
Returns the settings in the Print Color dialog box.

Query results

PMBool bMode;

false for Composite
true for Separations

PMBool bColors;

false for Print Colors in Black selected (print any non-white color as solid black)
true for Grayscale selected (print a color composite on a color printer, or a grayscale composite on a black -and-white printer)

PMBool bConvert;

false for off (inks remain as spot colors)
true for on (all inks have been converted to process colors)

PMBool bOption;

false for Mirror or Allow PCL Halftoning off (Note: "PCL" in this context refers to Printer Control Language, and should not be confused with the name of this class library).
true for Mirror or Allow PCL Halftoning on

PMBool bNegative;

false for Negative off
true for Negative on (to invert the gray values within grayscale images, or the color characteristics within color images)

PMBool bPreserveEPS;

false for Preserve EPS Colors off (print the colors in an EPS image using the PageMaker version of the color library)
true for Preserve EPS Colors on

const char * sName;

Name of optimal screen for PostScript® printers
"" (empty string) for non-PostScript printers

short nInRipSeps;

0 separations are created by PageMaker
1 printer creates separations
-2 not printing to a PostScript printer

Non-PostScript printers. When printing to a non-PostScript printer, the Mirror and Negative options are absent from the Print Color dialog box. Non-PostScript printers cannot perform these functions.

See also

The PGetPaperSizes, PGetPaperSources, PGetPrintCaps, PGetPrintDoc, PGetPrintInk, PGetPrintOptions, PGetPrintOptionsPS, PGetPrintPaperPS, PGetPrintPPDs, PGetPrintPS, PGetPrintScreens, and PGetPrintTo queries

The PPrintColor command

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