
Gets the corner style of the selected box (drawn in PageMaker).

Query results

This query returns a short, representing the type of rounded corner to use:
0 for first corner style in upper row of dialog box
1 for center corner style in upper row of dialog box
2 for third corner style in upper row of dialog box
3 for first corner style in lower row of dialog box
4 for center corner style in lower row of dialog box
5 for third corner style in lower row of dialog box
-2 for multiple styles in selection
No box selected. If either the text tool or story editor is active, or if no box is selected or the selected object is not a box drawn in PageMaker, PageMakergets the default corner setting.

Multiple settings. If multiple objects are selected and they have different corner settings, PageMaker returns -2 for cCornerStyle.

See also

The PBox and PRoundedCorners commands

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