;
x coordinate (in PageMaker coordinates relative to zero point) of right edge of publication-window rectangle in twips
long yBottom;
y coordinate (in PageMaker coordinates relative to zero point) of bottom edge of publication-window rectangle in twips

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