
Gets the Auto Renumbering setting, the number of publications in the book list, and the name (complete path) of each publication listed.

Query results

PGetBook is a subclass of PListQuery. This query returns a value which indicates the auto renumbering setting for the entire book, followed by a list of book filenames:

short cAutoRenum;

kAutoNone for None (these constants are defined in PKeywords.h)
kAutoNext for Next Page
kAutoNextOdd for Next Odd Page
kAutoNextEven for Next Even Page
For each publication in the book, a C string

const char * fPubName;

Name and path of a publication in the book list. Make sure there is at least one book (PListQuery::Count() > 0) before referencing this field.
Creating a book. To create a new book, use the PBook command class.

Example. This example performs some action on each publication in the book

PGetBook theBook;
short renumOption = theBook.cAutoRenum;
for (short i = theBook.Count(); (i > 0); --i) {

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