Flix Club for young girls

This was one of the prize winners in the Swedish Institute for Social Inventions' competition.

'13-20 year olds in Stockholm who got into bad company and habits, in 1989 formed a club to keep themselves and others out of danger'

13-20 year olds in Stockholm who got into bad company and habits, in 1989 formed a club to keep themselves and others out of danger. They've organised make-up evenings, ski trips, and rafting; and they've cooked, sewn, ridden, body-built and video-viewed together. They meet twice a week and also patrol the streets with social workers, and visit schools. They have inspired several other such clubs in Sweden.

Flix, Olof Palmes gata 27, S-111 22 Stockholm, Sweden (tel 46 8796 9699).

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