
Gets whether the master page is a single page or spread, its margins, the number of columns, and the space between columns.


PGetMasterPageInfo(const char * sMasterName);

const char * sMasterName;

The master page name (maximum of 31 characters).

Query results

PMBool bSpread;
false for one page master
true for two-page master spread
long xLeftOrInside;
Inside (or left) margin in twips
long yTop;
Top margin in twips
long xRghtOrOutsd;
Outside (or right) margin in twips
long yBottom;
Bottom margin in twips
short nColumns;
Number of columns either on single page (if master page is single page) or on left page (if master page is two-page spread)
long xGutter;
Space between columns on single page or on left page of two-page spread in twips
short nColmnRghtPge;
Number of columns on right page of two-page spread
0 if master is single page
long xGutterRghtPg;
Space between columns on right page of two-page spread in twips
0 if master is single page
Document Master. To get information about the Document Master, do not include the brackets that enclose the name in the menu. For example:

PGetMasterPageInfo mpInfo("Document Master");

See also

The PGetMasterPage, PGetMasterPageList queries

The PDefineMasterPage, PDeleteMasterPage, PMasterPage, PRenameMasterPage, and PSaveAsMasterPage commands

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