
Returns the error string for the error encountered by PageMaker when trying to execute the last plug-in command or query.

Query results

This query returns a C string containing the error message of last command or query.
Getting the last error code and string. If you follow PGetLastErrorStr with PGetLastError (or vice versa), only the first query returns a valid error code or message (unless the first query fails). The second query gets the error code or message from the first query. A successful query (or command) automatically resets the parameter block.

No error. If PageMaker did not encounter an error, it returns a single space in the string.

    PGetFoo foo;
catch (PMErr err) {
    PGetLastErrorStr lastErrStr;
    cout << (const char *) lastErrStr; // send to console

See also

The PGetLastError query

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