
Gets the layer options for a layer specified by name.

This query is new in PageMaker 6.5

Query constructor

PGetLayerOptions(const char * sLayerName);
Specify the name of a layer.

This query is new in PageMaker 6.5

Query results

short bShow;
false for off
true for on
short bLock;
false for off
true for on
short nColorIndex;
Color for object handles to indicate that the object is on this layer.
Predefined ColorColor Index
Black 0
Red 1
Green 2
Blue 3
Yellow 4
Magenta 5
Cyan 6
Gray 7
Light Blue 8
Orange 9
Dark Green 10
Teal 11
Tan 12
Brown 13
Violet 14
Gold 15
Dark Blue 16
Pink 17
Lavender 18
Brick Red 19
Olive Green 20
Peach 21
Burgundy 22
Grace Green 23
Ochre 24
Purple 25
Light Gray 26
Other... pm_customcolorindex, "customcolorindex"
long nRed;
Red value for custom handle color.
long nGreen;
Green value for custom handle color.
long nBlue;
Blue value for custom handle color.

See also

The PAssignLayer, PDeleteLayer, PDeleteUnusedLayers, PLayerOptions, PLockLayers, PMoveLayer, PNewLayer, PPasteRemembers, PSelectLayer, PShowLayers, and PTargetLayer commands

The PGetLayerList, PGetLayerFromID, PGetPasteRemembers, and PGetTargetLayer queries

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