Sholver Rangers

Sholver Rangers was founded in 1985 by an unemployed ambulanceman, Martyn Atkinson. Situated on a run-down council housing estate on the windswept Pennine hills above Oldham in Lancashire, the Sholver Rangers began as a group of young people intent on improving their environment, cutting vandalism and relieving boredom. The youngsters set about creating a nature reserve on 9 acres of land on the western edge of the estate - land provided, along with two adjoining council houses, on a peppercorn rent from the council.

The land was badly tipped and an estimated 30 tons of rubbish was removed. To date, 60,000 indigenous trees and shrubs have been planted, along with an abundance of wild flowers. A path has been laid, designed for use by disabled members of the community, the Royal Engineers have dug a pond and built a sports pitch, and others have helped to create sculptures, a boardwalk and a bird hide. Other activities enjoyed by the youngsters include archery, canoeing, orienteering and travel as far afield as Bostwana.

A number of similar projects have been set up in Oldham, Leeds and Merseyside, and, under the aegis of the Rangers Foundation for Youth and Community in the Environment, it is intended to spread across the UK and into Europe by the year 2000.

Martyn Atkinson, Rangers Foundation for Youth and Community in the Environment, The Fulwood Centre, Rembrandt Walk, Oldham OL1 4PH, Lancashire (tel 0706 840289).

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