
Gets the current number of the page associated with the specified page ID (in the current publication).

Query constructor

PGetPageNumberByID(unsigned long nPageID);
Specify a PageMaker internal ID to look up.

Query results

The query returns a single short value representing the current page number.
Page ID stays with page. While the number of a page may change (if you insert or delete a page), its ID remains the same: A page is independent of its page number (see example below).

If you assign some private data to a page and the page is subsequently renumbered, you can still access the private data using the page ID.


PNew(20); // create new 20 page publication
PGetPageID page15id(15);
// get page ID for page 15
PRemovePages(13, 14);
// remove two pages
PGetPageNumberByID newPageNum(page15id);
if (newPageNum == 13)

See also

The PGetPageID, PGetPageNumber, and PGetPageNumbers queries

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