
Yvonne Malik

Tape sounds - of the dawn chorus, lambs, swallows, the sea, wind in the trees, waterfalls, milk bottles, handbells; bunches of - hawthorn, bluebells, mints and herbs, cut hay; the feel of - pussy willow, feathers, autumn leaves, chestnuts still in their spiky jackets, candied peel, etc. A 'sensorium' with these components could bring a reminder of the seasons to those confined to the sameness of long-stay hospitals and retirement homes and could be of help in a hospice. The idea could be adapted by individual families or small groups, who would make their own choices with particular persons or circumstances in mind. The senses, particularly those of sound and smell, and to a lesser extent those of touch and taste, would help bring the flavour of the changing seasons. Perhaps a local museum could join in and add things from past hobbies and pastimes, objects which could be borrowed and hand-held.

'The flavour of the changing seasons'

Yvonne Malik, 145 Walker Street, Rhodes, Near Middleton, Manchester M24 4QF (tel 061 643 1461).

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