The Business Network

The Business Network aims to foster a new holistic approach to business and to bring ecological and spiritual values into business life. Its co-founder, Edward Posey, quotes Einstein on the need to 'widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of Nature in all her beauty.' The Business Network, which has a membership of 350, draws in people from a wide range of business ventures.

'The need to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of Nature in all her beauty'

There are newsletters twice a year and stimulating monthly meetings and meals in Central London to discuss 'holistic business' ideas. Guest speakers have included Paul Ekins, author of 'The Living Economy', Jose Lutzenberger, a Right Livelihood Award winner, and Willis Harman, founder of the World Business Academy.

Since the Network's launch in 1982, several special interest groups and projects have formed from it, the latest being the Computing Group, exploring the possibility of setting up projects in computing and information technology. The Gaia Foundation, which works internationally to develop mutual relations with projects and people in the South, leading to partnership with people in the North, arose out of a Business Network special interest group.

The Business Network, Room 1126, Trafalgar House, Grenville Place, Mill Hill, London NW7 3SA (tel 081 959 3611 Tues/Thurs; fax 081 906 1700). Membership costs L35 a year, although 'nobody is turned away for lack of funds.' For information and the current programme, send an SAE.

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