
Gets the link option settings for the selected object or, if nothing is selected (or no publication is open), gets the default link options.

Query constructor

PGetLinkOptions(PMBool bDefault);

PMBool bDefault;

false for link options for selected object or, if in story editor, for current story
true for publication default link options

Query results

short bTextUpdate;
0 for off
1 for on
-2 for option disabled
short bTextAlert;
0 for off
1 for on
-2 for option disabled
short bImageStore;
0 for off
1 for on
-2 for option disabled
short bImageUpdate;
0 for off
1 for on
-2 for option disabled
short bImageAlert;
0 for off
1 for on
-2 for option disabled
A -2 reply value. PageMaker returns -2 for a parameter in the following instances: Default settings. If bDefault is set to true or no imported image or story is selected, PageMaker gets the publication default link options.

One object only. Select only one object at a time.

See also

The PGetLinkInfo and PGetLinks queries

The PLinkOptions, PRelink, and PUnlink commands

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