Scalp massage for the dying

Margaret Ryder

Last year a friend of mine died of cancer. She found it very difficult to open up or to ask for much. I offered to give her scalp massage. She loved it. She said it made her feel wonderful and I did it for her for many of her last days. It made her feel relaxed and cared for and sometimes she talked easily and personally - although I never pushed her to.

It was wonderful for me to have something to offer which she really wanted.

I think this idea could be valuable for other people. I did in fact go by invitation to a hospice where I demonstrated head massage to staff. They all loved it and decided firstly, to do it for one another; secondly, to help visitors to do it where they and the patients liked the idea; and thirdly, to help patients who wanted to do it for one another.

Some of the merits of the idea, in addition to those I have mentioned, are that patients do not have to undress, which would be a barrier for some. At the hospice I showed them head, neck, face and shoulder massage. Different people like all or some of these. Only a very few do not like any. This massage offers an easy way to have loving physical contact. It gives the patient a relaxing time and I suspect that many will find it a good time to talk: relaxed, loved, but not always looked at. (Some people, as a parallel example, will talk on a car journey where they have company but are not looked at.) It is easy to do once they have had it explained or (better) shown to them.

I have seen so many people sitting next to a dying person having run out of things to do, say or offer, and I feel that this idea might mean a lot to many people.

Margaret Ryder, c/o the Natural Death Centre, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 452 6434).

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