
Gets the number of master pages in the publication, and for each gets its ID and name. (Multiple master pages are new in PageMaker 6.0)

Query results

PGetMasterPageList is a subclass of PListQuery. This query returns a list of master page information. For each master page in the current publication (including Document Master, but not None), it contains:

unsigned long nPageID;

PageMaker internal ID for master page.
const char * sMasterName;
Name of master page.
Page ID stays with page. While the name of a master page may change (if you rename it), its ID remains the same: A master page is independent of its name. If you assign private data to a master page and the page is subsequently renumbered, you can still access the private data using the page ID. (Assigning private data to a master page is one of the few instances where you need the ID of a master page.)


PGetMasterPageList mpList;
if (mpList.Count() > 0) ...

See also

The PGetMasterPage and PGetMasterPageInfo queries

The PDefineMasterPage, PDeleteMasterPage, PMasterPage, PRenameMasterPage, and PSaveAsMasterPage commands

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