
Gets the values that control the trapping and automatic overprinting of black objects (from the Trapping Options dialog box). A color with any black value greater than or equal to the black limit and with no cyan, magenta, or yellow, is considered black for the purposes of trapping and auto-overprinting.

Query results

The query returns several pieces of information, which can be referenced with these member fields:

short dBlackLimit;

Percentage for black limit, from 0% (0.0) to 100% (100.0) in tenths of a percent (100.0% =1000).
PMBool bOvrprntTxt;
false: auto-overprinting of black text is disabled
true: auto-overprinting of black text is enabled
short dOvrprntTxtSz;
Point size below which black text is auto-over printed, from 4.0 to 650.0 points in tenths of a point (650.0 =6500).
PMBool bOvrprntLines;
false: auto-overprinting of black lines is disabled
true: auto-overprinting of black lines is enabled
PMBool bOvrprntFills;
false: auto-overprinting of black fills is disabled
true: auto-overprinting of black fills is enabled

See also

The PTrapSettings and PBlackAttributes commands

The PGetTrapSettings query

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