
Gets the print state (printing or non-printing) of the selected objects.

Query results

This query returns a boolean value, indicating whether the selected objects are set to printing (true) or non-printing (false).
Objects must be selected. If no objects are selected (or text is highlighted with the text tool or PTextSelect command) when the query is received, PageMaker returns an error, and the PGetNonPrinting constructor will throw an exception.

Objects with different settings. If the selected objects do not have thesame print state (that is, some print and others do not), PageMaker returns an error, and the PGetNonPrinting constructor will throw an exception.

To change the print state of the selected objects, use the PNonPrinting command class.

PGetNonPrinting nonPrint;
if (nonPrint == false)

See also

The PGetDisplayNonPrinting query

The PDisplayNonPrinting command

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