
Returns the number of printers listed in the Printer option in the Print Document dialog box, and lists each printer name. (On the Macintosh, only one printer is returned. In Windows, several may be returned.)

Query results

PGetPrinterList is a subclass of PListQuery. This query returns a list of printer names.
PGetPrinterList printerList;
for (short i = printerList.Count(); i > 0; --i) {
    cout << (const char *) printerList;

See also

The PGetPaperSizes, PGetPaperSources, PGetPrintCaps, PGetPrintColor, PGetPrintDoc, PGetPrintInk, PGetPrintOptions, PGetPrintOptionsPS, PGetPrintPaperPS, PGetPrintScreens, and PGetPrintTo queries

The PPrintTo command

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