
Gets the lock status of the selected objects.

Query results

This query returns a short value, representing:
0 for unlocked
1 for locked
-2 if both locked and unlocked items selected
No object selected. If either the text tool or story editor is active or if no object is selected, PGetLock throws an exception.

Multiple settings. If multiple objects are selected and they have different lock settings, PageMaker returns -2.

Locking freezes position and size, not attributes. A locked object cannot be deleted, moved, or transformed. However, the PLock command does not lock other attributes of an object, such as color, line style, and fill for PageMaker-drawn graphics, or point size and paragraph style for text within a text block. The following commands have no affect on locked objects: PCut, PClear, PCrop, PDelete, PMove, PNudge, PReflect, PResize, PResizePct, PRotate, and PSkew.

Inline graphics. The size and baseline of a locked inline graphic are frozen, but not its position on the page.

To change the state of the selected objects, use the PLock command.

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