
Gets the line style assigned to the selected object.

Query results

short cStyleIndex;
kLineNone for none
kLineHairline for Hairline
kLineHalfPoint for .5 pt
kLineOnePoint for 1 pt
kLineTwoPoint for 2 pt
kLineFourPoint for 4 pt
kLineSixPoint for 6 pt
kLineEightPoint for 8 pt
kLineTwelvePoint for 12 pt
kLineThinThin for thin/thin
kLineThickThin for thick/thin
kLineThinThick for thin/thick
kLineThinThickThin for thin/thick/thin
kLineThinDash for thin dash
kLineThinDash for medium dash
kLineThinDash for thick dash
kLineSquares for squares
kLineDots for dots
kLineSolid for a solid line of width specified by dWeight
-2 for more than one line style among selected objects
short bReverse;
0 for normal
1 for reverse line
-2 for multiple selections with different settings
short dWeight;
Width of line in points (precise to one decimal point only) in tenths of a point (250.0 = 2500).
PMBool bOpaque;
false to make background for compound, dashed or dotted lines transparent (default setting)
true to make background for compound, dashed, or dotted lines opaque
Multiple settings. If multiple objects are selected and they have different line styles assigned to them, PageMaker returns -2 for cStyleIndex. If the reverse settings do not match, PageMaker returns 0 (zero) for bReverse.

Default settings. If the text tool or story editor is active, or if no PageMaker-drawn objects are selected, PageMaker gets the publication default line style.

To change line style information, use the PLineStyle command class.

See also

The PGetFillAndLine query

The PFillAndLine and PFillStyle commands

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