
Gets the name of the color applied to the selected object or text.

Query results

The query returns the current color name and tint value.

const char * sColorName;

Name of color applied to selected object or text
short nTintValue;
Percentage of color applied to selected object or text, in whole percentages (from 0 to 100%) in tenths of a percent (100% = 1000), though command uses only whole percentages.

-2 multiple tints in selected object or text.

Defining or editing a style. If you are defining or editing a style using the PStyleBegin command, PageMaker gets the color assigned to that style, even when text or an object is selected.

Multiple selections. If more than one object or character is selected and they have different colors applied to them, PageMaker returns an empty string for sColorName and -2 for nTintValue.

Insertion point. If the text contains the insertion point but no text is selected, PageMaker returns the color of the character preceding the insertion point. If the insertion point is before the first character of the story, PageMaker returns the color of the first character.

Nothing selected. If no objects or text are selected or no publication is open, PageMaker returns the default color.

Fill color of boxes and ovals. PageMaker returns the color of the fill (not the line) of a box or oval drawn in PageMaker. To get the color of the line, use the PGetFillAndLine query.

See also

The PGetColorInfo, PGetColorNames, PGetColorPalette, and PGetTint queries

The PColor and PTintSelection commands

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