Returning taxes to the neighbourhood

David Wallechinsky

Adapted extract from 'The People's Almanac No. 2', edited by David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, published by Bantam Books, New York, 1978.

We often hear it said that a major problem today is that the people don't trust their leaders. But I believe that the opposite is true. The real hindrance to democracy is that the leaders don't trust the people. In the interest of purifying our democracy and restoring its egalitarian ideals, I propose a $25 billion tax rebate. And I further propose that this large sum be returned in the following manner:

(1) The entire nation shall be divided into districts of 1,000 people each, the divisions being made by an impartial com-puter.

'Each district of 1,000 people shall receive $100,000 to do with as it sees fit'

(2) Each district shall receive $100,000 to do with as it sees fit.

(3) A period of time shall be designated for free discussion of any and all proposals for using the money.

(4) On a specified date, an open meeting shall be held in each district to discuss and vote on what to do with the $100,000.

Here is a list of some of the possibilities:

(1) Fund a small business, employing local people and bringing continuing money into the community.

(2) Put the money in banks and use the interest to have an annual party.

(3) Join with other districts for larger projects.

(4) Buy a retreat in the country, community centre, park, orchard and garden, or library.

(5) Create scholarships to send local students to college.

I have spent many, many hours thinking about this proposal and would be glad to talk about it with anybody who is interested.

David Wallechinsky, 310-25th St, Santa Monica, California 90402, USA.

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