
These are currently the ideas most often voted for:

TitleRating# Ratings
Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty95%67
Community-Supported Agriculture95%42
Hemp - 'a plant to save the world'?94%87
Fuel from water94%136
Hair removal by laser94%227
Scalp massage for the dying92%54
Auctioning unsold airline tickets92%65
Supporting a person with cancer through illness and death91%56
Green employment agency90%62
Childless By Choice90%82
Improving Western understanding of death90%58
The Natural Death Centre89%44
Improving teaching about death and dying for nurses86%55
Dolphin midwives85%42
Legalising trade in marijuana seeds only85%107
Promoting Self-Esteem85%46
Funeral myths dissected - a quiz85%46
Go camping together before marriage84%86
The Job Society, discussing the future of work83%57
Starvation is a gentle way to go83%50
A shamanic death song82%84
Pre-Marriage Percentage Compatibility Rating Test82%97
Vegetarian diet eases arthritis82%71
Neo-tantric yoga81%69
Children's courts for school bullies81%44
Monks using MDMA as an aid to meditation80%52
Exercising against backache77%52
Flix Club for young girls75%128
Near-Death Experiences and the hyperactive survival drive75%92
Lonely hearts column tip74%50
Female urinals with hoses73%52
Chanting in pregnancy and childbirth70%54
Boyfriend pays $20 deposit for date69%74
Sex education without fuss67%119
Enhanced marriages, families and neighbourhoods through Inte60%42
A ring tattoo to discourage adultery59%148

These are the most highly rated ideas,
regardless of number of ratings:

TitleRating# Ratings
State Dowry feasibility study100%3
480 town halls for London100%2
Returning taxes to the neighbourhood100%2
The UK needs a Workaholics Anonymous100%2
Humanising corporations100%2
Permacamp - a year-round camp site100%1
All classes have a compost bucket100%1
Newsletters during conference sessions100%1
Neighbourhood Salons100%1
26 regions for South Africa100%1
How are the Institute's forecasts for the nineties getting o100%1
The Pet Fostering Service Scotland100%1
What rights should local areas have?100%1
The Body Shop Department of Social Inventions100%1
The Business Network100%1
Making bureaucracy pay for delays100%1
Devolution in Italy and the Nordic countries100%1
Wildlife areas around hospitals100%1
The emotional lives of animals99%11
Green job options98%9
Sustrans' 5,000 miles of cycle paths98%38
Self-reliance initiatives encyclopedia98%6
Golan Heights Peace Park98%5
Mouth organs for every child98%5
The Network for Social Change98%5
The Gyrotron - a human-sized gyroscope97%13
Nature reserves with homes for the retired97%8
Sholver Rangers97%8
Gold medals for caring for old parents97%4
Auction of Promises: how to raise L16,000 in one evening97%4
Magic Me97%4
The Apprentice-Master Alliance - progress report97%4
Microwaving waste less polluting than incineration97%14
Rights for Swedish animals97%7
Community Economics97%7
Car-free tax allowance97%7
Curitiba and its visionary mayor97%20
Virtual play for ill children97%10
Village Aid96%6