
Gets the names of the master pages associated with the current pages.

Query results

const char * sLeftMaster;
Name of master applied to left or single-sided page (maximum of 31 characters)
"" if current page is right-hand page of a double-sided publication
const char * sRightMaster;
Name of right master-page (maximum of 31 characters)
"" if current page is left-hand page of a double-sided publication or if publication is single sided.
Document Master and None. The PGetMasterPage query returns the prenamed master pages, Document Master and None, but without the brackets ([]) that appear in the palette.

To change the names of the left and right master pages, use the PMasterPage command class.


PGetMasterPage mastPage;
strcpy(leftPg, mastPage.sLeftMaster);
strcpy(rightPg, mastPage.sRightMaster);

See also

The PGetMasterPageInfo and PGetMasterPageList queries

The PDefineMasterPage, PDeleteMasterPage, PRenameMasterPage, and PSaveAsMasterPage commands

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