
Gets some of the settings in the Document Setup dialog box and all of the settings in the Page Numbering dialog box.

Query results

short nStartPage;
Starting page number of publication
short nNumPages;
Number of pages in publication
short bRestart;
false for restart is off
true for on
short cStyle;
0 for Arabic Numeral 1, 2, 3, ...
1 for Upper Roman l, ll, lll, ...
2 for Lower Roman i, ii, iii, ...
3 for Upper Alphabetic A, B, C, ... AA, BB, CC, ...
4 for Lower Alphabetic a, b, c, ... aa, bb, cc, ...
const char * sPrefix;
Prefix for table of contents and index-entry page numbers
Do not confuse this query with PGetPageNumber, which has a very similar name.

Example. To change page numbering options, use the PPageNumbers command.

PGetPageNumbers currInfo;
if (currInfo.bRestart == false) {
    currInfo.bRestart = true;
    PPageNumbers newInfo(currInfo);

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