
Gets the default measurement system for the publication and the units for the vertical ruler.

Query results

short cMeasureUnits;
kMeasurementInches for Inches
kMeasurementDecimalInches for Inches Decimal
kMeasurementMetric for Millimeters
kMeasurementPica for Picas
kMeasurementCicero for Ciceros
short cVertical;
kMeasurementInches for Inches
kMeasurementDecimalInches for Inches Decimal
kMeasurementMetric for Millimeters
kMeasurementPica for Picas
kMeasurementCicero for Ciceros
kMeasurementCustom for Custom
short nCustPoints;
Number of points between major tick marks on ruler (valid only if cVertical is kMeasurementCustom) in tenths of a point (250.0 = 2500).
To change the measurement default, use the PMeasureUnits command.
PGetMeasureUnits meas;
if (meas.cMeasureUnits == 2)
    PMeasureUnits(0, 0); // convert to inches 

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