Auction of Promises: how to raise 16,000 Pounds in one evening

Kara Conti

The following concerns an auction of services which on two occasions has raised over L16,000 for King Alfred School, London NW11, and which could be copied by other schools, by churches or by any community groups with a strong local following.

Well it worked a treat! Just like they said it would. When Maria Fforde, King Alfred School parent of many years, left the school, she bequeathed to us a large brown envelope of correspondence on the subject of school auctions in America - on how they were run and how phenomenally successful they were. The material sat about on our files. 1987 was the year it bore fruit.

'An auction of services and goods promised by parents - each one a literally price-less item not normally available to be purchased. The idea captured everyone's imagination'

The result was an auction of services and goods promised by parents - each one a literally price-less item not normally available to be purchased. To our delight, we found that an enthusiastic auction committee and a hard-working parent-staff network were able to whip up 222 lots to auction in a couple of months.

'In-house solicitation' our American friends called it. The response from parents was amazing. The idea captured everyone's imagination. Parents were able to offer what came easy to them and cost virtually nothing, giving others the opportunity to make unique purchases, with the school getting all the cash.

A chance lift resulted in our finding our very own parent auctioneer, Roger Keverne, and quite wonderful he was. Four and a quarter hours he sat there and never lost his voice or temper and never went to the loo!

By the end of the first quarter hour we had made over L1,000, by one hour L3,000, by two hours L7,000 and so it went on. We could not believe our eyes and ears. Committee members stood around with inane smiles all over their faces. So all right, it went on a long time, but there were still over two hundred people there at midnight. Towards the end, huge sums were still being reached, for example L660 for a week in a French farmhouse, L400 for a box for six at Tottenham Football Club with lunch.

Our final sums show that, after costs are deducted, we have made L16,000. Not bad, eh?

Kara Conti, c/o King Alfred School, North End Road, London NW11 (tel 081 455 9601).

In-House Solicitation

Ed: Here is some information from the large brown envelope from America mentioned above.

In-House Solicitation: Call up every parent. Make some specific and imaginative suggestions as to possible offers. Some of the best sellers are holiday homes, sports tickets, autographed equipment, dinners at luxury restaurants, meals made by parents, party entertainment (clowns, magicians), and things like bikes, handmade clothes and doll's houses.

For the King Alfred School Auction they produced a Receipt Form noting the donated item and the donor's name, address and telephone number; and a Purchase Slip confirming to the purchaser what had been got and how to contact the donor. With hindsight, they wish they had produced a third form to tell the donor about the purchase (or that the item remained unsold).

222 lots for auction

King Alfred School printed a 44 page A5 booklet describing the 222 lots for auction. Here, to stir your imagination in case you should contemplate holding a similar auction, are some examples.

- Lot 23, a tea party for twenty in a large garden complete with musical interlude by professional classical guitarist.
- 33, a gourmet continental breakfast with a selection of coffees and/or tea and continental papers on a Sunday, served at your home.
- 36, novelty birthday cake made to buyer's specification.
- 67, a day in an artist's studio, materials and model supplied.
- 95, seamstress will make any article of clothing for you if you provide the material and pattern.
- 103, bathing and grooming of your dog, large or small.
- 107, a valuation of your antique furniture by an expert.
- 109, the use of a word processor to type thesis or small manuscript.
- 110, textile repair for up to four hours (textiles, tapestries, embroideries, etc).
- 113, three hours' gardening.
- 115, solicitors will convey your property (sale or purchase).
- 121, a logo/letterhead design for a small business, ideas, designs, artwork and typesetting.
- 123, four hours of biodynamic massage.
- 128, two year course of psychoanalysis.
- 137, a day's micro-computer consultancy.
- 138, eight Latin lessons.
- 139, five hours' pottery tuition.
- 142, one hour's skating instruction.
- 159, a day out in a Rolls Royce with a chauffeur.
- 161, tea for two at the House of Lords.
- 164, a visit for two around a newspaper office.
- 183, a holiday farmhouse near Montelimar, France.
- 196, a weekend for up to eight in a Peak District cottage.
- 199, a fortnight's daily house visiting to care for your plants or pets whilst you are away on holiday.
- 201, a weekend sailing on a 33 foot yacht with a qualified skipper.
- 207, a half hour flying lesson.
- 209, one day's fly fishing.
- 213, acting audition or interview coaching.
- 214, a speech written for any occasion by a comedy scriptwriter.

Other useful titbits of information from the booklet's introduction:

- Entrance L2-50, viewing from 6 to 8pm, live auction 8pm, buffet and bar throughout. Sealed bids from those unable to attend will be received at the school offices up until (two days before).
- From the General Rules: TThe school makes no warrants or representation of any kind with respect to any items or service sold. Please inspect where possible.
- All items must be paid for in full before the buyer's departure for the evening.
- Unless otherwise specified, all auctioned services must be used within one year after the auction and dates and times are to be arranged between the buyer and donor at their mutual convenience.

A detailed booklet, 'Auction of Promises', on how to run these auctions, is available for L1-95 (incl. p&p) from the Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 208 2853).

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